- 4.1 Where can I download the latest firmware
- 4.2 How do I update the firmware
- 4.3 Do I need to update the presets after updating the firmware
- 4.4 How do I reset the unit
- 4.5 Which programming language is used to code the firmware
- 4.6 What happens if Bypass is on
- 4.7 How do backup and restore work
- 4.8 Does it have a memory slot
- 4.9 Is it bad to switch the power off just like that
- 5.1 How do I connect my guitar
- 5.2 How do I connect a wireless receiver
- 5.3 How do I set it up for two instruments with separate signal routings
- 5.4 How do I set the input level(s)
- 5.5 How do I use it as an external effects processor
- 5.6 How do I use the onboard effects loop (Input 2)
- 5.7 Can I connect a music player
- 5.8 How do I get my guitar to feedback
- 6.1 How do I get sound from it (basics)
- 6.2 How do I use it with FR amplification
- 6.3 How do I connect it to a mixer
- 6.4 How do I use it with my own preamp or amplifier (4CM)
- 6.5 How do I use it with my own power amp and speaker cabinet
- 6.6 How do I get mono or stereo output
- 6.7 How do I use the onboard effects loop (Output 2)
- 6.8 How do I set up two separate output feeds
- 6.9 How do I set the output levels and avoid clipping
- 6.10 How do I adjust the overall tone and volume level
- 6.11 How to make my tone cut better through the mix
- 6.12 How does it obtain unity gain
- 6.13 How do the HumBuster outputs work
- 6.14 How do I adjust the headphones level
- 6.15 How do I mute the signal when using the Tuner
- 6.16 How do I deal with noise
- 7.1 How many presets can I use
- 7.2 Can I load Standard and Ultra presets
- 7.3 How does the DSP load compare to the Ultra
- 7.4 How do I prevent overloading the DSPs
- 7.5 Can I print the settings of presets
- 7.6 How do I keep my presets organized
- 7.7 How do I use the presets of other users
- 7.8 Does it have a Compare function for presets or effect blocks
- 7.9 How do I use the Quick Control knobs
- 7.10 What's the DIR tab on the main preset screen for
- 7.11 What's the EFFECT tab on the main preset screen for
- 7.12 How does Input Impedance work
- 7.13 What are Global Blocks
- 7.14 How do I edit presets on the computer
- 7.15 How do I create a new preset
- 7.16 How do I make editing easier and faster
- 7.17 How do I use settings from other presets
- 7.18 How do I reset an effect to its defaults
- 7.19 How do I insert more than 12 effects in a preset
- 7.20 How do I add an effect to a preset
- 7.21 What's the advantage of putting an effect in a parallel row
- 7.22 How do I put effects before and after my own preamp or amplifier
- 7.23 What do I need to know about running an effect in mono or stereo
- 7.24 What's the correct Bypass Mode for an effect
- 7.25 How do I correcly set the level of an effect
- 7.26 How do I avoid output clipping
- 7.27 How do I globally control the Bypass Mode of an effect block
- 7.28 How do I insert an external pedal or effect device into my routing
- 8.1 How fast does it switch between presets
- 8.2 Does it support spillover of delay trails and reverb between presets
- 8.3 How do I use a Master Bypass switch
- 8.4 Can I adjust the levels of presets during play
- 8.5 How do I boost the signal for leads
- 8.6 How do I switch between amps in a preset
- 8.7 How do I adjust effect settings globally to the room
- 8.8 How do I crossfade between effects
- 8.9 How does the X/Y function work
- 9.1 How many amp models can it hold
- 9.2 Can I rename the amp types
- 9.3 How much DSP-capacity does an amp block require
- 9.4 Does the amp modeling differ from Standard/Ultra
- 9.5 How do I know which cab type to use with an amp
- 9.6 Where is the 8-band EQ positioned in the Amp block
- 9.7 What are Global Amps
- 9.8 Do amps still have negative presence
- 9.9 Can I split the preamp and poweramp
- 9.10 Are all amp parameters assignable to MIDI controllers
- 9.11 How do I dial in an amp
- 9.12 How do I set the Drive and Master controls
- 9.13 How do I use the Tonestack
- 9.14 How do I use the Boost switch
- 9.15 How do I use the Bright switch
- 9.16 How do I use Presence
- 9.17 How does Input Trim work
- 9.18 What do I need to know about the advanced parameters
- 9.19 How do I add gain to the amp
- 9.20 What about Standard/Ultra amp types that are not in the list (yet)
- 9.21 Which amps are modeled
- 9.21.1 59 BASSGUY
- 9.21.2 65 BASSGUY
- 9.21.4 DELUXE VERB
- 9.21.5 DOUBLE VERB
- 9.21.6 JR BLUES
- 9.21.7 CLASS-A 15W TB
- 9.21.8 CLASS-A 30W
- 9.21.9 CLASS-A 30W TB
- 9.21.10 BRIT JM45
- 9.21.12 1987X NORMAL / TREBLE
- 9.21.13 BRIT 800
- 9.21.14 BRIT 800 MOD
- 9.21.16 USA CLEAN 1
- 9.21.17 USA CLEAN 2
- 9.21.18 USA RHY 1
- 9.21.19 USA IIC+ NORM / BRIGHT
- 9.21.20 USA LEAD 1 / LEAD 2
- 9.21.21 RECTO ORANGE / RED
- 9.21.23 EURO BLUE / RED
- 9.21.24 SHIVER CLN / LEAD
- 9.21.25 EURO UBER
- 9.21.26 SOLO 99 CLN
- 9.21.27 SOLO 100 RHY / LD
- 9.21.28 FRIEDMAN BE / HBE
- 9.21.29 PVH 6160
- 9.21.30 MR Z 38 Sr
- 9.21.31 CA3+ RHY / LD
- 9.21.32 WRECKER 1
- 9.21.33 CORNCOB M50
- 9.21.34 CAROLANN Od-2
- 9.21.35 FRYETTE D60 L / M
- 9.21.36 BROWN
- 9.21.37 CITRUS RV50
- 9.21.38 JAZZ 120
- 9.21.39 ENERGYBALL
- 9.21.40 ODS-100 CLEAN / LEAD
- 9.21.41 FAS RHYTHM
- 9.21.42 FAS LEAD 1
- 9.21.43 FAS LEAD 2
- 9.21.44 FAS MODERN
- 9.21.45 DAS METALL
- 9.21.46 BRIT PRE
- 9.21.47 BUTTERY
- 9.21.48 SV BASS
- 9.21.49 CAMERON MED
- 10.1 How many cab slots does it have
- 10.2 Which new parameters are added to the cab block
- 10.3 What are 2048-point IRs good for
- 10.4 Where do I find 3rd-party IRs
- 10.5 Where is the Drive parameter in the cab block
- 10.6 Does it have a cab type for acoustic guitar
- 10.7 How do I manage the user cab slots
- 10.8 Can I rename cabs in the user cab slots
- 10.9 Can I make it sound more like an amp in the room
- 10.10 Why are two cab blocks louder than a single one
- 10.11 Where should I put the cab block in my presets
- 10.12 Which microphone sim should I use
- 10.13 What's the difference between HiRes, LoRes and Stereo cabinets
- 10.14 What's the AIR parameter for
- 10.15 How do I know which cab type to use with an amp
- 10.16 What are the factory (stock) cab types
- 11.1 About Global EQ
- 11.2 About CHORUS
- 11.3 About COMPRESSOR
- 11.4 About CROSSOVER
- 11.5 About DELAY
- 11.6 About DRIVE
- 11.7 About EFFECTS LOOP (FXL)
- 11.8 About ENHANCER
- 11.10 About FILTER
- 11.11 About FLANGER
- 11.12 About FORMANT
- 11.13 About GATE/EXPANDER
- 11.14 About GRAPHIC EQ
- 11.15 About LOOPER
