Axe-Fx SysEx Documentation
Axe-Fx System Exclusive Message Table
This is a user-driven project to document the SysEx messages used by the Axe-Fx. For a list of controllers capable of sending (and possible receiving) SysEx information to your Axe-Fx please see [SysEx Capable Controllers].
Use of the SysEx messages to access your Axe-Fx is not supported by Fractal Audio. You use these messages at your own risk.
The SysEx messages are copyright Fractal Audio and are printed here with the permission of Fractal Audio.
When in doubt: ask questions in the forum before using this stuff.
General SysEx Message Overview
(Attempting to describe the general format of the SysEx messages used by the Axe-Fx here. Please expand this!)
A sample Axe-Fx SysEx message:
Message: F0 00 00 7D 01 02 0A 06 00 00 01 00 01 F7 Block: 1 2 3 4 5 (--------- data --------) 7
Block | Description |
1 | SysEx Start byte. From the GM spec. Indicates the start of a MIDI SysEx message. |
2 | Unknown |
3 | Unknown |
4 | SysEx ID. If you're sending message this should be set to the SysEx ID of your Axe-Fx. |
5 | Unknown |
data | The data portion of the SysEx message. You construct this portion using the tables below. The first two bytes are used to indicate the effect block or feature on the Axe-Fx being accessed. |
7 | SysEx End byte. |
Here's the existing Axe-Fx sysex message spec:
Axe-Fx MIDI Remote Programming
1.0 Introduction
The Axe-Fx allows remote programming via it's MIDI interface. To utilize this feature the remote programmer (PC) is connected to the Axe-Fx MIDI in and out jacks. Commands are sent to the MIDI in and replies are returned from MIDI out.
There are only two basic objects in the Axe-Fx: effects and modifiers. Effects include all effect objects and modifiers are the transform between an internal or external controller and an effect parameter. All effects have a unique effect ID and all modifiers have a unique ID.
All parameters in the Axe-Fx are stored as 8-bit values with a range of 0 to 254 (255 not used). Axe-Fx parameters fall into 3 different types: integer, linear and log. Integer parameters have a direct correspondence between the parameter value and the parameter itself. Linear parameters have a linear relationship between the parameter value and the parameter itself. Log parameters have an exponential relationship between the parameter value and the parameter itself. Integer parameters typically have a limited range of allowable values.
All MIDI functions have the same header as follows:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte0
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte1
- 0x7d Manf. ID byte2 (this value is configurable within the Axe-Fx)
- 0x00 Model #
- 0xdd Function ID
Byte2 of the manufacturers ID is configurable in the Axe-Fx on the MIDI menu. This value should match or the Axe-Fx may reject the message. The function ID indicates the type of function and sets the formatting of the data to follow.
2.0 MIDI Send Messages
These messages are sent to the Axe-Fx to carry out an action.
The following functions are available:
This function sets or queries an effect parameter.
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte0
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte1
- 0x7d Manf. ID byte2 (this value is configurable within the Axe-Fx)
- 0x00 Model #
- 0x02 Function ID
- 0xdd effect ID LS nibble
- 0xdd effect ID MS nibble
- 0xdd parameter ID LS nibble
- 0xdd parameter ID MS nibble
- 0xdd parameter value LS nibble
- 0xdd parameter value MS nibble
- 0xdd query(0) or set(1) value
- 0xF7 sysex end
The effect identified by the effect ID has its parameter identified by the parameter ID set to a value of between 0 and 254. You can query the current value by setting or clearing the set byte.
Rather than trying to keep track of the range of all parameters and their types this MIDI function operates as a virtual interface. After calling MIDI_SET_PARAM the Axe-Fx responds with the actual parameter value and a string representation of the parameter.
For example, if setting a rate parameter the Axe-Fx will respond with the parameter value (0 - 254) and a string representing the actual value of the rate, i.e. "1.234 Hz".
The value response allows querying a parameter and also does range checking on integer types. If one attempts to set an integer type outside of its range the Axe-Fx will set the value to the minimum or maximum value allowable and respond with the actual value set.
Values can be queried by simply setting the set/query byte to 0. The parameter value is irrelevant. The Axe-Fx will then respond with the current value and string representation.
When first editing an effect all the parameters should be queried to determine their current values. To then edit a parameter simply send the new parameter value and await the response.
This function sets or queries a modifier parameter.
Message format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte0
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte1
- 0x7d Manf. ID byte2 (this value is configurable within the Axe-Fx)
- 0x00 Model #
- 0x07 Function ID
- 0xdd effect ID LS nibble
- 0xdd effect ID MS nibble
- 0xdd parameter ID LS nibble
- 0xdd parameter ID MS nibble
- 0xdd modifier parameter ID LS nibble
- 0xdd modifier parameter ID MS nibble
- 0xdd modifier value LS nibble
- 0xdd modifier value MS nibble
- 0xdd query(0) or set(1) value
- 0xF7 sysex end
This function sets the value of a modifier parameter. The modifier parameter
identified by its ID has its value set to the modifier value. The effect being
controlled and the parameter being controlled are indicated by the effect and
parameter ID's. Note that the effect parameter ID will be different than the
basic parameter ID. For example, a rate control may have a parameter ID = 3. To
control it in real-time via a modifier the corresponding parameter ID will be
different. Modifiable parameters have a corresponding parameter with an ID
greater than or equal to 100.
There are 16 modifiers available in the Axe-Fx, meaning that up to 16 parameters can be controlled at one time. A modifier is connected to a parameter when the modifier control ID is nonzero. To connect a modifier to a parameter call this function with the desired effect ID and parameter ID with the modifier parameter equal to MOD_CTRTLID and a modifier value equal to the desired controller. A non-zero value will automatically connect the modifier. A value of zero will disconnect the modifier.
