List of amp simulations

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This is a list of the amps the Axe-Fx simulates, plus the description in the manual, suggestions for cabinets and additional notes.

Download a PDF version with pictures of the amps.

Axe-Fx name Amp simulated
TUBE PRE = Generic Tube Preamp
  • Manual: a completely neutral, low-gain tube pre-amp simulation. Useful for warming up vocals and other instruments
  • Stock cabinet: n/a
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JAZZ = Roland Jazz Chorus JC-120
  • Manual: based on a Japanese solid-state amp with built-in chorus. With essentially no tone shaping this amp has a warm, midrange-thick sound that is good for jazz and fingerstyle. With the Axe-Fx’s powerful tone controls you can tweak this type to get shimmering rhythm tones as well
  • Stock cabinet: ? Alternative: Red Wirez JC-120 IR
  • Original controls: Volume, Treble, Middle, Bass
  • Original manual
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BROWNFACE = Fender Vibroverb
  • Manual: based on a classic American 40-watt tube amp with built-in vibrato. Great for gutsy blues, this type breaks up nicely, especially when the Master is cranked. The original had no Mid or Presence so set these to ‘0’ for classic tone
  • Stock cabinet: 1x12 Black, 2x12 Black, 1x15 Blues, 4x10 Bass, 1x12 Tweed, 2x12 Tweed. Alternative: Red Wirez Fender Tweed IR
  • Original controls (Normal channel): Volume, Treble, Bass. Normal/Bright channel. Later models: Bright switch
  • For authentic tone: crank the Master, set Drive to 3.50, keep Mids at 5 and Presence to zero (12 o'clock)
  • Fender tips in the Wiki
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59 BASSGUY (formerly: BLUES) = Fender Bassman
  • Manual: a low-to-medium gain sound great for blues. Based on a classic bass amplifier with four 10” speakers, it didn’t work so well for bass but guitar players quickly discovered it made a great blues amp. Try a treble booster in front for screaming blues work a la Albert Collins or Albert King
  • Stock cabinet: 4x10 Bass. Alternative: Red Wirez Bassman IR
  • Original controls: Volume, Presence, Bass, Middle, Treble. Normal/Bright channel
  • Crank the Master and set Drive to about 3.50
  • Fender tips in the Wiki
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  • Forum: Fender Forum The Fender Forum FenderTalk Fender
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DELUXE VERB (formerly: TWEED) = Fender Deluxe Reverb (AB763)
  • The former name "Tweed" and description didn't match with the emulated model. The name was changed to Deluxe Verb in firmware 9.01 and the sim was remodeled
  • Manual (9.x): based on the classic 1965 “Blackface” 1x12 combo amplifier. This amp features two 6V6 power tubes and has a great chimey tone. Turn the Drive and Master up and the amp starts to get a nice overdriven breakup
  • Stock cabinet: 1x12 Black, 2x12 Black, 4x10 Bass, 1x2 Tweed, 2x12 Tweed. Alternative: Red Wirez Fender Twin IRs (C12N)
  • For authentic tone: turn Mid to 6.8, crank the Master and set Drive to about 3.50
  • Original controls: Volume, Bass, Treble
  • Fender tips in the Wiki
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DOUBLE VERB (formerly: BLACKFACE) = Fender Twin Reverb
  • Manual: based on a popular, 100-watt American tube amp with two 12” speakers. This simulation captures the Normal Channel. Very similar to the Brownface model but a little more mellow. The tone-stack is also slightly different giving it just a bit different voicing
  • Stock cabinet: 1x12 Black, 2x12 Black. Alternative: Red Wirez Fender Twin IRs (default C12N, factory upgrade JBL D120)
  • Original controls (Normal channel): Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble. Bright switch (works with Drive below 6)
  • Crank the Master and set Drive to about 3.50
  • Fender tips in the Wiki
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  • Forum: Fender Forum The Fender Forum FenderTalk Fender
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CLASS A = Vox AC30
  • Manual: a medium-gain emulation based on an early British tube amplifier. This type does not have the high-frequency emphasis like the American types and therefore has a darker sound. Try a treble boost in front for a snarling British “opera-rock” sound. This amp is notable in that it has no negative feedback around the power-amp and hence has a gritty character and less high-frequency response
  • Stock cabinet: 1x12 Brit, 2x12 Brit. Alternative: Red Wirez Vox IRs
  • Original controls: Cut, Volume. The original amp didn't have Bass, Middle and Treble controls, so leave them at noon. Use Presence (= Cut) instead
