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The contents of this FAQ have been migrated to the soon-to-be-published Axe-Fx II Wiki.
This is a FAQ page for the Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II. It is not officially supported by Fractal Audio.
[http://forum.fractalaudio.com/members/yek.html Alexander van Engelen (Yek)]
The content mostly is derived from forum messages by Fractal Audio, Fractal forum administrators/moderators and other experienced users such as Matman, Javajunkie, Bakerman, Scott Peterson, Don Petersen, Rex, and lots of others.
If you're looking for tips and tricks regarding the Standard and Ultra (first-generation units), [http://wiki.fractalaudio.com/index.php?title=Yeks_How_Tos look here].
Keep an eye on the sources below for up-to-date information:
# [http://www.fractalaudio.com Fractal Audio website]
# [http://forum.fractalaudio.com Fractal Audio users forum]
# [http://axefxwiki.guitarlogic.org Axe-Fx Wiki]
# (...) Axe-Fx II manual
# (...) Firmware release notes
# [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/search.php?do=finduser&userid=7762&contenttype=vBForum_Post&showposts=1 Posts from the President of Fractal Audio]
If you subscribe to [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/threads/32028-Fractal-Audio-Systems-News this forum thread], you’ll receive notifications of important news like the release of new firmware.
Alexander van Engelen (Yek)
==What are the differences with Standard/Ultra==
See [http://www.fractalaudio.com/tmp/Axe-Fx_II_Product_Brief.pdf AFXII Product Brief] and [http://fractalaudio.com/products-fas-axe-fx-ii-2.html Fractal Audio website].
==What are the technical specifications==
See [http://www.fractalaudio.com/tmp/Axe-Fx_II_Product_Brief.pdf AFXII Product Brief].
==How do the unit and the circuit board look==
# [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-general-discussion/35905-blastoff.html#post489021 Circuit board]
# [http://www.fractalaudio.com/tmp/front.jpg High resolution picture of the front panel]
# [http://www.fractalaudio.com/tmp/rear.jpg High resolution picture of the rear panel]
==Where is it manufactured==
All units are made in USA. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490183&viewfull=1#post490183 Source] The units are identical for all global regions and support 100-240V.
==What are the dimensions==
19" x 3,5" x 14". An inch or two deeper than the Standard/Ultra. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-69.html#post493889 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-general-discussion/36278-axefx-ii-dimensions.html#post495090 Source2]
The depth according to the Product Brief is 12" but this is incorrect.
==What poweramp and speakers are used to compare the amp models to the real amps==
Cliff: "A Mesa 4x12 with my Carvin F1200 power amp. The patches were dry because I do A/B comparisons using an A/B box. I run the cab stereo and put the amp being modeled into one side and the Axe-Fx II into the other side. I run my guitar to the A/B box. One output to the amp and one to the Axe-Fx. Then I can quickly switch back and forth to verify the model is working properly." [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-52.html#post492536 Source]
==Are the rack ears removable==
Yes. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-34.html#post491607 Source]
==Can it be mounted in a rack or rackbag==
The Axe-Fx is a 19” 2HE device. It can easily be mounted in a rack or rackbag. If necessary combined with a racked poweramp and/or power conditioner. You can put the rack or bag on a stand such as [http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/product/ProLine-PLAS-Adjustable-Amp-Stand?sku=581185 this] or  [http://www.thomann.de/gb/millenium_as2001.htm this].
==New users: how to get started quickly==
==How do I make sure everything is set up correctly for the gig==
==How do I experience the factory presets the right way==
==Where do I find videos and audio clips==
==Do I need a MIDI interface to connect to a computer==
No, USB suffices (MIDI-over-USB). The AFXII itself is an USB-to-MIDI adapter. MIDI connections can still be used and editing over MIDI is still possible.
==Do I need an audio interface to record==
No. The AFXII already contains the required circuitry to send a digital signal into the computer over USB. If you're monitoring from the AFXII itself there's no latency. When monitoring the signal from the computer, the latency is determined by the host computer.
