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Firmware release notes - MFC-101 (legacy)

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Revision as of 12:40, 23 January 2014 by Yek (talk | contribs)
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  • Upgrading from 2.x: MFC-­‐101 firmware 3.00 is compatible with previous 2.x firmware versions in all regards except one: You may need to re-­assign Axe-‐Fx Mode IA switches as their indexes have changed. To do so:
    • EDIT
    • MIDI (#4)
    • Page> (#7) seven times
    • Select the desired IA Switch using UP/DN
    • Parameter> (#12)
    • Select the desired Axe-­‐Fx function using up down.
    • <Parameter (#11) to return to selecting an IA Switch.
  • For details on upgrading from 1.x versions, see notes below for v2.01
    • New Axe­‐Fx IA Switch Types:
      • VOL INCR
      • VOL DECR
      • SCENE 1/2 TOGGLE


  • Upgrading from 2. x: MFC‐101 firmware 2.18 is fully compatible with previous 2.x firmware versions. Upgrading from 2.11 may require you to re-­assign Axe­‐Fx Mode IA switches as they changed in v2.13. For details on upgrading from 1.x versions, see notes below for v2.01.
  • Solved a problem where “General Use” IA Switches set to toggle between two scenes occasionally required more than one press.


  • Solved a problem where MFC IA Switches assigned to XY would sometimes not work after scene change.


  • Added support for slowed-down MFC-to-MFC SysEx dump. Use option “SLOW-DUMP” for machine-to-machine transfers.
  • Added startup delay to allow Axe-Fx to properly come online before MFC-101 tries to sync.
  • Fixed bug in Looper operation where Scenes would be incorrectly recalled.


  • Full support for Axe-Fx II Scenes
    1. Scenes 1-8 may be directly assigned to Axe-Fx Mode IA Switches (IAxx Axe-Fx... in the MIDI menu.)
    2. Scene Incr and Scene Decr also offered for Axe-Fx mode IA Switches.
    3. LEDs for Axe-Fx mode IA Switches will update when scene is changed.


  • Added Bank/Song Limit parameter to the SETUP menu. This limits the range of banks or songs accessible via the UP or DOWN switches. NOTE: When you change Performance Mode or Bank Size, this limit is reset to the maximum value. WARNING: Always select a preset in the new desired range before adjusting Bank Limit or you may find yourself unable to change from the current bank after you exit EDIT mode!
  • Added Bank/Song Wrap parameter to the SETUP menu. When OFF, banking DOWN or UP will stop at the lowest or highest bank or song, rather than “wrapping” around.
  • Added Edit Switch parameter to enable requiring a “LONG” press (vs. a “SHORT” tap) to enter EDIT mode. Find this option in the SETUP menu between SaveEdit Switch Enable and Looper Control Long/Short
  • Fixed a bug which could crash the MFC if you adjusted IA Switch Axe-Fx functions while Axe-Fx Mode was OFF.


  • Added Looper Control Mode (LCM). See the LOOPER CONTROL MODE mini manual for more information (PDF contained in this firmware download zip file and available on our web site under SUPPORT.)


  • Added check to prevent transmitting IAs during handshake with Axe-Fx.
  • Added display of reveal and looper mode when entering these modes.
  • Fixed bug where Expression Pedal values weren’t correctly transmitted on startup when Beginning Value was set to “PDL”.


  • MFC-101 is now 200% faster. This is especially noticeable on transmissions to other MIDI devices.
  • Changed default Axe-Fx mode to Axe-Fx II and communication port to Expansion.
  • Added new feature IA Send w/ Preset, which may be used to set IA switches for MANUAL ONLY operation. Manual IAs send no MIDI data unless you actually stomp them (as compared to the current default of auto-sending on every MFC preset change).
  • Added new feature "Smart Banks" when in bank style None. Now, instead of just displaying the bank number (e.g. "Bank 000"), the bank number and preset range are displayed (e.g. "Bank 001: 001-005").
  • Fixed a bug in bank copy where presets above 255 weren't being copied.
  • To reduce button presses, the cursor defaults to the COPY TO field across successive COPY PRESET/ etc. operations.
  • Modified Expression Pedal Beginning Value so that the designated numeric value (000-127) is transmitted upon preset change (in addition to setting the “pedal takeover” threshold as was always the case).
  • Added support for Axe-Fx II TotalSync where preset changes made at the Axe-Fx II front panel or via Axe-Edit are reflected on the MFC-101. TotalSync is designed for basic, default MFC/Axe-Fx II interactions:
    • MFC-101 SONG and SET modes are not supported.
    • Custom MFC-101 Tx Map or Axe-Fx II preset remapping are not supported. (Presets loaded from the Axe-Fx II front panel will load in their default MFC-101 bank/footswitch locations despite re-mapping.)
    • Axe-Fx Standard and Ultra are not supported.
  • Reduced onboard IAs from 41 to 17. See note under “Upgrading for 1.04” about impact on Switch Links.
  • Changed the startup LED sequence to flash both LED colors.
  • Known Issue: XP beginning value “HDW” is not being transmitted correctly for first preset load after startup. This is being investigated and will be addressed promptly. Workaround: just wiggle the pedal!