  • Note from Cliff: "An AC30 has no power amp feedback so it doesn't have presence or depth controls. It has a "Cut" control which is basically an adjustable snubber on the phase inverter. The Presence control becomes the Cut control. To duplicate the amp you would only adjust the Presence negative but the model lets you boost as well if you adjust Presence positive. The Depth control won't do anything so it doesn't matter where you set it. If the Damping (Damp) is zero the Depth control is disabled and Damp defaults to zero for that amp model"
  • The original had no Master Volume, so crank the Master and keep Drive low
  • Try a Tonebender drive or Treble Booster before the amp
  • Wikipedia content
  • Forum: Vox forum
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TOP BOOST = Vox AC30TB TopBoost
  • Manual: based on the “Top Boost Mod” version of the Class A. The public yearned for a brighter amp and the designers responded by adding a treble boost circuit. At first this circuit was a retrofit but then included as standard. Our simulation captures the boosted high-frequency response and slightly reduced bass response of the original
  • Stock cabinet: 1x12 Brit, 2x12 Brit. Alternative: Red Wirez Vox IR (Celestion Blue)
  • Original controls: Volume, Presence (= Cut), Bass, Treble. The original amp didn't have a Middle control, so leave it at noon.
  • Note from Cliff: "An AC30 has no power amp feedback so it doesn't have presence or depth controls. It has a "Cut" control which is basically an adjustable snubber on the phase inverter. The Presence control becomes the Cut control. To duplicate the amp you would only adjust the Presence negative but the model lets you boost as well if you adjust Presence positive. The Depth control won't do anything so it doesn't matter where you set it. If the Damping (Damp) is zero the Depth control is disabled and Damp defaults to zero for that amp model"
  • The original had no Master Volume, so crank the Master and keep Drive low
  • Try boosting the input signal, using for example the Tape Drive or FET Boost
  • Wikipedia content
  • Forum: Vox forum
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PLEXI 1 = Marshall Super Lead (model 1959 a.k.a. Plexi)
  • Manual: based on a classic British amp, the Plexi is great for crunchy rhythm work. The original was basically a copy of the 4x10 bass amp (see Blues type above) that guitar players adopted but with EL34 output tubes and other British components. Despite being essentially a copy it had a unique voice all its own. It has somewhat low preamp gain and works best with the Master and Drive both set fairly high
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 20w, 4x12 25w, 4x12 Green. Alternative: Red Wirez Marshall IRs
  • Original controls: Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble (Presence on later models?). Bright (Lead channel)
  • Crank the Master, SAG and Drive
  • The bright cap (Lead channel) is very large. This means that the Bright switch in the sim has a great impact on the amount of gain
  • Tip in the Wiki about the Bright switch
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BRIT 800 = Marshall JCM800 (model 2204)
  • Manual: the successor to the Plexi type was the vaunted 800 series lead amplifier. Many 80’s rock hits were born using this amp and we’ve captured its tone and put it into a neat little package. This amp had EL34 output tubes, some treble peaking on the input and a little more gain than the Plexi. Like the Plexi type it likes having the Master cranked. At low Master settings the amp can be brittle but bring the Master up and the true tone of this beast comes out. Try it with any of the 4x12 cabinet types for classic rock and metal tones. Try a drive block in front for more snarl
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 V30, 4x12 30w, 4x12 Green, 4x12 75w, 4x12 T75. Alternative: Red Wirez Marshall IRs
  • Original controls: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence, Volume
  • Crank the Master Volume
  • The bright cap on the original (Lead channel) is tied to the pre-amp gain (Drive). If the amp is too bright on low Drive setings, just switch off Bright
  • Try adding a TS808 or Tube Drive in front of the amp with zero Gain and full Level
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BRIT 900 = Marshall JCM900
  • Manual: the successor to the 800 series was the 900 series. This amp had basically the same power amp but a new preamp with more tone shaping, more gain, and a solid-state clipping circuit that gave it a raspier sound. This amp was designed to get more of its distortion from the preamp than the earlier models but you can still keep the drive low and turn up the Master for more power amp distortion
