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Resonator block

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Resonator block

Axe-Fx III: 2 blocks, 2 channels
FM9: 2 blocks, 2 channels
FM3: 2 blocks, 2 channels
VP4: 4 blocks, 4 channels

Axe-Fx II: 1 block, no X/Y
AX8: n/a
FX8: n/a

About the Resonator block

The block resonates specific frequencies. This can be used, for example, to produce the sound chamber of an acoustic instrument and in general add some realism to sounds.

Resonator block.png

Tips, tricks and troubleshooting

Factory presets

The Resonator block block is present in a few factory presets. Search the Factory presets page for resonator.

No Global blocks

The Resonator block doesn't support Global blocks.

Use for flanging and phasing

The Resonator can be a substitute for a flanger of phaser. Check this factory preset: SWEEP RESONATOR.


The Resonator block is basically a type of fixed flanger. Well, four of them in parallel actually.