==Which digital I/O connections are supported==
# S/PDIF (RCA coaxial)
==Can I use the digital input simultaneously with analog inputs and outputs==
You can use the digital input with analog Output 1 (and simultaneously digital out). You can use Input 2 and Output 2 while using the digital input. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490196&viewfull=1#post490196 Source]
==Is the digital sample rate fixed==
Yes, at 48kHz. Resampling is handled in software. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490246&viewfull=1#post490246 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490272&viewfull=1#post490272 Source2] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490960&viewfull=1#post490960 Source3] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=491020&viewfull=1#post491020 Source4]
==How does it support USB==
The USB is Audio Class 2.0 compliant. On a Mac you don't need to install any drivers but you do need to install the firmware loader for the USB chip (it is a "soft" processor and downloads its code from the host on start-up). On a PC you also have to install the Audio Class 2.0 drivers. The driver supports ASIO, SRC, etc. etc. You can use the USB just for remote control via Axe-Edit if you want. You don't have to use the audio features. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-2.html#post490183 Source]
In the I/O > MIDI menu set "USB ADAPTER MODE" to ON and it functions as a USB-to-MIDI adapter. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-22.html#post490982 Source]
You can edit and simultaneously record through USB. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490353&viewfull=1#post490353 Source]
It cannot connect to a USB stick. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-34.html#post491613 Source]
The Axe-Fx will respond to MIDI events sent over USB. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-81.html#post495041 Source]
==How does the unit show up in my DAW==
As a 3-In, 2-Out device. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490246&viewfull=1#post490246 Source]
==Can I use it for reamping==
The third channel on the USB output (to the computer) is the raw data from the Instrument Input. You record this. You then play this track back into the AFXII and set Input Source to USB. Then tweak until you get the sound you want. When you are happy, record the first two channels which are the processed audio. You can save the raw track if you want to go back later and reamp the track again. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490445&viewfull=1#post490445 Source]
The dry signal level is fixed, and for good reason. When you send that signal back in it is the same as the original signal sent to the grid. This means you don't have to adjust anything when reamping. You simply send the signal back. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-16.html#post490696 Source]
==Where do I download Axe-Edit==
[http://www.fractalaudio.com/products-axe-edit.html Axe-Edit product page]
==Can I use Axe-Edit and the MFC-101 simultaneously==
Yes. There's no need (anymore) to use a MIDI Merger.
==Where do I find information about the upcoming Axe-Edit 1.0 release==
[http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35962-fate-axe-edit.html Thread]
==Where do I download the latest firmware==
[http://www.fractalaudio.com/support-fractal.html Fractal Support]
==How do I update the firmware==
==How do I reset the unit==
==Which programming language is used to code the firmware==
C and assembly. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490641&viewfull=1#post490641 Source]
==How do backup and restore work==
The AFXII contains onboard backup memory.
==Does it have a memory slot==
==Is it bad to switch the power off just like that==
Use the front panel knob to switch the unit on or off. Or disconnect the power. As often as you want, it doesn't hurt. Just remember to store your preset changes first, it saves all other changes automatically.
==How do I get sound from it (basics)==
==How do I use it with FR amplification==
(tube / ss poweramp)
==How do I connect it to a mixer==
==How do I use it with my own preamp or amplifier (4CM)==
The AFXII supports unity gain when settings things up for 4CM: Four Cable Method. To obtain unity gain turn both Output knobs at the front fully up. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490260&viewfull=1#post490260 Source]
==How do I use it with my own power amp and speaker cabinet==
==How do I get mono or stereo output==
==How do I set it up for multiple output signals for different purposes==
==How do I use it as an external effects processor==
==How do I connect my guitar(s)==
The front panel input uses a proprietary circuit and dedicated A/D converter for low noise. Always use the front input for guitar, whether wired or wireless. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-24.html#post491050 Source]
The front input does not disable the rear input (different from Standard/Ultra). Use the menu to select either the front or the rear for Input 1. You can leave everything plugged in. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-22.html#post490982 Source]
The front input impedance is 1 Mohm, or less if Input Impdance is adjusted.