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 30w, 4x12 V30, 4x12 75w, 4x12 T75. Alternative: Red Wirez Marshall IRs
  • Original controls: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Presence, Volume
  • The bright cap on the original (Lead channel) is tied to the pre-amp gain (Drive). If the amp is too bright on low Drive setings, just switch off Bright
  • Experiment with medium to high Master Volume
  • Try adding a TS808 or Tube Drive in front of the amp with zero Gain and full Level
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BROWN = Eddie van Halen's modded Marshall
  • Manual: based on a modified British style head with plenty of gain and lots of mids and highs. This type captures the sound of Eddie’s early work. Crank the Master and bring the drive up until you reach sonic nirvana
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 20w, 4x12 25w, 4x12 30w, 4x12 Green. Alternative: Red Wirez Marshall IRs
  • Original controls: Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble. Bright (Lead channel)
  • Crank the Master Volume, adjust Drive
  • The bright cap (Lead channel) is very large. This means that the Bright switch in the sim has a great impact on the amount of gain
  • Tip in the Wiki about the Bright switch
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BOUTIQUE 1 = Matchless Chieftain
  • Manual: a medium-gain, thick, yet crisp, sound with a fair amount of power amp breakup. Based on a now-defunct amplifier that was renowned for its liquid tone and endless sustain. This amp had very unique tone controls and as a result a distinctive voice with a bell- like quality. The preamp gain is fairly low so crank the Master to get that gutsy crunch. Good for rhythm work in a sparse situation where fullness of tone is required
  • Stock cabinet: 2x12 Boutique
  • Based upon a Vox circuit
  • Original controls: Volume, Master Volume, Bass, Treble, Brilliance (Presence). No Mids!
  • Turn up the Master Volume, leave Mids at 5 (noon)
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  • Original manual
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BOUTIQUE 2 = Matchless Chieftain w/ Booster
  • Manual: same as Boutique 1 but with more gain and a bit more high-frequency emphasis. The lead version of Boutique 1
  • Stock cabinet: 2x12 Boutique
  • Based upon a Vox circuit
  • Original controls: Volume, Master Volume, Bass, Treble, Brilliance (Presence). No Mids!
  • Turn up the Master Volume, leave Mids at 5 (noon)
  • Tips in the Wiki
  • Original manual
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HIPOWER 1 = Hiwatt 'Normal' Channel
  • Manual: a medium-gain, full sound based on a famous “High Wattage” amp. These amps had a unique tone-stack and industrial quality output transformers with tremendous frequency response. Chimey with a bit of power amp breakup. Plug in your Tele and crank out some Baba O'Reilly
  • Stock cabinet: ? Alternative: Red Wirez Fane IR
  • Controls: Volume, Master, Bass, Middle, Treble and Presence
  • Thread about dialing in the Hiwatt
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HIPOWER 2 = Hiwatt 'Brilliant' Channel
USA CLEAN = MKIV Clean (Rhythm 1 channel)
  • Manual: a somewhat neutral clean sound that can pushed into gentle clipping. Based on a classic California amp’s clean channel this type has a full tone with a gentle midrange dip. The power amp is punchy and clean but can be driven into light distortion if desired. Sounds best with the drive turned up fairly high
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 Cali. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • The clean channel is based upon a Fender circuit
  • Turn up the Drive
  • Controls: Gain, Volume, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence. Bright switch. Graphic Equalizer not modeled
  • Original manual MKIV Check it for detailed descriptions of the controls and sample settings
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USA RHY 1 = MKIV Crunch (Rhythm 2 channel, FAT switch not active)
  • Manual: crunchy California rhythm sound. Effective for solo use too with the gain turned up
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 Cali. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: Gain, Volume, Treble, Mid (without boost), Bass, Presence. No Bright switch. Graphic Equalizer not modeled
  • Original manual MKIV Check it for detailed descriptions of the controls and sample settings
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USA RHY 2 = MKIV Crunch (Rhythm 2 channel, FAT switch active)
  • Manual: similar to USA Rhy 1 but with the “mid-boost” engaged. This effectively removes the midrange dip from the tone stack and gives a more focused sound and a bit more gain