- 11.16 About MEGATAP DELAY
- 11.17 About MIXER
- 11.19 About MULTI-DELAY
- 11.20 About TREMOLO/PANNER
- 11.21 About PARAMETRIC EQ
- 11.22 About PHASER
- 11.23 About PITCH
- 11.24 About QUAD-CHORUS
- 11.25 About RESONATOR
- 11.26 About REVERB
- 11.27 About RING MODULATOR
- 11.28 About ROTARY CABINET
- 11.29 About SYNTH
- 11.30 About VOCODER
- 11.31 About VOLUME/PAN
- 11.32 About WAH
- 12.1 Does it have a (Uni)Vibe effect
- 12.2 Does it have a Detune effect
- 12.3 Does it have an Envelope Filter (Autowah) effect
- 12.4 Does it have a Freeze or Hold effect
- 12.5 How can I obtain feedback/sustain at any level
- 12.6 Does it have a Bit Crusher effect
- 12.7 How do I create an automated "dive bomb"
- 12.8 How do I integrate my talk box
- 12.9 How do I create the Vibrato effect
- 12.10 How do I emulate a violin
- 12.11 How do I get automatic volume swells
- 12.12 How should I set up a preset for my acoustic guitar
- 12.13 How do I create space(ship) and lasergun sounds
- 12.14 How do I create a flute sound
- 12.15 How do I create an organ sound
- 12.16 How do I create a "shimmer" effect
- 12.17 How do I emulate an E-Bow (infinite sustain)
- 12.18 How do I to create the sound of the wind
- 12.19 How do I emulate a sitar and/or tampura
- 12.20 What's a good way to simulate a drop-tuned guitar
- 12.21 How do I create a siren
- 12.22 How do I automate double-tracking (ADT)
- 14.1 Where do I find tips and tricks for the Fractal Audio MFC-101
- 14.2 Can I use the Quick Control knobs as pedals
- 14.3 What's the purpose of the Rj45 port
- 14.4 Does it support a future MFC-101 expansion unit
- 14.5 How many pedals can be connected directly
- 14.6 How do I configure settings for MIDI communication
- 14.7 How do I solve issues with MIDI communication
- 14.8 What are the MIDI CCs and what do they control
- 14.9 Which MIDI foot controllers can I use
- 14.10 Can my MIDI foot controller display the tuner
- 14.11 Can I use phantom power over a MIDI cable to power my MIDI foot controller
- 14.12 How do I access presets 128 and higher (Banks B and C) with my MIDI foot controller
- 14.13 How do I switch effects on and off with my MIDI foot controller
- 14.14 How do I activate the tuner with my MIDI foot controller
- 14.15 Which expression pedal(s) can I use
- 14.16 How do I configure my expression pedal
- 14.17 How do I configure an external switch
- 14.18 My expression pedal stutters, how do I solve this
- 14.19 How do I turn my expression pedal into a wah
- 14.20 How do I activate an effect automatically by moving my expression pedal
- 14.21 How do I use a single pedal to control different effects without switching presets (dual-function pedal)
- 14.22 How do I control the bypass state of an effect block globally
- 14.23 How do I reset my expression pedal when switching presets
- 14.24 What's the best way to mute the delay with my expression pedal or external switch
- 14.25 How do I use my expression pedal or external switch to boost the signal level
- 15 Axe Fx II SysEx Information
- 16 End of FAQ
This is a FAQ for the Fractal Audio Axe-Fx (AFXII) II. I copied content from forum messages by Fractal Audio, Fractal forum administrators/moderators and other experienced users (Matman, Javajunkie, Bakerman, Jay Mitchell, Scott Peterson, Don Petersen, Rex, GuitarDojo etc.) and added missing stuff.
This FAQ is not officially supported by Fractal Audio.
Note: THIS FAQ IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Its content is being migrated to a new Wiki. The official Axe-Fx II manual, created by Matman, is available now.
How does the unit show up in a DAW
As a 3-In, 2-Out device. Source
How do I use it for reamping
The 3rd and 4th channels on the USB stream from AFXII to the computer contain the raw data from the Instrument Input. This can be mono or stereo. You record this. You then play this track back into the AFXII and set Input Source to USB. Then tweak until you get the sound you want. When you are happy, record the first two channels which are the processed audio. You can save the raw tracks if you want to go back later and reamp the track again. Source1 Source2
The dry signal level is fixed, and for good reason. When you send that signal back in it is the same as the original signal sent to the grid. This means you don't have to adjust anything when reamping. You simply send the signal back. Source
Where can I download Axe-Edit
Can I use Axe-Edit and the MFC-101 simultaneously
Yes. There's no need (anymore) to use a MIDI Merger.
Where do I find information about the upcoming Axe-Edit 1.0 release
Where can I download the latest firmware
How do I update the firmware
- You can update it over USB. Source
- Manual page ...
Do I need to update the presets after updating the firmware
Only if instructed so in the firmware release notes.
How do I reset the unit
- Manual page ...
Which programming language is used to code the firmware
C and assembly. Source
What happens if Bypass is on
After A/D conversion the signal is routed directly to the D/A converters. Inbetween there's no signal processing. It's like a row of just shunts.
How do backup and restore work
- Manual page ...
- The AFXII also contains onboard ROM backup memory to save and restore.
Does it have a memory slot
Is it bad to switch the power off just like that
Use the front panel knob to switch the unit on or off. Or disconnect the power. As often as you want, it doesn't hurt. Just remember to store your preset changes first, it saves all other changes automatically.
How do I connect my guitar
- The front panel input uses a proprietary circuit and dedicated A/D converter for low noise. Always use the front input for guitar, whether wired or wireless. Source
- The front input does not disable the rear input (different from Standard/Ultra). Use the menu to select either the front or the rear for Input 1. You can leave everything plugged in. Source
- The front input impedance is 1 Mohm, or less if Input Impdance is adjusted.
- All rear analog inputs are balanced like the onboard XLR outputs. The inputs detect whether the incoming signal is balanced or not.
- Do not use speaker cable to connect to the 1/4" inputs.
How do I connect a wireless receiver
The same way as with your guitar: to the front input, to take advantage of the front input's "special sauce" for noise reduction. The rear inputs (both 1 and 2) operate at line level, the front input operates at instrument level.