All rear analog inputs are balanced like the onboard XLR outputs. The inputs detect whether the incoming signal is balanced or not.
==How do I connect a wireless receiver==
The same way as your guitar: fFront, to take advantage of the front input's "special sauce" for noise reduction. The rear inputs (both 1 and 2) operate on line level, the front input operates on instrument level.
== How do I set the input levels==
Instead of knobs at the front, there are soft Input knobs in the I/O menu. The input levels are controlled via digitally-controlled potentiometer. These work globally, not per preset. The setting doesn't affect the input gain of the Amp and Drive blocks. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490268&viewfull=1#post490268 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/36299-input-level-knob.html#post495033 Source2]
==How do I set the output levels and avoid clipping==
==How do I adjust the overall tone and volume level==
==How do I use the onboard effects loop (Input 2, Output 2)==
==How does it obtain unity gain==
The AFXII has digitally controlled potentiometers before and after the A/D and D/A converters. Therefore it knows what the input and output gains are. It compensates for these gains in the digital path. This allows "unity gain processing". If you set the Output Level knob to maximum you will get out what you put in (assuming the blocks have no gain). So if you were to make a preset with shunts from input to output and you put a 1V signal into the unit you would get 1V out. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490260&viewfull=1#post490260 Source]
==How do the HumBuster outputs work==
The 1/4" outputs have a "remote ground sense" feature. You take a TRS cable and on one end you put a TRS plug and on the other end you put a regular TS plug. On the TS end you tie the ring conductor to ground. Plug the TRS end into the Axe-Fx II. The ground noise of the attached equipment is sensed and added to the output signal thereby cancelling the common-mode noise (hum). This is especially useful when doing the 4CM since that's when you usually get the worst ground loops. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-38.html#post491850 Source]
==Can I connect a music player==
Yes, connect the player to the USB slot. The signal will be mixed into the output of the AFXII. Adjust the volume on the player. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490273&viewfull=1#post490273 Source]
==How do I set the headphones level==
Use the Output1 knob. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490353&viewfull=1#post490353 Source]
==How do I mute the signal when using the Tuner==
==How do I get rid of noise==
See Noise Gate.
==How many presets does it support==
384. Most are ported from the Ultra. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-34.html#post491613 Source1]
==Can I load Standard and Ultra presets==
No. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490194&viewfull=1#post490194 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490305&viewfull=1#post490305 Source2]
==How does the DSP load compare to the Ultra==
A patch that uses 94% of the DSP on an Ultra will use around 70% on the AFXII. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35989-fx-inventory-ii.html#post490116 Source]
==How fast does it switch between presets==
About 20ms.
==How do I prevent overloading the DSPs==
==Does it have a Compare function for presets or effect blocks==
No(t) yet. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/36036-compare-button.html#post490847 Source]
Alternatively you can set up two presets, use the X/Y function or use Axe-Edit's Snapshot to compare.
==How do I use the Quick Control knobs==
You can use them to quickly scroll through presets instead of using the Value Wheel. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-60.html#post493071 Source]
And they can be assigned to any modifiable parameter per patch. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-52.html#post492530 Source]
Or configure them to function as pedals. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490451&viewfull=1#post490451 Source]
==What's the DIR tab on the main preset screen for==
It lists preset names and numbers for quick recall. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-60.html#post493068 Source]
==What's the EFFECT tab on the main preset screen for==
==How does Input Impedance work==
It is a parameter in the layout menu that affects a hardware switch. It can be set to automatic (detects the appropriate setting based on your first effect) or you can set it manually. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-62.html#post493117 Source]
Its range is 70k - 1Meg. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490276&viewfull=1#post490276 Source]
The input impedance is selectable from a dozen or so values. It is done right at the instrument input using analog switches. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-52.html#post492539 Source]
It changes based on the amp model, however amps are always 1 Meg. If the first active effect is a Drive, for example, the impedance will change based on the Drive model. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-62.html#post493130 Source]
It can be saved per preset. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-72.html#post494106 Source]
The impedance feature will only have an audible effect if you are plugging your guitar directly in. It operates by loading down the guitar's pickups. If you have anything buffering the guitar then you won't be loading the pickups. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-81.html#post495039 Source]
==What are Global Blocks==
An effect block can be saved as a Global Block. It then can be linked to from other presets, just like Global Amps. A change to the "master" will affect all linked blocks.