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 Cali. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: Gain, Volume, Treble, Mid (with boost), Bass, Presence. No Bright switch. Graphic Equalizer not modeled
  • Original manual MKIV Check it for detailed descriptions of the controls and sample settings
  • Tips in the Wiki
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USA LEAD 1 = MKIV Lead (Treble Shift not active)
  • Manual: a tight, focused, hi-gain sound great for fusion and rock leads. Based on a modern Californian lead amp that set the standard for hi-gain lead tones. With the tone-stack before the preamp tubes this type has a more liquid response than the British types where the tone-stack is after the preamp. For the classic California lead sound turn the drive up and back of the Master a bit so that most of the distortion is coming from the preamp
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 Cali. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: Gain/Drive, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence (without treble shift). Bright switch (use for lower volume levels). Graphic Equalizer not modeled
  • Don't turn up the Master Volume too much, use Drive to add gain
  • In this sim Treble Shift is off, which works well for recording
  • Original manual MKIV Check it for detailed descriptions of the controls and sample settings
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USA LEAD 2 = MKIV Lead (Treble Shift active)
  • Manual: similar to USA Lead I but with the “treble shift” engaged. This shifts the response of the treble control lower and gives a slightly different character to the tone. There is also a “treble peaker” on the input stage which slightly boosts the high frequencies giving this type a little more cut
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 Cali. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: Gain/Drive, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence (with treble shift). Bright switch (use for lower volume levels). Graphic Equalizer not modeled
  • Don't turn up the Master Volume too much, use Drive to add gain
  • Treble Shift shifts the range of the Presence control to higher frequencies on the original amp. According to the Axe-Fx manual it influences the Treble control on the Axe-Fx. In this sim Treble Shift is switched on. This works well within a band context, but can generate squealing and noise at high volume or gain levels
  • Original manual MKIV Check it for detailed descriptions of the controls and sample settings
  • Tips in the Wiki
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RECTO ORANGE = Mesa 2-channel Dual Rectifier, Vintage Orange channel (rhythm)
  • The name and model changed from Recto 1 into Recto Orange in 7.03. The manual still lists Recto 1
  • Manual: Recto Orange not described
  • Stock cabinet: Recto1, Recto2, 4x12 Cali. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: Master, Presence, Bass, Mid, Treble, Gain. No Bright switch
  • Original manual Check it for detailed descriptions of the controls and sample settings
  • Video demo
  • Wikipedia content
  • Grailtone
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RECTO RED = Mesa 2-channel Dual Rectifier, Modern Red channel (lead)
  • The name and model changed from Recto 2 into Recto Red in 7.03. The manual still lists Recto 1
  • Manual: Recto Red not described
  • Stock cabinet: Recto1, Recto2, 4x12 Cali. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: Master, Presence, Bass, Mid, Treble, Gain. No Bright switch
  • Defaults to no Damping, can be turned up
  • Original manual Check it for detailed descriptions of the controls and sample settings
  • Video demo
  • Wikipedia content
  • Grailtone
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SOLO 100 = Soldano Super Lead Overdrive (SLO-100)
  • Manual: based on a high-gain hot-rod with a chrome chassis, this amp is noted for its snarling lead sound. Also great for aggressive rhythm work, this type “chugs” nicely without getting muddy. Pair it with one of the 4x12 cabinet simulations for modern rock tones
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 V30, 4x12 German, 4x12 Cali
  • The Axe-Fx probably models the Overdrive channel, not the Normal channel
  • Controls: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Master. Bright switch (on the original amp only for Normal Channel)
  • Original manual
  • Soldano forum
  • Forum search
SPEC. OD 1 = Dumble Overdrive Special Clean
  • Manual: based on a coveted but rare lead head that was made famous by Larry Carlton and others. Another amp with a very strange tone-stack, this amp has a singing voice and is great for modern blues/fusion work. This is the clean channel