How do I set it up for two instruments with separate signal routings
How do I set the input level(s)
Instead of knobs on the front panel, there are soft Input knobs in the I/O menu. The input levels are controlled via digitally-controlled potentiometer. These work globally, not per preset. The setting doesn't affect the input gain of the Amp and Drive blocks. Source1 Source2
How do I use it as an external effects processor
How do I use the onboard effects loop (Input 2)
Can I connect a music player
Yes, connect the player to the USB slot. The signal will be mixed into the output signal. Adjust the volume on the player. Source
How do I get my guitar to feedback
How do I get sound from it (basics)
How do I use it with FR amplification
(tube / ss poweramp)
How do I connect it to a mixer
How do I use it with my own preamp or amplifier (4CM)
The AFXII supports unity gain when settings things up for 4CM: Four Cable Method. To obtain unity gain turn both Output knobs on the front panel fully up. Source
How do I use it with my own power amp and speaker cabinet
How do I get mono or stereo output
How do I use the onboard effects loop (Output 2)
How do I set up two separate output feeds
- FR
- speaker cabinet
How do I set the output levels and avoid clipping
- The XLR outputs are line-level. Source
How do I adjust the overall tone and volume level
How to make my tone cut better through the mix
How does it obtain unity gain
The AFXII has digitally controlled potentiometers before and after the A/D and D/A converters. Therefore it knows what the input and output gains are. It compensates for these gains in the digital path. This allows "unity gain processing". If you set the Output Level knob to maximum you will get out what you put in (assuming the blocks have no gain). So if you were to make a preset with shunts from input to output and you put a 1V signal into the unit you would get 1V out. Source
How do the HumBuster outputs work
- The 1/4" outputs have a "remote ground sense" feature. You take a TRS cable and on one end you put a TRS plug and on the other end you put a regular TS plug. On the TS end you tie the ring conductor to ground. Plug the TRS end into the Axe-Fx II. The ground noise of the attached equipment is sensed and added to the output signal thereby cancelling the common-mode noise (hum). This is especially useful when doing the 4CM since that's when you usually get the worst ground loops. Source
- Manual page ...
How do I adjust the headphones level
Use the Output 1 knob. Source
How do I mute the signal when using the Tuner
How do I deal with noise
See Noise Gate.
How many presets can I use
Can I load Standard and Ultra presets
How does the DSP load compare to the Ultra
A patch that uses 94% of the DSP on an Ultra will use around 70% on the AFXII. Source
How do I prevent overloading the DSPs
- Manual page ...
Can I print the settings of presets
How do I keep my presets organized
How do I use the presets of other users
- Manual page ...
Does it have a Compare function for presets or effect blocks
No(t) yet. Source Alternatively you can set up two presets, use the X/Y function or use Axe-Edit's Snapshot to compare.
How do I use the Quick Control knobs
- You can use them to quickly scroll through presets instead of using the Value Wheel. Source
- They can be assigned to any modifiable parameter per patch. Source
- Or configure them to function as controllers. Source1 Source2
What's the DIR tab on the main preset screen for
It lists preset names and numbers for quick recall. Source
What's the EFFECT tab on the main preset screen for
How does Input Impedance work
It is a parameter in the layout menu that affects a hardware switch. It can be set to automatic (detects the appropriate setting based on your first effect) or you can set it manually. Source Its range is 70k - 1Meg. Source The input impedance is selectable from a dozen or so values. It is done right at the instrument input using analog switches. Source It changes based on the amp model, however amps are always 1 Meg. If the first active effect is a Drive, for example, the impedance will change based on the Drive model. Source It can be saved per preset. Source The impedance feature will only have an audible effect if you are plugging your guitar directly in. It operates by loading down the guitar's pickups. If you have anything buffering the guitar then you won't be loading the pickups. Source
The amps are all 1Meg but if there's an active effect before the amp and it's default impedance is lower the input impedance will switch to that (if configured to "auto"). __________________
What are Global Blocks
- An effect block can be saved as a Global Block. It then can be linked to from other presets, just like Global Amps. A change to the "master" will affect all linked blocks.
- Manual page ...
How do I edit presets on the computer
Use Axe-Edit.
How do I create a new preset
How do I make editing easier and faster
- Manual page ...
How do I use settings from other presets
- Manual page ...
How do I reset an effect to its defaults
- Manual page ...
How do I insert more than 12 effects in a preset
- Manual page ...
How do I add an effect to a preset
- Manual page ...
What's the advantage of putting an effect in a parallel row
How do I put effects before and after my own preamp or amplifier
What do I need to know about running an effect in mono or stereo
- Manual page ...
What's the correct Bypass Mode for an effect
- Manual page ...
How do I correcly set the level of an effect
How do I avoid output clipping
- Manual page ...
How do I globally control the Bypass Mode of an effect block
- Manual page ...
How do I insert an external pedal or effect device into my routing
How fast does it switch between presets
About 20ms.
Does it support spillover of delay trails and reverb between presets
- Yes, in the same way as the 1st-generation units.
- Manual page ...
How do I use a Master Bypass switch
Can I adjust the levels of presets during play
- Manual page ...
How do I boost the signal for leads
How do I switch between amps in a preset
How do I adjust effect settings globally to the room
- Manual page ...
How do I crossfade between effects
How does the X/Y function work
- You can set up certain effect blocks to switch between two sets of parameters. For example, with Amp blocks you can have 4 configured amps per preset, of which two can be active. Then use the X/Y knob on the front panel, or an IA switch (toggle) on a MIDI foot controller, to switch between the sets. This essentially doubles the number of those blocks within a preset. X and Y can be the same type of effect, say a RAT drive, but with different parameters. There's no transition between the two. Switching occurs at block level using a MID CC, not on preset level. Source1 Source2 Source3 Source4 Source5 Source6
- Cliff: "The idea behind X/Y is that people often have multiple distortion/chorus/delay/etc. pedals on their board but they rarely have more than one on at a time. So rather than creating more instances of effects, which sucks up CPU, have each instance capable of more than one sound." Source
- X/Y switching is nearly instantaneous. Source
- X/Y doesn't support spillover. Source
- On the MFC-101 X is green, Y is Red. Source
- The X and Y buttons also double as user-definable Quick-Jump keys, which can be set to open the EDIT menus of any 2 blocks without going through the grid.
- Values 0-63 for the CC select Y, and 64-128 select X. Source
- Manual page ...
How many amp models can it hold
Lots. Source Each preset can have two Amp blocks. There's no impact on the DSP capacity because one of the two AFXII DSPs is devoted entirely to amp modeling. Each Amp block can also use the X/Y feature to switch between sets of parameters. The current state is indicated on the front panel display.
Can I rename the amp types
No. Source
How much DSP-capacity does an amp block require
One Amp block uses about 40%. One of the two DSPs is dedicated to Amp blocks. So you can run 2 of those. The other DSP is for other effects. Source
Does the amp modeling differ from Standard/Ultra
- Yes. It's called G2 and Virtual Vaccuum Modeling modeling. See Fractal Audio website.
- A part of it has been ported to Standard/Ultra firmware (firmware 11).
- Cliff: "As you listen to clips from modelers what you start to recognize is a certain "stationary" aspect to the tone compared to the every-changing tonality of a tube amp. Another thing is finger response. With a good tube amp you can vary the tone quite a bit just by how you fret the note and attack it. Modelers tend to make every note sound the same. So I tested some hypotheses and came to the conclusion that it's because a real vacuum tube has a transfer function that is not static. The transfer function is dependent on time, frequency and amplitude. Where you really hear it is in the in-between regions where the tube is just starting to distort. At first I tried some dynamic transfer functions but that was a lesson in futility. So then I created the VVT stuff. In VVT there is an actual vacuum-tube replica in software. You enter the values of the resistors and capacitors on the grid, cathode, etc. and it behaves just like a tube complete with Miller effect, cathode memory, etc. The problem is that it requires an obscene amount of horsepower so the only solution was a dedicated DSP. The other big part of the G2 sound is the output transformer modeling. The OT distorts and as it distorts its inductance decreases which changes the bandwidth and loop characteristics." Source
How do I know which cab type to use with an amp
- Wiki
Where is the 8-band EQ positioned in the Amp block
It's fixed in position at the very output. Source
What are Global Amps
Global Amps do not exist anymore. There are Global Blocks now.