==Does it support spillover of delay trails and reverb between presets==
Yes, in the same way as the 1st-generation units.
==How does the X/Y function work==
# You can set up certain effect blocks to switch between two sets of parameters. For example, with Amp blocks you can have 4 configured amps per preset, of which two can be active. Then use the X/Y knob on the AFXII, or an IA switch (toggle) on a MIDI foot controller, to switch between the sets. This essentially doubles the number of those blocks within a preset. X and Y can be the same type of effect, say a RAT drive, but with different parameters. There's no transition between the two. Switching occurs at block level using a MID CC, not on preset level. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-36.html#post491710 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490219&viewfull=1#post490219 Source2] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-40.html#post491945 Source3] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-42.html#post492017 Source4] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-42.html#post492024 Source5] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-43.html#post492049 Source6]
# Cliff: "The idea behind X/Y is that people often have multiple distortion/chorus/delay/etc. pedals on their board but they rarely have more than one on at a time. So rather than creating more instances of effects, which sucks up CPU, have each instance capable of more than one sound." [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-42.html#post492028 Source]
# X/Y switching is nearly instantaneous. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-39.html#post491930 Source]
# X/Y doesn't support spillover. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-41.html#post492003 Source]
# On the MFC-101 X is green, Y is Red. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490451&viewfull=1#post490451 Source]
# The X and Y buttons also double as user-definable Quick-Jump keys, which can be set to open the EDIT menus of any 2 blocks without going through the grid.
==Is there a Freeze or Hold effect==
Yes, it's built into the Delay effect. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-22.html#post490985 Source]
==Does it have a Bit Crusher effect==
No. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490251&viewfull=1#post490251 Source]
==About Global EQ==
It's always on. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-24.html#post491055 Source]
The 10-band frequencies are: 31, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-59.html#post493044 Source]
='''AMP BLOCK'''=
==How many amp models can it hold==
Lots. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490310&viewfull=1#post490310 Source]
Each preset can have two Amp blocks. There's no impact on the DSP capacity because one of the two AFXII DSPs is devoted entirely to amp modeling.
Each Amp block can also use the X/Y feature to switch between sets of parameters.
==Can I rename the amp types==
No. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490268&viewfull=1#post490268 Source]
==How much DSP-capacity does an amp block require==
One Amp block uses about 40%. One of the two DSPs is dedicated to Amp blocks. So you can run 2 of those. The other DSP is for other effects. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490451&viewfull=1#post490451 Source]
==Does this amp modeling differ from Standard/Ultra==
Yes. It's called G2 and Virtual Vaccuum Modeling modeling. See Fractal Audio website.
==Where are the Warmth and Thump parameters==
These are removed from the Amp block in the AFXII. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490168&viewfull=1#post490168 Source]
==Where is the 8-band EQ positioned in the Amp block==
It's fixed in position at the very output. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-30.html#post491401 Source]
==What are Global Amps==
It supports 10 Global Amps.
