Chorus tips

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Some Axe FX chorus tricks

  1. Two 180' choruses, one with both channels panned left, the other with both panned right
  2. A 180' choruses wide, another summed to center
  3. Two 180' choruses, all wet, in parallel with the dry, one full wide panned, the other (faster rate) at +/-30'
  4. A 90' chorus, summed, into a 180' chorus, wide.
  5. 4 voices running off one LFO: -180, -90, 90, 180, spread pans
  6. +6 cents / -6 cents, 100% wet, respectively into the 2 voices of a chorus
  7. 4 voices, 4ms, 100% wet,
  8. Chorus before studio compressor
  9. Flanger as chorus, delay time 0, dry delay .512ms, phase invert at least one voice
  10. Phase invert R on the DRY signal only

(courtesy of Matman)