Do amps still have negative presence
No. However for amps with no negative feedback (damp at 0) it turns into a Hicut parameter. Source
Can I split the preamp and poweramp
Are all amp parameters assignable to MIDI controllers
No. Cliff stated it now has the ability to do that for all parameters so maybe down the road. Source1 Source2
How do I dial in an amp
How do I set the Drive and Master controls
How do I use the Tonestack
How do I use the Boost switch
How do I use the Bright switch
How do I use Presence
- The way Presence works is changed. It's now a traditional Presence control (0-10) for amps that have a Presence control. There's no default, so keep this in mind when changing amp types. Source For amps without Presence, it's changes into a Hi-Cut control.
How does Input Trim work
Changing the input trim doesn't affect the amount of distortion. This the whole idea. You set the trim to optimize the signal level into the converters. Internally the unit applies the inverse of the trim so that the signal into the grid is constant. In other words, if you put 1V into the input the input to the grid is 1V regardless of the trim setting. Source
What do I need to know about the advanced parameters
- Saturation switch: it switches in a zener diode clipping stage right before the tone stack. This is the "Arrendondo Mod". Source
- Warmth and Thump: these Standard/Ultra parameters haven been removed from the Amp block in the AFXII. Source
How do I add gain to the amp
What about Standard/Ultra amp types that are not in the list (yet)
- Cliff: "The amps I haven't ported yet are because I don't have the real amp yet. I could use theoretical values but I would rather not." Source
- Javajunkie: "Plexi2 on Ultra = Plexi 1 w/ different bright cap val, xformer hi freq, and presence freq. I have the values written down. You can do the same with the Plexi normal on the II. From what I understand (and Cliff can correct if I am wrong) - Plexi 1 and 2 are the same models with different default values. Source
- Cliff: "As for Eggie... It's just a Blues Jr. with no negative feedback." Source
Which amps are modeled
- Below is the list of confirmed amps models in the AFXII. Source
- Cliff: "Almost all the amps in the AFXII are based on actual amps. The amps I haven't ported yet are because I don't have the real amp yet. I could use theoretical values but I would rather not." Source
- Images/icons for the amps can be found in this thread.
= 1959 Fender Bassman. A low-to-medium gain amp designed for bass but more widely adopted by guitarists
- Details: 5F6A circuit, tweed era, normal and bright channel
- Speakers: 4x10" Jensen or Eminence
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Presence, Bass, Middle, Treble. No master volume
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: crank the Master volume, use Drive for volume and gain
- Try with a Treble Booster Drive block
- Despite the fact that it was originally designed for bass guitars, it was more famous for its use with normal electric guitar
- Fender website
- Wikipedia
= 1965 Fender Bassman. The blackface version with a different circuit design
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: ... No master volume
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: crank the Master volume, use Drive for volume and gain
- Despite the fact that it was originally designed for bass guitars, it was more famous for its use with normal electric guitar
- Cliff: "Definitely not your father's Bassman. Has a pissed-off Marshall vibe to it." Source
- Fender website
- Wikipedia
= Fender Vibroverb. Based on a 40W combo that's great for clear or grinding cleans and gutsy blues
- Details: 6G16 circuit, Brownface era, normal and bright channel
- Speakers: 2x10" Oxford
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Bass, Treble. No master volume
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: the original amp has a “tapped” treble circuit, meaning that treble is “flat” at setting “5”. Cutting or boosting the treble was possible by turning the knob down (below 5) or up (above 5). Crank the Master volume, use Drive for volume and gain
- Fender website
- Wikipedia
= Fender Deluxe Reverb. Great, chimey tone with nice power amp breakup when you push the MASTER
- Details: AB763 circuit, 22W, blackface era
- Speakers: 1x12" Jensen C12Q
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Bass, Treble. No master volume
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: crank the Master volume, use Drive for volume and gain
- Fender website
- Wikipedia
= Fender Twin Reverb. Based on the “Normal” channel. Known for amazing clean sounds and nice breakup
- Details: AB763 circuit, normal and vibrato channel, Blackface era, 100W
- Speakers: 2x12" Jensen C12N / JBL D120 / Oxford 12T6 / EVM-12L
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls for normal channel: Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble, Bright switch (works with Volume below 6). No master volume
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: crank the Master volume, use Drive for volume
- The Fender Twin Reverb is considered a standard model for players seeking a clean sound
- Fender website
- Wikipedia
= Fender Blues Jr. A gutsy little classic with dual EL84s
- Details: 15W
- Speaker: 1x12" Jensen C12N or P12R
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Bass, Middle, Treble, Gain, Volume, FAT boost (not modelled)
- Bright default: ...
- Fender website
- Wikipedia
= Vox AC-15. The heart of this amp’s tone comes from its power section and no negative feedback
- Details: 15W, EL84 tubes
- Speaker: 1x12" Celestion G12M greenback
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: ...
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: crank the master, set Drive to taste
- Vox website
- Wikipedia
= Vox AC-30. A combo that dominated the British Invasion. Gritty character, warm tone, great feel
- Details: 30W, EL84
- Speakers: 2x12" Celestion G12M greenback or Alnico Blue or Silver
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Tone. No master volume
- Bright default: off
- For authentic tone: Crank the master, set Drive to taste. Leave the tone controls at noon and use Presence (= Cut) to cut treble
- Try with a Tonebender or Treble Booster Drive block. Try with the Plexi tonestack. Or try the AC30TB tone stack (Bright on)
- Cliff: "An AC30 has no power amp feedback so it doesn't have presence or depth controls. It has a "Cut" control which is basically an adjustable snubber on the phase inverter. The Presence control becomes the Cut control"
- Vox website
- Wikipedia
= Vox AC-30 TBX (Topboost). Created in response to demand for "More Treble." Great highs + slightly reduced bass
- Details: 30W, EL84
- Speakers: 2x12" Celestion G12M greenback or Alnico Blue or Silver
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Cut (= Presence), Bass, Treble. No master volume
- Bright default: on
- For authentic tone: crank the Master, set Drive to taste, Mid at noon. Use Presence only to cut the treble
- Cliff: "An AC30 has no power amp feedback so it doesn't have presence or depth controls. It has a "Cut" control which is basically an adjustable snubber on the phase inverter. The Presence control becomes the Cut control"
- Instead of turning up Drive, try boosting the input signal before the amp, for example with a Tape Dist or FET Boost Drive block
- Vox website
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia: "The "Top Boost" (or "Brilliance") feature was Vox's optional addition of a circuit that introduced an extra gain stage and tone controls for bass and treble (as opposed to the single "tone" control of early AC30s)."