  • Stock cabinet: 2x12 Custom, 2x12 Boutique
  • Controls: Master, Bass, Middle, Treble. Bright switch
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SPEC. OD 2 = Dumble Overdrive Special Lead
  • Manual: the overdrive channel of the above
  • Stock cabinet: 2x12 Custom, 2x12 Boutique
  • Controls: Master, Bass, Middle, Treble, Level. Bright switch
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EURO 1 = 20th Anniversary Bogner Ecstasy (XTC), Blue Channel
  • Manual: based on a German high-gain amp, these amps pay homage to the British amps but with lots more gain and more high-frequency emphasis. This type simulates the overdrive channel with the boost and “structure” switches off. But: the description in the manual refers to the amp sim before firmware 9.0. In firmware 9.0 this amp sim was modeled after the Bogner XTC 20th Anniversay Blue channel
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 German, 4x12 V30. Alternative: Red Wirez Bogner V30 IR
  • Controls: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume, Presence. Bright switch
  • Original manual
  • 20th Ann. specifications
  • Sample settings
  • Sound clips
  • Bogner Amp Forum
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EURO 2 = 20th Anniversary Bogner Ecstasy (XTC), Red Channel
  • Manual: as above but with the boost and structure switches on. This one has lots of gain and plenty of low-end chunk along with a crispy top-end. Great for modern metal. But: the description in the manual refers to the amp sim before firmware 9.0. In firmware 9.0 this amp sim was modeled after the Bogner XTC 20th Anniversary Red Channel
  • Stock cabinet: 4x12 German, 4x12 V30. Alternative: Red Wirez Bogner V30 IR
  • Controls: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume, Presence. Bright switch
  • Original manual
  • 20th Ann. specifications
  • Sample settings
  • Sound clips
  • Bogner Amp Forum
  • Forum search
UK GC30 = Laney GC30V
  • Manual: based on a great British amp introduced in the 90’s this amp is a strange marriage of a USA style pre-distortion tone-stack, British voicing and a Class A power amp. Best for blues and lower-gain rock leads, has nice sustain qualities. Can get muddy at high drive levels, decrease the bass to compensate
  • Cabinet: ?
  • Based upon the Vox AC30
  • Controls: Drive, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume. No Bright switch
  • Original manual
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BUTTERY = Loosely based on a Budda Twinmaster
  • Manual: based on an 18-watt amp that gained notoriety during the late 90’s. This type is a low-gain amp that relies mostly on power amplifier distortion. Try a drive in front for smooth lead sounds
  • Cabinet: ?
  • Controls: Bass, Treble, Volume. There's a bright cap on the Volume control.
  • Forum: [ Budda Forum}
  • Original manual
  • Forum search
METAL = FAS Custom Model
  • Manual: a custom type similar to a British type but with more gain for more grind. This simulation features quite a bit of high-frequency emphasis along with a modified British tone-stack. Capable of searing rhythm and lead tones
  • Cabinet: ?
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BIG HAIR = FAS Custom Model
  • Manual: spandex, studded wrist bands, pyrotechnics and your Axe-Fx are all you'll need to relive the 80's metal scene. This custom type has a unique voicing and tone-stack that emphasizes mid frequencies without getting muddy. Now plug in and shred!
  • Cabinet: ?
  • Forum search
HELLBEAST = FAS Custom Model
  • Manual: a radical custom type with an unconventional tone-stack
  • Cabinet: ?
  • Forum thread
  • Manual: like a vintage Tweed amplifier on steroids
  • Cabinet: 1x12 Tweed, 2x12 Tweed
  • Forum thread
FUSION = FAS Custom Model
  • Manual: a smooth, thick tone good for fusion/blues solo work
  • Cabinet: 2x12 Custom
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FAS CLEAN = FAS Custom Model
  • Manual: combines the best features of the Blackface and the USA Clean into a hybrid clean tone that’s great for a variety of uses
  • Cabinet: 1x12 Black, 2x12 Black
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FAS CRUNCH = FAS Custom Model
  • Manual: a hybrid British/USA crunch sound
  • Cabinet: ?
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FAS LEAD 1 = FAS Custom Model
  • Manual: a neutral high gain lead with a tight midrange
  • Cabinet: ?
  • Forum search
FAS LEAD 2 = FAS Custom Model
FAS MODERN = FAS Custom Model
  • Manual: a high gain hybrid tone that’s equally suited to modern rhythm and lead work
  • Cabinet: ?