You can save Amp block settings to a Global Amp slot without being in that slot already. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-52.html#post492523 Source]
==Do amps still have negative presence==
No. However for amps with no negative feedback (damp at 0) it turns into a Hicut parameter. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-64.html#post493267 Source]
==How does Input Trim work==
Changing the input trim doesn't affect the amount of distortion. This the whole idea. You set the trim to optimize the signal level into the converters. Internally the unit applies the inverse of the trim so that the signal into the grid is constant. In other words, if you put 1V into the input the input to the grid is 1V regardless of the trim setting. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-34.html#post491611 Source]
==What's the Saturation switch parameter for==
It switches in a zener diode clipping stage right before the tone stack. This is the "Arrendondo Mod". [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-76.html#post494304 Source]
==Are all amp parameters assignable to MIDI controllers==
No. Cliff stated it now has the ability to do that for all parameters so maybe down the road. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-24.html#post491055 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-91.html#post495969 Source2]
==What about Standard/Ultra amp types that are not in the list (yet)==
Cliff: "The amps I haven't ported yet are because I don't have the real amp yet. I could use theoretical values but I would rather not." [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35930-list-models-10.html#post492166 Source]
Javajunkie: "Plexi2 on Ultra = Plexi 1 w/ different bright cap val, xformer hi freq, and presence freq. I have the values written down. You can do the same with the Plexi normal on the II. From what I understand (and Cliff can correct if I am wrong) - Plexi 1 and 2 are the same models with different default values. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35930-list-models-7.html#post491728 Source]
Cliff: "As for Eggie... It's just a Blues Jr. with no negative feedback." [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35930-list-models-3.html#post490634 Source]
==Which amps are modeled==
# Below is the lst of modeled amps in the AFXII. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35930-list-models-3.html#post490611 Source]
# Cliff: "Almost all the amps in the AFXII are based on actual amps. The amps I haven't ported yet are because I don't have the real amp yet. I could use theoretical values but I would rather not." [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35930-list-models-10.html#post492166 Source]
===59 BASSGUY===
# Real amp: Fender Bassman
# Cabinet suggestion: ...
# Original controls: Volume, Presence, Bass, Middle, Treble. Normal/Bright channel
# For authentic tone: crank the Master, Drive at 3.50
# Try with a Treble Booster Drive block
# [http://axefxwiki.guitarlogic.org/index.php?title=Tutorials#Fenders_Sims Fender tips in the Wiki]
# [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Bassman Wikipedia]
===65 BASSGUY===
# Cliff: "Definitely not your father's Bassman. Has a pissed-off Marshall vibe to it." [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35930-list-models-5.html#post490912 Source]
# Real amp: Fender Vibroverb
# Cabinet suggestion: ...
# Original controls for Normal channel: Volume (no Master), Bass/Treble, Bright switch (on by default). The real amp also has a Bright channel
# For authentic clean tone: crank the Master, Drive at 3.50. For more crunch turn up Drive
# [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Vibroverb Wikipedia]
===JR BLUES===
===CLASS-A 15W TB===
===CLASS-A 30W===
===CLASS-A 30W TB===
===BRIT JM45===
===1987X NORMAL===
===1987X TREBLE===
===BRIT 800===
===BRIT 800 MOD===
===USA CLEAN 2===
===USA LEAD 1===
===USA LEAD 2===
===EURO RED===
===SOLO 99 CLN===
===SOLO 100 RHY===
===SOLO 100 LD===
===PVH 6160===
# Cilff: "I have a block letter 5150 that I based the model on." [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35930-list-models-13.html#post494191 Source]
===MR Z 38 SR===
===CA3+ RHY===
===CA3+ LD===
===WRECKER 1===
===CORNCOB M50===
===FRYETTE D60 L===
===FRYETTE D60 M===
===CITRUS RV50===
===JAZZ 120===
===ODS-100 CLEAN===
===ODS-100 LEAD===
===FAS LEAD===
===BRIT PRE===
===SV BASS===
='''CAB BLOCK'''=
==How many cab slots does it have==
64 factory (stock) cabs and 50 user cab slot for external IRs.