= Marshall JTM 45. Made famous by Clapton and others; actually a modified Bassman design
- Details: 45W
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion greenback
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble. No master volume
- Bright default:
- For authentic tone: keep Bass low, crank the master, use Drive for volume and gain
- Marshall website
- Wikipedia
= Marshall Super Lead 1959. NORMAL: the classic amp head that gave rise to “the stack.” Great for crunchy rhythm work. TREBLE: treble channel based on the “High Treble” channel of the legendary ’59
- Details: normal and treble channel
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion greenback or G12H30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: ...
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: ...
- [ Original manual]
- [ ... website]
- [ Wikipedia]
= Marshall 1987x Vintage Series. NORMAL: features what many consider to be an “essential” mod to the tonestack of this Plexi. TREBLE: the treble channel of the 1987x Vintage Series Plexi
- Details:
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion greenback or G12H30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: ...
- Bright default: ...
- [ Original manual]
- [ ... website]
- [ Wikipedia]
BRIT 800
= Marshall JCM800. Based on the vaunted model 2204. Bring the Master up for true 80s tone
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: ...
- Bright default: ...
- [ Original manual]
- [ ... website]
- [ Wikipedia]
- Turn up the master volume
= Marshall JCM800, modded. The 800 with THE mod, designed by Jose Arredondo
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: ...
- Bright default: ...
- [ Original manual]
- [ ... website]
- [ Wikipedia]
= Hiwatt DR103. NORMAL: medium-gain, full sound amp with an unique tone-stack and a chimey, grinding tone. BRILLNT: a brighter model based on the amp’s "Brilliant" channel
- Details: 100W
- Speakers: Fane
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Master, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: ...
- Hiwatt website
- Wikipedia
- Cliff: " I have a 1974 Hiwatt DR-103. The model is based on that. It is one of the Harry Joyce, Hylight era models. Still has the original tubes. Closet find and sounds glorious"
= Mesa Boogie MKIV (Rhythm 1). A somewhat neutral, clean-sounding model that can pushed into warm clipping
- Details:
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion V30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Volume, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence, Bright switch. Graphic Equalizer not modeled
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Mesa website
- Wikipedia1 Wikipedia2
= Mesa Boogie Triaxis (Green). Based on the “Vintage Fat Rhythm (Mark I, Blackface)” channel
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: n/a
- Original controls: Gain, Volume, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence, Bright switch. Graphic Equalizer not modeled
- Bright default: ...
- Mesa website
- Wikipedia1 Wikipedia2
= Mesa Boogie MKIV (Rhythm 2). Based on THE California crunch rhythm sound. Rhythm Ch. 2 with “Fat” switch OFF
- Details:
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion V30 speakers
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Volume, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence. Graphic Equalizer not modeled
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Mesa website
- Wikipedia1 Wikipedia2
- Turn up Drive, keep Master Volume low (3.50)
= Mesa Boogie Mark II Lead (Normal) / Lead (Bright). NORMAL/BRIGHT: based on a US-made amp famous for its smooth overdrive sound with pull bright OFF / ON
- Details:
- Speakers: EVM-12L
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Master, Bass, Mid, Treble, Bright switch pullout. Treble Shift and Gain Boost not modeled
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Mesa website
- Wikipedia1 Wikipedia2
= Mesa Boogie Mark IV (Lead) / (Lead + Treble Shift ON). LEAD 1: this model has a tight, focused, hi-gain sound. Great for fusion and rock leads. LEAD 2: Treble Shift gives this amp a slightly different character with a little more cut
- Details:
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion V30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Master, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence, Bright switch. Graphic Equalizer not modeled
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Mesa website
- Wikipedia1 Wikipedia2
- Treble Shift: this shifts the range of the Presence control to higher frequencies, it influences the Treble control. In LEAD 1 Treble Shift is off, which works well for recording. In LEAD 2 Treble Shift is switched on, which works well within a band context, but can generate squealing and noise at high volume or gain levels
- Turn up Drive, keep Master Volume low (3.50). Don't use Bright on higher volume levels
= Mesa Boogie 2-ch. Dual Rectifier (Orange ch.) / (Red channel). ORANGE: based on the original Mesa Boogie 2-channel Dual Rectifier "Vintage" (Orange) Ch.). RED: based on the Modern (Red) "Lead" channel, this is a high-gain masterpiece with crushing power and tighness
- Details:
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion V30 speakers
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Master, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Mesa website
- Wikipedia
- Keep Master volume low (3.50), use Drive to add gain. Keep Presence low
- Cliff: "None of the Recto models in the Axe-Fx have the post tone-stack bass boost. If you want to replicate the behavior of a Single Rectifier you need to put an 11 dB bass boost after the preamp model. The Axe-Fx models are based on the Dual Rectifier modes with the bass boost switch off. Single Rectifiers engage the bass boost switch automatically in channel 2"
- To mimick the bass boost, use a PEQ or low shelf Filter after the Amp block to boost bass by 11 dB at around 120Hz.
= Mesa Boogie 3-ch. Dual Rectifier (Orange ch.) / (Red ch.). ORANGE: based on the modern version of the Dual Rectifier amp. Circuit changes made this version more aggressive. RED Red Channel version of the Dual Rectifier amp
- Details: 100W
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion V30 speakers
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Master, Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Mesa website
- Wikipedia
- Keep Master volume low (3.50), use Drive to add gain
- Cliff: "None of the Recto models in the Axe-Fx have the post tone-stack bass boost. If you want to replicate the behavior of a Single Rectifier you need to put an 11 dB bass boost after the preamp model. The Axe-Fx models are based on the Dual Rectifier modes with the bass boost switch off. Single Rectifiers engage the bass boost switch automatically in channel 2"
- To mimick the bass boost, use a PEQ or low shelf Filter after the Amp block to boost bass by 11 dB at around 120Hz
= Bogner Ecstasy Blue Channel / Red Channel. BLUE: based on the 20th Anniversary model. OD channel w/ BOOST + STRUCTURE OFF. RED: same as above but with OD channel w/ BOOST + STRUCTURE ON
- Details:
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion V30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Master, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence, Bright switch
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Bogner website
- Wikipedia
- Blue: the model is very low gain and dark. Try with Boost and Bright (or turn up Presence)
- Red: the model is very dark. Try Bright (or turn up Presence)
- Quote Cliff: "My actual XTC has a Log10 pot for the treble which is an odd choice. Treble pots are usually linear and the Axe-Fx model uses a linear pot. The problem with a log-taper pot is that the treble does almost nothing for the first 50%. So you can't use your eyes if you want to copy the tone. This is the case with several of the amp models. In these cases the taper used on the real amp is what I would call "a less than optimum" choice. I think in many cases the designer simply doesn't realize the affect the taper has on the locus. So, if I deemed the choice of taper to be "incorrect" the model uses the correct taper. The Bogner models fall into this category. The choice of a Log10 pot for the treble pot doesn't make sense so the model uses a linear taper which gives a smooth locus"
= Bogner Shiva Clean Channel / Lead Channel. CLEAN: based on the 90W anniversary model. Powerful shimmering cleans. LEAD: based on a sweet, rich- sounding amp with aggressive, English- style midrange punch
- Details: 20th Anniversary model, KT88 tubes, 90W
- Speakers: 2x12" Celestion V30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls for clean channel: Bass, Treble, Volume, Master, Presence, Bright switch (less to none effective the higher Drive is set)
- Original controls for lead channel: Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume, Master, Presence, Bright switch (less effective the higher Drive is set but still noticeable)
- Boost, Mode and Shift controls on the original amp are not modeled
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Bogner website
- Wikipedia
= Bogner Uberschall. Based on "High Gain" channel of this 120W head. Heavy grinding lows and insane gain
- Details: EL34
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion V30 and G12T75
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Master, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Bogner website
- Wikipedia
- Bogner: "One of the most unique items is our "Presence" control. It's an amazing combination of a midrange-presence control. As you sweep through its range you will notice an incredible variety of tones this one control allows. For an extremely aggressive sub-harmonic bass and scooped-midrange sound, keep the presence off or very low. A huge 3-dimensional tone can be found by running the presence around 2 o'clock. Pushing the "Presence" control to maximum will allow you to cut a sonic path through the mix by reinforcing your midrange and slightly rolling off the sub-bass. Trust us: REALLY check out the presence control to unleash the hidden secrets of the UBERSCHALL. The "Midrange" control is very interactive with all the other tone controls, you can go from a hollow scooped-mid setting to an aggressive in your face and on your throat kind of intensity. The "Bass" control allows almost a sub-harmonic low-end to be added, at high volumes be sure to keep the bass down a bit to keep your tone focused like a laser beam"
= Soldano X99 Preamp (Clean). Based on the clean channel of a Soldano/Caswell midi-motorized preamp
- Details:
- Speakers: n/a
- Stock cabinet suggestion: n/a
- Original controls: ...
