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Ring Modulator block

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Ring Modulator block

Axe-Fx III: 1 block, 2 channels
FM9: 1 block, 2 channels
FM3: 1 block, 2 channels
VP4: 2 blocks, 2 channels

Axe-Fx II: 1 block, no X/Y
AX8: 1 block, no X/Y
FX8: 1 block, no X/Y

About ring modulators

A ring modulator produces the sum and difference of frequencies in multiple waveforms. This often results in 'robotic' sounds.

See Wikipedia's Ring modulation article for more information.


[1] I absolutely hate ring modulators so I was determined to make one that could actually be used in a musical context rather than making robot noises.

Ring Modulator types

The Ring Modulator block has three types:

  • Classic
  • SSB Upper
  • SSB Lower

SSB Upper and SSB Lower select the upper and lower sidebands of the modulation.

Ringmod block.png

Tips, tricks and troubleshooting

Factory presets

The Ring Modulator block is present in a few factory presets. Search the Factory presets page for ring.

Octaver effect

The Ring Modulator works great as an Octaver by adding a low octave:

  1. Enable Pitch Tracking
  2. Set FREQ MULTIPLIER to 0.500

With Pitch tracking enabled, the frequency of the oscillator tracks the pitch of the notes on the fretboard. This works specially great with lower octaves.

For even more funky business, add a Phaser or an Auto-Wah effect.

Add a fuzz after the Ring Modulator to create a filthy and fuzzy low octave.


[2] I've improved the Octave Divider quite dramatically. In my research, however, I discovered a better way to achieve this effect, IMO. Use the Ring Modulator. Set Track to On and FMULT to 0.5. Adjust Locut and Mix to taste. The only drawback is that it's only one octave but it tracks way better than any analog technique.

Tremolo effect

See Ring Modulator as a tremolo for more information.

Phaser / Uni-vibe effect

You can also use the Ring Modulator as a phaser or uni-vibe.

Pedal control

Attach a pedal to the FREQ parameter to create a special effect.

Multitap Delay

The Multitap Delay block can apply ring modulation to delay trails.
