Read the Owners Manual first!

Mixer block

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Mixer: in the Axe-Fx II owner's manual

  • 5.18 Mixer [MIX]
  • 5.36 Output Mixer
  • 16.11 Mixology

Mixer: supported by which products?

  • Axe-Fx II: yes.
  • FX8: no.

Mixer: global preset mixer and block effect

  • The grid output also contains a Mixer. It has a Level control which controls the overall volume of the preset. Its setting can be different for each preset scene, see Preset scenes.

Mixer: X/Y switching and bypass (XL-only)

  • The Axe-Fx II XL adds X/Y switching capability.
  • The Mixer block in the XL can be bypassed.

Mixer: in first column

  • A Mixer block in the first column on the grid operates differently. Only Gain and Balance for the first row are functional, the others are ignored.

Mixer: routing functionality

  • Attach an external controller (switch) to the Mixer for switching purposes. Example: operating the pedal or switch can enable one row (effect) and bypass another. This lets you use a single pedal to operate as a Wah (Wah block) or a Whammy (Pitch block). More information: Expression pedals, external switches.