- Bright default: ...
- Soldano website
- Wikipedia
= SoldanoTM SLO-100® (Normal Ch.) / (OD Ch.). NORMAL: based on SLO-100, noted for its hot-rod chrome chassis and aggressive rhythm tone. OD: based on the snarling lead channel of the above amp
- Details: 100W
- Speakers: 4x12" Eminence Legend V1216
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Master, Presence. Bright switch only on normal channel
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: keep the Master volume low (3 -4). It's a very bright amp, keep Presence and Treble low
- Soldano website
- Wikipedia
- Cliff: "The SLO100 is the loudest amp I've ever used. It feels like there's a small nuclear explosion going off inside when ever you hit a power chord. It's a wicked amp but not something I would recommend for anything but large gigs. If you like the SLO 100 model you might want to try the Recto models too. It's not widely known but the Rectifier preamp is a derivative of the SLO100. Some minor changes but the basic topology is identical"
= Friedman Brown Eye / Hairy Brown Eye. BE: what many call “the ultimate modded Plexi” by Dave Friedman of Rack Systems. HBE: the BE amp’s alternate voicing with a gain boost. A killer hi-gain tone in your arsenal
- Details: EL34, one channel with two voicings, 50 or 100W, used to be called "Marsha"
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Master, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence
- Bright default: ...
- Website
PVH 6160
= Peavey EVH 5150. Based on the high- input lead channel of an amp named after the criminally insane
- Details: block letter model, hi input, 6L6, 120W
- Speakers: 4x12" Sheffield 1200 speakers
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: pre- and post-Gain, Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence, Resonance, Bright switch (rhythm channel only)
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Peavey website
- Wikipedia
- Cilff: "I have a block letter 5150 that I based the model on." Source
- Cliff: "The hi-input on the Lead channel is modelled. It has lots of gain. Even at noon it's already very saturated"
MR Z 38 Sr
= Dr.Z Maz 38 SR. Based on an amp popular with country and roots players
- Details: EL84 tubes, 38W
- Speakers: Alnico Blue with G12H30 or Celestion V30/G12H30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Master, Bass, Middle, Treble, Cut (turn up for chime)
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Dr.Z website
- Wikipedia
- Cliff: "It's a low output amp. Turn up the Master"
- Amp settings database
= CAE 3+ SE (Ch 2) / (Ch 3). CH.2: channel 2 (Rhythm) of a preamp designed by the great Bob Bradshaw. CH.3: ch 3 (Lead) of the same
- Details:
- Speakers: n/a
- Stock cabinet suggestion: n/a
- Original controls: Gain, Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble, post EQ (punch, presence), Bright switch for each channel
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- CAE website
- Cliff: "Channel 1 isn't modeled because it's very similar to a Fender Twin (Double Verb model)"
= Trainwreck Express. Based on the Trainwreck Express—designed and built by the late, great Ken Fischer
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Bas, Mid, Treble, Presence, Bright switch. No Master volume
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: crank the Master volume, use Drive for volume and gain
- Trainwreck website
- Cliff: "The Trainwreck depends on power amp distortion. The OT has a high impedance which causes the power tubes to enter clipping early. I would not recommend using that model as preamp."
= Cornford MK50II. Based on a boutique British amp. Plexi-Meets-Modern tone with big cojones
- Details: 50w, 6L6/5881, 1 channel
- Speakers: Celestion V30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Gain, Bass, Middle (500Hz), Treble, Volume, Presence, Resonance
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Cornford website
= Carol-Ann OD-2r. The celebrated OD2r. Model fine-tuned by the highly respected Alan Phillips himself!
- Details: overdrive channel, 50W, EL34 or 6L6
- Speakers: EVM-12L or Celeston Classic Lead 80
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Master, Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence, Bright switch (clean and overdrive channel), Shift switch
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Carol-Ann website
- Alan Phillips: "In the real world the OD2 is very very fussy on speaker choice too. The real world speakers of choice are EVM12L in a 1x12 rear ported and 2x12 with Celestion Classic Lead 80's. I found the 12L emulation did a pretty good job. Some of the others sounded so artificial with that model. Like a rockman. Coupled with the right cab the emulated model does a good job of representing the basic tonal signature of the amp". And: "It's not a competitive model, it's a live demo of an OD2 as tweaked by me. Damn sight better than sound clips for auditioning to guys that haven't got the ability to get to a Dealer. Clearly it doesn't give you the full experience of the full amp, but is a good tonal taster. I repaired a Soldano SLO for him one day and when he came over my house to pick it up we just decided it would be a good idea to put a CA model in there. Having the actual builder involved kind of closes the loop fully. I'm happy to endorse that model because I put a lot of hours testing it and putting together a ton of technical information, fourier analysis graphs, frequency response graphs, schematics etc that would make validation of a mathematical model much easier. In reality even though the power amp and the preamp are modelled the pre-amp got the most effort. As I said in another thread, I tuned that by putting the axe in to the actual power amp of an OD2 and running that side by side with a full OD2. The final tweaks were made like that using parametric eq blocks that were hard coded in to the model. You could call that the icing on the cake and basically put the same level of tuning in to the model as I do with a actual OD2. The only difference was I was using a GUI, not resistors and capacitors."
= Fryette D60 (Less) / (More). Based on the Fryette Amplification D60 in the "Less" resp. "More" mode
- Details: 60W, KT88 or 6550
- Speakers: 2x12"or 4x12" Eminence P50E
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence, Depth, More/less switch
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Fryette website
- Wikipedia
= "The Brown Sound". A faithful recreation of the pure, raw "Brown Sound"—The Modded “#1” Marshall
- Details:
- Speakers: 4x12" Marshall with greenbacks
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble. Bright cap
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: ...