==Which new parameters are added to the cab block==
Room Level, Room Size, Mic Spacing, Low Cut and High Cut. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490268&viewfull=1#post490268 Source]
==What are 2048-point IRs good for==
Cliff: "Depends on the cab. Certain cabs benefit more than others. I started out with 8192 but didn't hear any difference so couldn't justify wasting all that space and CPU. You can hear it with room mics but the room simulation sounds nearly identical. There are a couple reasons for 2048. Probably most important is that it allows 1024 in stereo mode. To be able to do stereo 1024 requires a 2048 convolution engine. Secondly, some IRs benefit from longer IRs. Better to have the ability and not need it than the converse." [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=491042&viewfull=1#post491042 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-89.html#post495810 Source2]
A stereo cab (LoRes) now uses two 1024 IRs (instead of 512 on Standard/Ultra). [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-77.html#post494492 Source]
Jay Mitchell's comments on 512-, 1024- and 2048-point IRs: [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-84.html#post495507 1] and [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-86.html#post495694 2] and [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-87.html#post495705 3] and [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-89.html#post495792 4].
It's no use converting 1024-point IRs to 2048 since they don't contain the necessary data. You need a WAV-file to convert to 2048. A conversation utility is not yet available.
==Where do I find 3rd-party IRs==
3rd-party IRs are available from [http://www.ownhammer.com Ownhammer] and [http:/www.RedWirez.com RedWirez] for Standard/Ultra as well as AFXII. Some of their IRS are included with the AFXII. You can load these IRs into the AFXII using the external cab slots.
==Where is the Drive parameter in the cab block==
This parameter has been removed from the Cab block in the AFXII. Instead, the Amp block has dynamic speaker modeling in the Amp block. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490168&viewfull=1#post490168 Source]
==Does it have a cab type for acoustic guitar==
No. There's a thread on the forum that contains Fishman Aurex IRs (1024-point). There's an IR available of an acoustic body that has been converted to 2048 points.
==How do I manage the user cab slots==
User cab slots is another name for external cab blocks, or impulse responses (IRs). (...)
==Can I rename cabs in the user cab slots==
Yes, using Axe-Edit. The AFXII uses the name contained in the sysex data of the IR-file to show on its display with a maximum of 32 characters. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490268&viewfull=1#post490268 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=491040&viewfull=1#post491040 Source2]
==Can I make it sound like an amp in the room==
Use the room simulation controls in the Cab block. These can be used with any IR. It's a special reverb algoritm.
==Why are two cab blocks louder than a single one==
Bakerman: "It depends on how you're panning. Assuming a mono signal sent to cabs: Stereo cab w/ Pan L and Pan R fully left & right will be the same output level as 2 mono cabs w/ balance L & R. If pans/balances are centered the 2 mono cabs will be 6 dB louder. Balance elsewhere would be between 0 and 6 dB louder, and balance doesn't correspond 1:1 to pan L/R for the same placement. Balances will need to be further toward -50 or 50. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/ultra-zone/36412-stereo-cab-vs-two-mono-hires-cabs-question.html#post496528 Source]
==What are the factory (stock) cab types==
# Blocks: 2.
# Supports X/Y function.
# Offers fixed types: digital mono, digital stereo, analog mono, analog stereo, japan ce-2, warm stereo, 80s style, triangle, 8-voice stereo.
# The Chorus block of the AFXII models bucket-brigade delay lines (BBD). [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490206&viewfull=1#post490206 Source]
==About DELAY==
# Blocks: 2.
# Supports the X/Y function.
# The AFXII adds improvements to the Delay block: a two-band parametric EQ for the wet signal with low-cut and high-cut with adjustable slopes for the cut filters. The EQ stuff is on a separate GUI page with a graphical display. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=491040&viewfull=1#post491040 Source]
# Delay blocks now have a master feedback that goes to 200% for oscillating delay effects. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-45.html#post492139 Source]
# Offers fixed types: digital mono, digital stereo, analog mono, analog stereo, mono tape, stereo tape, ping-pong, dual, reverse, sweep, ducking, vintage digital, 2290 w/ mod, ambient stereo.
# Reverse delay: (...).
==About DETUNE==
See Pitch.
==About DRIVE==
# Blocks: 2. No hopes for more Drive blocks. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-12.html#post490463 Source]
# Supports the X/Y function.
See (...).
