Read the Owners Manual first!

Chorus block

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Chorus block.PNG

Available on which products

  • Axe-Fx III: 2 blocks
  • FM3: 2 blocks
  • Axe-Fx II: 2 blocks
  • FX8: 2 blocks
  • AX8: 1 block

Channels or X/Y switching

  • Axe-Fx III and FM3: 4 channels
  • Axe-Fx II: X/Y
  • FX8: X/Y
  • AX8: X/Y

Chorus types and effects


  1. Digital Mono
  2. Digital Stereo
  3. Analog Mono
  4. Analog Stereo
  5. Japan CE-2
  6. Warm Stereo
  7. 80's Style
  8. Triangle Chorus
  9. 8-Voice Stereo
  10. Vintage Tape
  11. Dimension 1
  12. Dimension 2
  13. Dimension 3
  14. 4-Voice Analog
  15. 8-Voice Analog
  16. Stereo Tri-Chorus
  17. Dual Chorus

Position of the Chorus block on the grid

You can put the Chorus block either before (PRE) or after (POST) the Amp block. Placed PRE, the block operates as a pedal on a traditional pedalboard. Placed POST, it takes the role of a studio/rack effect.

A stereo Chorus placed before the Amp block, will be summed to mono, so make sure it is set to mono (LFO Phase: 0) to prevent phase cancellation issues.

More information about phase cancellation

Avoiding phase cancellation and comb filtering

Some chorus types (such as 80s and Triangle) "invert" the wet sound on one side. If you're collapsing the signal to mono after the Chorus block, the wet side will completely cancel and you'll hear no chorus at all.

More information about phase cancellation


Parameters table

Parameter Axe-Fx III / FM3 Axe-Fx II AX8 / FX8
Type yes yes yes
Rate yes yes yes
Tempo yes yes yes
Delay Time yes yes yes
Left/Center/Right/Master Depth yes yes yes
Low Cut, High Cut yes yes yes
Phase Reverse yes yes yes
Drive yes yes yes
LFO Phase, LFO Type yes yes yes
LFO2 Rate, LFO2 Depth yes yes yes
Auto Depth yes yes yes
Width yes yes yes
Dimension Mode yes yes yes
Stereo Spread yes
Global Mix yes


(Axe-Fx II Owner's Manual) "Whenever the number of voices is set to more than two, the LFO type will be changed automatically to SINE. If the number of voices is greater than two and the LFO type is changed to something other than SINE, the number of voices will be reset to two."

(Axe-Fx III) "The Chorus block has up to 8 voices." source

A single chorus voice, i.e. for a Vibrato effect, can be obtained by setting LFO Phase to 0.

Stereo Spread

Values beyond +/-100% increase the apparent image beyond the stereo field.

More information about chorus

The Chorus block is explained in the Owner's Manual