- Marshall website
- Wikipedia
= Orange Rockerverb. Based on the "dirty" channel of the 50W head known for warmth and rich harmonics
- Details: EL34
- Speakers: Celestion V30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls on dirty channel: Volume, Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Orange website
- Wikipedia
JAZZ 120
= Roland JC-120 120. The only solid-state-based model in our collection; a quintessential clean tone
- Details: 120W (stereo: 2x 60)
- Speakers: 2x12"
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble. No master volume
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Roland website
- Wikipedia
= ENGL Powerball. Very high-gain German model. Lots of bass. Great for aggressive, drop-tuned riff work
- Details: lead channel, 100W, 6L6
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion V30 (or custom V60)
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence, Depth, Bottom, Open/Focused mode, Bright switch for low gain channels only
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Engl website
- Wikipedia
= Dumble OD Special (Clean) / (Drive Ch.). CLEAN: based on the Clean channel of a coveted but rare amp made famous by Robben Ford. DRIVE: the same amp. OD channel. Also played by the great Larry Carlton and many others!
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: ...
- Bright default: ...
- [ Original manual]
- [ ... website]
- [ Wikipedia]
= Created by Fractal Audio Systems. Combines the best features of the British and USA crunch models
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: n/a
- Bright default: ...
= Created by Fractal Audio Systems. Neutral high-gain lead with a tight midrange
- Details:
- Speakers: n/a
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: n/a
- Bright default: ...
= Created by Fractal Audio Systems. Hot-rodded British lead sound with a tonestack by the one and only Bob Bradshaw
- Details:
- Speakers: n/a
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: n/a
- Bright default: ...
= Created by Fractal Audio Systems. A high-gain hybrid. Equally well-suited to modern rhythm and lead work
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: n/a
- Bright default: ...
= Diezel VH4. Based on a high-gain, boutique amp famous for its powerful, heavy, aggressive sound
- Details: 4 channels, 6550 tubes (or EL34 or 6L6)
- Speakers: 4x12" Celestion G12K100 or V30
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: Gain, Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence (4kHz), Deep (80Hz)
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Diezel website
- Wikipedia
= Marshall JMP-1 Preamp. Based on a rack-mount preamplifier version of the Brit 900. Crunchy “ZZ” tone
- Details: MIDI
- Speakers: n/a
- Stock cabinet suggestion: n/a
- Original controls: Volume, Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence, Bass shift
- Bright default: ...
- Original manual
- Marshall website
- Wikipedia
= Budda Twinmaster. Based loosely on a late 90s specimen. Relies mostly on power amp distortion
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion: greenbacks (4x12 20w / 25w), 4x12 30w or anything that resembles Eminence Legend
- Original controls: Bass, Treble, Volume. Bright cap on the Volume control (Bright switch)
- Bright default: ...
- For authentic tone: turn up the Master volume, use Drive for volume and gain
- Original manual
- Budda website
- Wikipedia
- Cliff: "I did the Buttery model by ear. I listened to some clips of Buddas (Matchbox 20, remember them?) and tweaked the model until I thought it sounded like one. Screwed around a little with the tube bias points until it had the right balance of harmonics and called it a day
= Ampeg SVT. Based on a bass head used for decades by famous bassists the world over
- Details: Super Vacuum Tube bass amp, 300W
- Speakers: 8x10" speakers
- Stock cabinet suggestion: ...
- Original controls: ...
- Bright default: ...
- Ampeg website
= Cameron CCV100. Based on what its creator Mark Cameron calls “one pissed off amp"
- Details:
- Speakers:
- Stock cabinet suggestion:
- Original controls:
- Bright default: ...
How many cab slots does it have
- 70 factory (stock) cabs.
- 50 user cab slot for external IRs.
- Each Cab block can also use the X/Y feature to switch between sets of parameters. Source
Which new parameters are added to the cab block
Room Level, Room Size, Mic Spacing, Low Cut and High Cut. Source
What are 2048-point IRs good for
- Cliff: "Depends on the cab. Certain cabs benefit more than others. I started out with 8192 but didn't hear any difference so couldn't justify wasting all that space and CPU. You can hear it with room mics but the room simulation sounds nearly identical. There are a couple reasons for 2048. Probably most important is that it allows 1024 in stereo mode. To be able to do stereo 1024 requires a 2048 convolution engine. Secondly, some IRs benefit from longer IRs. Better to have the ability and not need it than the converse." Source1 Source2
- A stereo cab (LoRes) now uses two 1024 IRs (instead of 512 on Standard/Ultra). Source
- Jay Mitchell's comments on 512-, 1024- and 2048-point IRs: Source1 and Source2 and Source3 and Source4.
- It's no use converting 1024-point IRs to 2048 since they don't contain the necessary data. You need a WAV-file to convert to 2048. Use AlbertA's conversion utility to convert WAV files into 2048-point IRs.
Where do I find 3rd-party IRs
Sources for 3rd-party IRs:
These companies create and sell high-quality IRs for Standard/Ultra as well as AFXII. You can load these IRs into the user cab slots using Axe-Edit. Some of their IRs are included with the AFXII as stock cabs.
Also included are IRs by Jay Mitchell.
Where is the Drive parameter in the cab block
This parameter has been removed from the Cab block in the AFXII. Instead, the Amp block has dynamic speaker modeling in the Amp block. Source
Does it have a cab type for acoustic guitar
No. But there's a thread on the forum that contains Fishman Aurex IRs (1024-point). And there's an IR available of an acoustic body that has been converted to 2048 points.
How do I manage the user cab slots
Can I rename cabs in the user cab slots
Yes, using Axe-Edit. The AFXII uses the name contained in the sysex data of the IR-file to show on its display with a maximum of 32 characters. Source1 Source2
Can I make it sound more like an amp in the room
- Select a farfield cab type (not close-mic'd).
- Set the Mic Type to none, to keep tone colorizing by the mic away.
- Use the room simulation controls in the Cab block. These can be used with any IR. It's a special reverb algoritm.
Why are two cab blocks louder than a single one
Bakerman: "It depends on how you're panning. Assuming a mono signal sent to cabs: Stereo cab w/ Pan L and Pan R fully left & right will be the same output level as 2 mono cabs w/ balance L & R. If pans/balances are centered the 2 mono cabs will be 6 dB louder. Balance elsewhere would be between 0 and 6 dB louder, and balance doesn't correspond 1:1 to pan L/R for the same placement. Balances will need to be further toward -50 or 50. Source
Where should I put the cab block in my presets
Which microphone sim should I use
What's the difference between HiRes, LoRes and Stereo cabinets
What's the AIR parameter for
There's no AIR parameter anymore.
How do I know which cab type to use with an amp
See Wiki.
What are the factory (stock) cab types
See page 57 of the manual.
About Global EQ
- It's always on. Source
- The Chorus block of the AFXII models bucket-brigade delay lines (BBD). Source
- The AFXII adds improvements to the Delay block: a two-band parametric EQ for the wet signal with low-cut and high-cut with adjustable slopes for the cut filters. The EQ stuff is on a separate GUI page with a graphical display. Source
- Delay blocks now have a master feedback that goes to 200% for oscillating delay effects. Source
- The tape delays model the preamp too. Source
- Matman: "Axe-Fx II leaves the Ultra in the dust for delay flexibility. ALL your sounds are in here. Bit reduction. 4-band parametric EQ in the loop Hi and Low Cut... 12/24/48 db slope... Q control. 2 mid bands with selectable Q, gain, freq. HOLD switch. Master feedback goes over 100%. 60+ different tempo settings. Better TIME parameter resolution. Plus all the original flexibility of the Ultra/Standard." Source
- No hopes for more Drive blocks. Source
- There's a bit crusher effect now. Source
- Cliff: "I improved all the drives." Source
- The Flanger block of the AFXII models bucket-brigade delay lines (BBD). Source
- There also is a global Noise Gate in the Layout menu. These separate Gate blocks are available for additional noise control.