# Blocks: 1. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-29.html#post491359 Source]
# This block can be used to route the signal. A common use is to extend the possible number of effects (have more than 12 blocks) by routing the signal from row to row.
==About FILTER==
==About FLANGER==
# Blocks: 2.
# Supports the X/Y function.
# The Flanger block of the AFXII models bucket-brigade delay lines (BBD). [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490206&viewfull=1#post490206 Source]
# Offers fixed types: digital mono, digital stereo, analog mono, analog stereo, thru zero, stereo jet.
==About FORMANT==
==About GRAPHIC EQ==
# Blocks: ...
# It's a 10-band EQ. Frequencies: 31, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-60.html#post493063 Source]
==About LOOPER==
# Blocks: 1. It's a dedicated block (instead of a Delay mode as on the Standard/Ultra).
# The same features as on the Ultra (with stack and reverse) but with 60 seconds loop time. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35931-axe-ii-looper-functionality.html#post489541 Source]
==About MIXER==
==About NOISE GATE==
# Blocks: (...).
# There also is a global Noise Gate in the Layout menu. These separate Gate blocks are available for additional noise control.
# You can use SCSEL (SideChain Select) to select the signal the gate is working with. If the gate is the first block in the routing there's no need to use SCSEL. But if the gate is placed after other blocks in the routing, it can be useful to use SCSEL to set an optimal source signal. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-general-discussion/36145-isp-decimator-gate-expander-question.html Source]
==About PANNER==
==About PHASER==
# Blocks: 2.
# Supports the X/Y function.
# Offers fixed types: digital mono, digital stereo, script 45, script 90, block 90, classic vibe, stereo 8 stage - plus vibe mode.
==About PITCH==
# Blocks: 2.
# Supports the X/Y function.
# The Pitch block has a Learn function. Turn it on, play a note, hold it. The AFXII now sets the key according to the note you played. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-30.html#post491405 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-76.html#post494304 Source2]
==About REVERB==
# Blocks: 2.
# Supports the X/Y function. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/36159-where-axe-ii-samples-come-beta-testers-13.html#post496334 Source]
# The AFXII adds improvements to the Reverb block: there are improvements in the tail decay plus a two-band parametric EQ for the wet signal with low-cut and high-cut. The EQ stuff is on a separate GUI page with a graphical display. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=491040&viewfull=1#post491040 Source]
==About SYNTH==
==About TREMLO==
==About (UNI)VIBE==
==About VOCODER==
==About WAH==
# Blocks: 2.
# Supports the X/Y function.
# The Wah block of the AFXII models the Fasel Inductor. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490206&viewfull=1#post490206 Source]
# Seek wah: (...).
==How many external controllers are supported==
==How many steps does the Sequencer have==
==Can a modifier be set to min and max values==
In the AFXII there are MIN and MAX values. These are the actual parameter values. For example, if you want to change the delay time from 500 ms to 700 ms, you simply set MIN to 500 ms and MAX to 700 ms. So 0% corresponds to 500 ms and 100% corresponds to 700 ms. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490193&viewfull=1#post490193 Source]
==Can the Quick Control knobs be used as pedals==
Yes. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490451&viewfull=1#post490451 Source]
==What's the purpose of the Rj45 port==
Use this to connect the MFC-101, instead of using a MIDI cable. It uses a regular CAT-5 network cable and a propietary protocol. This supports bidirectional communication and phantom power. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-30.html#post491404 Source]
When using the CAT-5 cable a 9V adapter is no longer needed to provide phantom power. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-49.html#post492331 Source1] [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-49.html#post492332 Source2]
When switching off the AFXII, the MFC-101 also switches off. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/showthread.php?t=35997&p=490763&viewfull=1#post490763 Source]
==Does it support a future MFC-101 expansion unit==
Yes. [http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii/35997-axe-fx-ii-technical-questions-thread-45.html#post492119 Source]
==How many pedals can be connected directly==
==Is phantom power over 7-pin MIDI still supported==
Yes. Pins 6 and 7 carry phantom power.