Once a modifier is connected the other parameters can be set or queried accordingly. Like the MIDI_SET_PARAMETER function this function responds with the value set and a text string representation of the actual value.
Places an effect at a position in the effects grid.
Message format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte0
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte1
- 0x7d Manf. ID byte2 (this value is configurable within the Axe-Fx)
- 0x00 Model #
- 0x05 Function ID
- 0xdd effect ID LS nibble
- 0xdd effect ID MS nibble
- 0xdd grid position
- 0xdd query(0) or set(1) value
- 0xF7 sysex end
The effect identified by its ID is placed at a position in the grid. The grid
is 4 rows by 12 columns. A grid position is given by position = 4 *
column_number + row_number. Rows and columns are enumerated starting with zero.
If another effect is at the position it is removed.
Connects two effects.
Message format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte0
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte1
- 0x7d Manf. ID byte2 (this value is configurable within the Axe-Fx)
- 0x00 Model #
- 0x06 Function ID
- 0xdd source position
- 0xdd destination position
- 0xdd connect (1) | disconnect (0)
The effect at the source position is connected or disconnected to/from the effect at the destination position. The position is as described above. A null block cannot be one of the two effects being connected and will result in the function failing.
3.0 MIDI Return Messages
Upon sending a message to the Axe-Fx it will return a message. The following return messages are implemented:
Message format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte0
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte1
- 0x7d Manf. ID byte2 (this value is configurable within the Axe-Fx)
- 0x00 Model #
- 0x02 Function ID (2)
- 0xdd effect ID LS nibble
- 0xdd effect ID MS nibble
- 0xdd parameter ID LS nibble
- 0xdd parameter ID MS nibble
- 0xdd parameter value LS nibble
- 0xdd parameter value MS nibble
- 0xdd null-terminated string byte0
- 0xdd byte1
- ...
- 0x00 null character
- 0xF7 sysex end
This message is returned after sending the MIDI_SET_PARAMETER message.
Message format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte0
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte1
- 0x7d Manf. ID byte2 (this value is configurable within the Axe-Fx)
- 0x00 Model #
- 0x07 Function ID (7)
- 0xdd effect ID LS nibble
- 0xdd effect ID MS nibble
- 0xdd parameter ID LS nibble
- 0xdd parameter ID MS nibble
- 0xdd modifier parameter ID LS nibble
- 0xdd modifier parameter ID MS nibble
- 0xdd modifier value LS nibble
- 0xdd modifier value MS nibble
- 0xdd null-terminated string byte0
- 0xdd byte1
- ...
- 0x00 null character
- 0xF7 sysex end
This message is returned after sending the MIDI_SET_MODIFIER message.
Reports success or failure.
Message format:
- 0xF0 sysex start
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte0
- 0x00 Manf. ID byte1
- 0x7d Manf. ID byte2 (this value is configurable within the Axe-Fx)
- 0x00 Model #
- 0xdd Calling Function ID
- 0xdd status
- 0xF7 sysex end
All other function calls respond with this message. The calling function ID is indicated and success (1) or failure (0) indicated in the status byte.
Parameter Numbers
- as of firmware revision 8.02
Effect Block IDs:
- 00 06 =
- 01 06 =
- 02 06 =
- 03 06 =
- 04 06 = Comp1
- 05 06 = Comp2
- 06 06 = GEQ1
- 07 06 = GEQ2
- 08 06 = PEQ1
- 09 06 = PEQ2
- 0A 06 = Amp1
- 0B 06 = Amp2
- 0C 06 = Cab1
- 0D 06 = Cab2
- 0E 06 = Reverb1
- 0F 06 = Reverb2
- 00 07 = Delay1
- 01 07 = Delay2
- 02 07 = Multi-Delay1
- 03 07 = Multi-Delay2
- 04 07 = Chorus1
- 05 07 = Chorus2
- 06 07 = Flanger1
- 07 07 = Flanger2
- 08 07 = Rotary1
- 09 07 = Rotary2
- 0A 07 = Phaser1
- 0B 07 = Phaser2
- 0C 07 = Wah1
- 0D 07 = Wah2
- 0E 07 = Formant
- 0F 07 = Volume/Pan
- 00 08 = Tremolo/Pan1
- 01 08 = Tremolo/Pan2
- 02 08 = Pitch
- 03 08 = Filter1
- 04 08 = Filter2
- 05 08 = Drive1
- 06 08 = Drive2
- 07 08 = Enhancer
- 08 08 = FX Loop
- 09 08 = Mixer1
- 0A 08 = Mixer2
- 0B 08 =
- 0C 08 =
- 0D 08 =
- 0E 08 = Feedback Send
- 0F 08 = Feedback Return
Effect Block IDs:
- 00 09 = Synth1
- 01 09 = Synth2
- 02 09 = Vocoder
- 03 09 = MegaTap Delay
- 04 09 = Crossover1
- 05 09 = Crossover2
- 06 09 = Gate/Exp1
- 07 09 = Gate/Exp2
- 08 09 = Ring Mod
- 09 09 = Pitch2
- 0A 09 = MBC1
- 0B 09 = MBC2
- 0C 09 = QuadCho1
- 0D 09 = QuadCho2
- 0E 09 = Resonator1
- 0F 09 = Resonator2
- 00 0A = GEQ3
- 01 0A = GEQ4
- 02 0A = PEQ3
- 03 0A = PEQ4
- 04 0A = Filter3
- 05 0A = Filter4
- 06 0A = Vol/Pan2
- 07 0A = Vol/Pan3
- 08 0A = Vol/Pan4