- You can use SCSEL (SideChain Select) to select the signal the gate is working with. If the gate is the first block in the routing there's no need to use SCSEL. But if the gate is placed after other blocks in the routing, it can be useful to use SCSEL to set an optimal source signal. Source
- Blocks: 1. It's a dedicated block (instead of a Delay mode as on the Standard/Ultra).
- The same features as on the Ultra (with stack and reverse) but with 60 seconds loop time. Source
- The Pitch block has a Learn function. Turn it on, play a note, hold it. The AFXII now sets the key according to the note you played. Source1 Source2
- The AFXII adds improvements to the Reverb block: there are improvements in the tail decay plus a two-band parametric EQ for the wet signal with low-cut and high-cut. The EQ stuff is on a separate GUI page with a graphical display. Source
- It has two voices.
About WAH
- The Wah block of the AFXII now models the Fasel Inductor. Source
- Seek wah: (...).
Does it have a (Uni)Vibe effect
Yes, see Phaser.
Does it have a Detune effect
Yes, see Pitch.
Does it have an Envelope Filter (Autowah) effect
See (...).
Does it have a Freeze or Hold effect
Yes, it's built into the Delay effect. Source
How can I obtain feedback/sustain at any level
Does it have a Bit Crusher effect
Yes. Source
How do I create an automated "dive bomb"
How do I integrate my talk box
How do I create the Vibrato effect
See Chorus.
How do I emulate a violin
How do I get automatic volume swells
How should I set up a preset for my acoustic guitar
- (magnetic)
- (piezo)
How do I create space(ship) and lasergun sounds
How do I create a flute sound
How do I create an organ sound
How do I create a "shimmer" effect
How do I emulate an E-Bow (infinite sustain)
How do I to create the sound of the wind
How do I emulate a sitar and/or tampura
What's a good way to simulate a drop-tuned guitar
See Pitch.
How do I create a siren
How do I automate double-tracking (ADT)
How do I use internal controllers and modifiers
- The internal controllers in the AFXII are the same as in the Standard/Ultra. The LFOP range is slightly greater. Source
How many internal and external controllers can I use
- Internal: 12.
- External: 22.
How many steps does the Sequencer have
Can a modifier be set to min and max values
In the AFXII there are MIN and MAX values. These are the actual parameter values. For example, if you want to change the delay time from 500 ms to 700 ms, you simply set MIN to 500 ms and MAX to 700 ms. So 0% corresponds to 500 ms and 100% corresponds to 700 ms. Source
Can it act a MIDI source for MIDI Clock to other devices
No. Source
Where do I find tips and tricks for the Fractal Audio MFC-101
Can I use the Quick Control knobs as pedals
Yes. Source
What's the purpose of the Rj45 port
Use this to connect the MFC-101, instead of using a MIDI cable. It uses a regular CAT-5 network cable and a propietary protocol. This supports bidirectional communication and phantom power. Source
When using the CAT-5 cable a 9V adapter is no longer needed to provide phantom power. Source1 Source2
When switching off the AFXII, the MFC-101 also switches off. Source
All four pairs are used. The two normally unused pairs are used to carry power and ground. Source
Does it support a future MFC-101 expansion unit
Yes. Source
How many pedals can be connected directly
How do I configure settings for MIDI communication
How do I solve issues with MIDI communication
What are the MIDI CCs and what do they control
Which MIDI foot controllers can I use
Can my MIDI foot controller display the tuner
Can I use phantom power over a MIDI cable to power my MIDI foot controller
Yes. You need a 7-pin cable. Pins 6 and 7 carry phantom power.
How do I access presets 128 and higher (Banks B and C) with my MIDI foot controller
How do I switch effects on and off with my MIDI foot controller
How do I activate the tuner with my MIDI foot controller
Which expression pedal(s) can I use
How do I configure my expression pedal
How do I configure an external switch
My expression pedal stutters, how do I solve this
How do I turn my expression pedal into a wah
How do I activate an effect automatically by moving my expression pedal
How do I use a single pedal to control different effects without switching presets (dual-function pedal)
How do I control the bypass state of an effect block globally
How do I reset my expression pedal when switching presets
What's the best way to mute the delay with my expression pedal or external switch
How do I use my expression pedal or external switch to boost the signal level
Axe Fx II SysEx Information
Set G2 Impulse Response
The Axe Fx II supports 2040 point impulse responses that are packaged for download in a series of 66 MIDI SysEx messages, as follows:
Prepare the Axe-Fx II to receive impulse response data
Message Format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 manufacturing ID byte 0
- 0x01 manufacturing ID byte 1
- 0x74 manufacturing ID byte 2
- 0x03 model number
- 0x7A
- 0x20
- 0x00
- 0x10
- 0xdd checksum
- 0xF7 sysex end
There are 64 sysex messages, each containing 32 chunks of data. Each chunk consists of five bytes and can holds either four text characters or one IR data point.
The first data message sent includes 8 chunks of text that specify the 32-character IR name, and 24 chunks of IR data. The subsequent 63 data messages each contain 32 data points for a total of 2040 points.
Message Format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 manufacturing ID byte 0
- 0x01 manufacturing ID byte 1
- 0x74 manufacturing ID byte 2
- 0x03 model number
- 0x7B function ID
- 0x20
- 0x00
- 0xdd data chunk byte 0
- 0xdd data chunk byte 1
- 0xdd data chunk byte 2
- 0xdd data chunk byte 3
- 0xdd data chunk byte 4
- --- 31 additional five byte data chunks ---
- 0xdd checksum
- 0xF7 sysex end
Terminate the IR download sequence
Message Format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 manufacturing ID byte 0
- 0x01 manufacturing ID byte 1
- 0x74 manufacturing ID byte 2
- 0x03 model number
- 0x7C function ID
- 0xdd encoded checksum byte 0 for IR data
- 0xdd encoded checksum byte 1 for IR data
- 0xdd encoded checksum byte 2 for IR data
- 0xdd encoded checksum byte 3 for IR data
- 0xdd encoded checksum byte 4 for IR data
- 0xdd checksum
- 0xF7 sysex end
Data Chunk Encoding Scheme
The data encoding scheme translates four octets into five septets. Each septet occupies the lower seven bits of a byte, with the most significant bit set to 0.
# octet is chunk data in octets # septet is a byte array of chunk data in septets # organize four bytes of input data in reverse order octet = (data[3] & 0xFF )<< 24 | (data[2] & 0xFF )<< 16 | (data[2] & 0xFF )<< 8 (data[0] & 0xFF; # convert four octets to five septets septet[0] = octet & 0xFF; septet[1] = octet >> 7 & 0xFF; septet[2] = octet >> 14 & 0xFF; septet[3] = octet >> 21 & 0xFF; septet[4] = octet >> 28 & 0xFF;