'''Index of How-Tos for Axe-Fx I, for editing purposes:'''
How to save and restore stuff==
How to replace the battery==
How to use it as an audio interface==
How to use Axe-Edit==
How to edit presets on a computer==
How to use presets by other users==
How to create a new preset from scratch==
How to create your first preset==
How to make editing easier==
How to copy and paste effect settings between presets==
How to reset an effect to its default state==
How to adjust the global effects level or the master reverb level==
How to insert more than 12 effects in a preset==
How to add an effect to a preset==
How to use effects in a parallel row==
How to put effects before or after your own preamp==
How to create a master bypass switch==
How to run an effect in stereo or mono==
How to set the correct bypass mode for an effect==
How to set the volume level of an effect==
How to adjust the volume level of a preset while playing==
How to boost the signal for leads==
How to avoid output clipping==
How to decide where to put the cab block==
How to enable spillover of delay trails and reverb==
How to enable global control of any effects block==
How to save and recall favorite amp settings (global amp)==
How to minimize gaps in the signal when switching presets==
How to print presets==
How to keep your presets organized==
How to insert an external pedal in the routing==
How to know which effects are available==
How to know which amps are simulated===
How to dial in amp settings===
How to set the Drive and Master controls===
How to use the amp tone controls (tonestack)===
How to use the Bright switch===
How to use the Boost switch===
How to use the Presence control===
How to set the amp's advanced parameters===
How to split the preamp and poweramp of an amp sim===
How to get tight bass control===
How to use a Drive block to add or control gain===
How to add a gain stage===
How to prevent crossover distortion===
How to use multiple amps in a preset===
How to solve this issue: "My tone changes when I start editing the Amp block"===
How to get controlled feedback===
How to choose between the stock cabinets===
How to choose between the microphone sims===
How to choose between a stereo or mono cabinet===
How to use the Air and Drive parameters===
How to use an external user cab (IR)===
How to set the speaker resonance parameter===
How to optimize your room tone as well as the FOH tone ===
How to create an automated dive bomb===
How to integrate a real talk box===
How to create the vibrato effect===
How to simulate a violin===
How to simulate multiple violins (strings)===
How to crossfade effects===
How to automate volume swells===
How to get or handle acoustic tones===
How to create U2’s Mysterious Ways effect===
How to create space(ship) and lasergun sounds===
How to simulate a flute===
How to simualte an organ===
How to get the shimmer effect===
How to simulate an E-Bow (infinite sustain)===
How to simulate the sound of a windstorm===
How to simulate a sitar or tampura===
How to create infinite reverb (freeze, hold reverb, chord-drone)===
How to simulate dropped tuning===
How to simulate sirens===
How to create automatic double-tracking (ADT)===
How to use Buzz Feiten tuning===
How to get familiar with MIDI==
How to configure the MIDI settings and stuff==
How to handle MIDI problems==
How to choose a MIDI foot controller==
How to make your MIDI foot controller work==
How to operate the MFC-101==
How to power a MIDI foot controller through MIDI (phantom power)==
How to access presets 128 and higher with a MIDI foot controller==
How to switch effects on and off using a MIDI foot controller==
How to activate the tuner using a MIDI foot controller==
How to display the tuner on a MIDI foot controller's display==
How to choose an expression pedal==
How to connect and configure an expression pedal or switch==
How to solve a "stuttering" expression pedal==
How to turn an expression pedal into a wah==
How to activate an effect automatically when moving an expression pedal==
How to use a single pedal to control different effects without switching presets (dual-function pedal) ==
How to use a switch for global control of any effects block==
How to reset a pedal when switching presets==
How to mute the delay using an expression pedal or switch==
How to switch between different effect settings using a single switch==
How to use a pedal for volume boosts==

Latest revision as of 16:43, 20 June 2011

The contents of this FAQ have been migrated to the soon-to-be-published Axe-Fx II Wiki.

Alexander van Engelen (Yek)