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JR BLUES = Fender Blues Jr.
  • Manual: based on a modern all-tube combo amp with two EL84 output tubes and a single 12” speaker. This amplifier has become an instant classic because of its gutsy tone at manageable volumes
  • Cabinet: Blues. Alternative: Red Wirez Fender IRs
  • Controls: ...
  • Forum search
BRIT PRE = Marshall JMP-1 preamp. The power amp is from the JCM 800
  • Manual: based on a rack-mount preamplifier version of the Brit 900. The preamp gained notoriety for its crunchy tone and was made popular by ZZ Top
  • Cabinet: n/a
  • Controls: ...
  • Forum search
ENERGYBALL = ENGL Powerball Lead Channel
  • Manual: based on a very high-gain German amplifier. Lots of bass, great for aggressive, drop-tuned riff work
  • Cabinet: 4x12 Metal. Alternative: Red Wirez Engl IR
  • Controls: ...
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RECTO NEW = Mesa 3-channel Dual Rectifier, Red channel set to modern
  • Manual: based on the modern version of the Dual Rectifier amps. Some minor circuit changes made this version slightly more aggressive than the originals
  • Cabinet: Recto1, Recto2, Cali. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: ...
  • Forum search
HAD ODS 1 = Dumble Overdrive Special
  • Manual: based on a very rare amp used by the likes of Larry Carlton and Robben Ford
  • Cabinet: 2x12 Custom
  • Controls: ...
  • This sim is based on a real Dumble, the others (ODS) are based on schematics
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WRECKER 1 = Trainwreck
  • Manual: based on another very rare and expensive amp designed by Ken Fischer
  • Cabinet: ?
  • Controls: ...
  • The original had no Master Volume so turn the Master fully up and turn down Drive
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BRIT JM45 = Marshall JTM-45
  • Manual: based on a legendary British Blues amplifier. This amp was actually a copy of the American “bass” amp that many guitar players were using but with different output tubes and transformer. Made famous by Eric Clapton and others
  • Cabinet: ?. Alternative: Red Wirez Marshall IRs
  • Controls: ...
  • Forum search
  • Manual: based on a high-gain, boutique German amplifier famous for its aggressive sound
  • Cabinet: 4x12 Metal
  • Controls: ...
  • Needs confirmation that it's the VH4
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PLEXI 2 = Similar to Plexi 1 but with a different “bright cap” value and different transformer model. Lower gain and more “vintage” sounding
  • Manual: based on a popular tube bass amp
  • Cabinet: 4x10 Alum, 8x10 Bass, 1x15 Bass
  • Controls: ...
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CA3+ RHY = Custom Audio Electronics 3+ SE preamp, channel # 2 (crunch)
  • Manual: based on a boutique rackmount preamp made by Bob Bradshaw. This models Channel 2
  • Channel 1 isn't modeled because it's very similar to a Fender Twin
  • Cabinet: n/a
  • Controls: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume, Punch, Presence, Bright switch.
  • Original manual
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CA3+ LD = Custom Audio Electronics 3+ SE preamp, channel # 3 (lead)
  • Manual: based on a boutique rackmount preamp made by Bob Bradshaw. This models Channel 3
  • Channel 1 isn't modeled because it's very similar to a Fender Twin
  • Cabinet: n/a
  • Controls: Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume, Punch, Presence, Bright switch.
  • Original manual
  • Forum search
Eggie R20 = Egnater Rebel 20
  • Manual: based on a popular “rebellious” 20W amplifier head
  • Cabinet: ?
  • Controls: ...
  • Forum search
USA IIC+ 1 = Mesa Boogie MkII Lead Pull Bright off
  • Manual: based on an early model of the USA type famous for its smooth overdrive sound. This model is with the pull bright off
  • Cabinet: Cali, Recto1, Recto2. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: ...
  • Tips in the Wiki
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USA IIC+ 2 = Mesa Boogie MkII Lead Pull Bright on
  • Manual: based on an early model of the USA type famous for its smooth overdrive sound. This model is with the pull bright on
  • Cabinet: Cali, Recto1, Recto2. Alternative: Red Wirez Mesa IR
  • Controls: ...
