Read the Owners Manual first!
About spillover
Spillover refers to the ability to keep the trails of the delay or reverb intact after switching the effect off or switching presets, scenes or channels.
All Fractal Audio devices support spillover under certain conditions as explained in the Owners Manuals.
The Compander in Delay blocks may impact spillover behavior. Read Compander
for more information.
Spillover between presets
Spillover between presets is enabled or disabled in the Setup menu. It requires additional steps to make it work, as explained in the Owners manuals. The setting in the menu applies to switching between PRESETS only, not switching scenes or channels, or bypassing blocks.
[1] Global spillover settings only apply to preset changes. Spillover between scenes is, in general, desirable and controlled by the bypass mode and state of the various blocks.
Turn off Spillover in the Setup menu if you prefer silent
switching between presets.
If you use the Mix and Level parameters to dial in the desired effects level, the volume level of the reverb and/or delay trails may change when switching presets. This can be prevented by keeping Mix and Level at fixed values, and using Input Gain to set the desired effects level.
The Multitap Delay block, Ten-Tap Delay block, Plex Delay block and Megatap Delay block also support spillover between presets in current firmware.
True independent spillover is not supported because it would require twice the processing power.
Spillover and gapless preset switching on FM3 and FM9
To enable gapless switching between presets on the FM9 and FM3, Spillover MUST be to set to ALL.
Read Gapless Changes
for more information.
Spillover between scenes and channels
The Spillover setting in the Setup menu doesn't apply to spillover when turning off effects or switching scenes or channels. Delay and Reverb trails always ring out when switching scenes, depending on the effect block's Bypass Mode setting, see below. This is inherent to the way scenes work. When it comes to spillover, scenes work better than presets and are easier to set up.
Spillover can be affected when switching between the channels of an effect, if drastically different algorithms exist between the two states. For example, if one scene has a Digital Delay and the next scene uses a Tape Delay, spillover will probably not function correctly as these modes use different algorithms.
Scene controllers allow more control over what happens with the sound when changing scenes.
[2] Spillover is in there but the "right" way to do it is to use scenes. If you stay within a preset and use channels and scenes the spillover is perfect.
Spillover when switching off an effect
The Bypass mode of an effect block determines whether the reverb or delay trails ring out after turning off the effect, or get muted.
Spillover and Looper
The Spillover parameter determines if a running Looper survives preset switching.
To survive preset switching, both presets must contain the Looper, set to the same mode.