  • Fixed a bug with IA switch links where the off message wasn't being sent when a preset with a link was changed to a preset without a link (assumes transmit switch link off message is enabled).
  • Fixed a bug in presetMode where IA states were dependent on the IA global setting as opposed to always being from the preset.


  • Adds the option for individual Global IA Switches to be set up to ~NOT~ re-transmit MIDI commands for their current states upon each preset change.


  • Addresses an issue found involving TS cables for external switches and hold-tap-for-tuner.


  • Axe-Fx II support added.
    • New LOOPER and all XY Switch functions available as Axe-Fx IA Switch Assignments
    • Expansion port support


Axe-Fx Instant Access switch functions are now model specific, so you will only see those choices relevant to the selected model.

  • Added system menu option to set red footswitch LEDs to "OFF."
  • Non Axe-Fx IA Switches can now be set to "GLOBAL". Global IA Switches retain their On/Off states across preset changes. MIDI associated with the current state is re-transmitted after each preset change to ensure things stay in sync.
  • Each preset now has the ability to override the GLOBAL PRESET with its own custom ALTERNATE PRESET. Instead, this may be set to BACKTRACK so a second stomp on the current preset loads whichever one preset was loaded previous to the current one. Backtrack may also be set as the GLOBAL PRESET option.
  • The number of onboard MFC-101 presets has been increased to 384, allowing all the presets of a connected Axe-Fx to be accessed without setting changes required. The "Default Bank" (DBK) parameter value has been deprecated.
  • BANK SIZE, which determines how many footswitches load PRESETS vs. working as INSTANT ACCESS switches, may now be set to any number from 0-17. Former functionality of BANK SIZE = 1 is now obtained with a value of "0" (since "1" causes a single footswitch to be dedicated to preset selection.
  • CC Message data values may now be set to OFF, as well as 0-127.
  • It is now possible to turn OFF the last remaining IA switch in a LINK GROUP.
  • In the PERFORMANCE MODE menu, set NAMES are shown instead of just their numbers.
  • SONGS are no longer required to contain 15 presets. Unused entries may be set to OFF.
  • SETS are no longer required to contain 50 songs. Unused entries may be set to OFF.
  • An option is provided to enable the Axe-Fx TAP TEMPO footswitch to launch the Axe-Fx TUNER when held for 2+ seconds. A short tap exits the tuner and returns the switch to tempo function.
  • NAMES are now briefly displayed when Instant Access Switches are turned ON.
  • The Axe-Fx Program Change Transmit Map has been expanded to include an entry for OFF. MFC-101 presets can therefore now change other gear in a rig while leaving the Axe-Fx (and all MFC Axe-Fx IA footswitches) unaffected.
  • Assorted small bug fixes are included.


  • Fixed a bug in SysEx dump routine.


  • Fixed a problem where AxeFxTxPcMap was not correctly received during bulk load. Backups made prior to version 0.18 will not restore correctly in some cases, especially where custom entries appear in the Axe-Fx Transmit Program Change map. It is recommended that you make NEW backups of your MFC-101 configuration once you have installed this firmware version.
  • MFC-101 is now better able to keep up with fast bank changes/auto presets.
  • Fixed a problem which sometimes causes an extra space to display inside of Axe-Fx preset names.


  • Corrected a software problem which was causing some units to spontaneously reboot.


  • Changed the factory default setting for expression pedal 1 and expression pedal 2 "beginning value" parameters from PEDAL to OFF. This prevents the possibility that unwanted controller data could be sent on preset change when no expression pedals are connected.


  • First public release