  • Tips in the Wiki
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Fryer D60L = VHT Deliverance 60 Less switched
  • Manual: based on Fryette Amplification D60 in the “Less” mode
  • Cabinet: one that comes close to a 2x12 or 4x12 with Eminence 50w speakers
  • Controls: ...
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Fryer D60M = VHT Deliverance 60 More switched
  • Manual: based on Fryette Amplification D60 in the “More” mode
  • Cabinet: one that comes close to a 2x12 or 4x12 with Eminence 50w speakers
  • Controls: ...
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Mr. Z 38 SR = Dr. Z Maz 38 SR
  • Manual: based on a boutique amp popular with country and roots players
  • Cabinet: a 2x12 with V30's
  • Controls: ...
  • It's a low output amp. Turn up the Master.
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Euro Uber = Bogner Ubershall (high-gain channel)
  • Manual: based on a high-gain German amplifier
  • Cabinet: 4x12 German. Or simulate a Bogner Ubercab by using a stereo cab with the 4x12 German and 4x12 T75. Alternative: Red Wirez Bogner Uberkab IR
  • Controls: Volume, Presence, Treble, Middle, Bass, Gain
  • Start with all controls at 1 o'clock (original amp settings). This amp has enormous loads of bass!
  • From the Bogner manual: "One of the most unique items is our "Presence" control. It's an amazing combination of a midrange-presence control. As you sweep through its range you will notice an incredible variety of tones this one control allows. For an extremely aggressive sub-harmonic bass and scooped-midrange sound, keep the presence off or very low. A huge 3-dimensional tone can be found by running the presence around 2 o'clock. Pushing the "Presence" control to maximum will allow you to cut a sonic path through the mix by reinforcing your midrange and slightly rolling off the sub-bass. Trust us: REALLY check out the presence control to unleash the hidden secrets of the UBERSCHALL. The "Midrange" control is very interactive with all the other tone controls, you can go from a hollow scooped-mid setting to an aggressive in your face and on your throat kind of intensity. The "Bass" control allows almost a sub-harmonic low-end to be added, at high volumes be sure to keep the bass down a bit to keep your tone focused like a laser beam"
  • Cliffs tip (firmware 9.03): "Here's how to make the current Uber model closer: Reduce the Depth to zero. Add a filter block after the amp. Set type to peaking, freq to 140 Hz, Q to 1.0, Gain to 12 dB"
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PVH 5105 = Peavey 5150
  • Manual: based on a popular amplifier designed with the help of EVH
  • Cabinet: 4x12 20w, 4x12 25w, 4x12 Green
  • Controls: ...
  • The hi-input on the Lead channel is modelled. It has lots of gain. Even at noon it's already very saturated
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Solo X99 Clean = Soldano X99 Clean Channel
  • Manual: famous rack preamp
  • Cabinet: n/a
  • Controls: ...
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Solo X99 Rhythm = Soldano X99 Rhythm Channel
  • Manual: famous rack preamp
  • Cabinet: n/a
  • Controls: ...
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Solo X99 Lead = Soldano X99 Lead Channel
  • Manual: famous rack preamp
  • Cabinet: n/a
  • Controls: ...
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Corncob R100 = Cornford RK100
  • Manual: based on a boutique British amplifier
  • Real amp controls: Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, Volume, Presence
  • Cabinet: one of the 4x12 V30s
  • Controls: ...
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CarollAnn OD2 = Carol-Ann OD-2
  • Manual (9.x): based on the vaunted OD2 from CarolAnn Amplifiers. Designed by the highly respected Alan Philips
  • Real amp controls (overdrive channel): Bright, Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence, Volume.
  • Cabinet: EVM-12L
  • Controls: ...
  • Introduced in 9.01, improved in 9.03 (collaberation with the designer of Carol-Ann amps)
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Citrus RV50 = Orange Rockerverb 50
  • Manual: based on a 50 watt British amplifier with reverb and covered in orange Tolex
  • Real amp controls (dirty channel): Volume, Treble, Mid, Bass, Gain.
  • Cabinet: one with V30's. Alternative: Red Wirez Orange IR
  • Controls: ...
  • Introduced in 9.03
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