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FracPad and FracTool

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FracPad III

About FracPad III

Forum member and programmer AlGrenadine provides a handy editing app for Fractal Audio's processors: FracPad III. It provides all the tools to adjust your sound, edit and manage presets, blocks etc, on a tablet, smartphone or computer.

It allows naming scenes, attaching modifiers to any parameter, displaying real world amp/drive panels, searching parameters by name, displaying a tuner based on the Axe-Fx III's tuner UI, selecting knob skins, importing presets which were made for other products, turning the metronome on/off, and many, many other things.

A connection to the device is required.

FracPad III is commercial software, available for Android v6.0+ and iOS. You can try the demo version FracPad Lite first.

For Windows and OS X, there's a free version.


More information is available at:


Android version

  • Wired : This requires a compatible USB adapter, called "USB OTG". This works with the AX8, FX8 and Axe-Fx II/III models.
  • Wireless : Bluetooth. For bluetooth editing, use a Yamaha UD-BT01 on AX8/FX8, or a Yamaha MD-BT01 for AxeFx II/XL/XL+/III and FM3.

Axe-Fx II and iOS version

  • Wired : Requires a MIDI-to-USB interface, because the USB port on the Axe-Fx II doesn't operate as USB host. Use a USB-to-MIDI interface like Roland's UM-One in conjunction with the "USB camera adapter" for Apple devices.
  • Wireless : Bluetooth. The Yamaha MD-BT01 interface is recommended. It connects to the MIDI IN and OUT ports on the Axe-Fx II.

AX8 or FX8 and iOS version

  • Wired : Requires a USB connection, because the AX8 and FX8 do not support editing through MIDI. Use the "USB camera adapter" for Apple devices.
  • Wireless : Bluetooth. Try Yamaha's UD-BT01 interface and verify that it runs firmware 1.04 or later (run the Yamaha UD/MD utility, available in the US / Canadian app store).

Axe-Fx III and iOS version

  • Wired : Requires a USB connection. Use the "USB camera adapter" for Apple devices.
  • Wireless : Bluetooth. Try Yamaha's MD-BT01 interface and verify that it runs firmware 1.04 or later (run the Yamaha UD/MD utility, available in the US / Canadian app store).

Axe-Fx II, AX8 or FX8 and iOS version

A Bluetooth connection requires Bluetooth LE (Low Energy), so make sure that the iOS device handles Bluetooth 4.0+. This requires at least an iPad 3 or iPhone 4s. [1]

FM3 and iOS version

  • Wired : Requires a MIDI-to-USB interface, because the USB port on the FM3 doesn't operate as USB host. Use a USB-to-MIDI interface like Roland's UM-One in conjunction with the "USB camera adapter" for Apple devices.
  • Wireless : Bluetooth. The Yamaha MD-BT01 interface is recommended. It connects to the MIDI IN and OUT ports on the FM3.

FM9 and iOS version

  • Wired : Requires a USB connection. Use the "USB camera adapter" for Apple devices.
  • Wireless : Bluetooth. Try Yamaha's MD-BT01 interface and verify that it runs firmware 1.04 or later (run the Yamaha UD/MD utility, available in the US / Canadian app store).


About FracTool


Forum member and programmer AlGrenadine wrote a handy utility for Fractal Audio's processors, called FracTool. You can use it at your own risk.

FracTool manages presets and cabs and does a lot more. It works with and without a connection to a fasDevice.

FracTool is donationware. Don't forget to make a donation if FracTool helps you accomplishing things.

Important : Your fasDevice must be connected before launching Fractool

For a list of its features, check the download thread above. Below is a shortlist, it's a work in progress:

Functionalities detailed

Importing a preset/cab/bank

  • Can be done via commandline, calling fractool executable and passing the path to the syx file as first argument
  • Can be done just drag n dropping a syx file on the fasFevice icon :
Fractool drop file.png
  • Can be done clicking on the fasDevice icon, then selecting "Import preset/cab/bank/firmware file(s) to [fasDevice]"
Fractool menu1.png

Updating your firmware (for every device except FM3)

Just like you would import a preset/cab/bank (see previous section), drop the firmware ZIP file and the update begins ! (no need to unzip). Follow the instructions on your fasDevice's screen, just like you would with a FractalBot update. Dynacabs files are not supported

Exporting a preset from your fasDevice to a file

Fractool menu2.png

Conversion of presets between FAS devices

  • This is done on the fly when importing a preset with previously detailed methods
  • Can be done offline, wether a fasDevice is connected or not. Just drag n drop a preset/cab/bank syx file on the harddrive icon
Fractool drop file offline.png
Then selected the desired output format :
Fractool output fileformat choice.png
NB : the available output file formats are different depending on the source file type and model. By example, gen2 presets allow conversion to gen3, not the opposite

Viewing a preset (without sending it to a fasDevice)

You do not need any fasDevice connected. It allows you to see a preset's details, wether it's a gen2 or gen3 preset file. All blocks, including controllers and modifiers, for all scenes are shown. Just drop a syx file on the magnifying glass icon :

Fractool drop file viewer.png

Now just change the scene to see block states and channels (X/Y on gen2) updated with the scene number :

Fractool scene select.png

Or click on a block to see its parameters :

Fractool viewing parameters.png
  • Tip : You can view multiple presets at the same time, to compare various preset parameters or layouts.
  • NB : the parameters values are interpreted using the latest firmware definitions versions, so viewing an old preset works but may display values as interpreted by the latest firmware

Exporting a preset to various formats (PDF/CSV/HTML/XML/SYX)

Once in the preset viewing window (see previous section), just click the menu :

Fractool preset view menu.png

And select the desired action

  • Tip : You can export 2 presets to CSV (see section below) and use a comparison tool (like windiff) to check what has changed between 2 versions by example

List cabs used/unused

This is a convenient tool to check wether some of your usercabs are not used by any preset, or a which presets use a specific cab (user or not).

Select the cablist tab, then hit the refresh button. Fractool will then poll cab and preset names, then all the presets on your fasDevice.

Prefer the "check scenes cabs use" option to be checked, otherwise, different cab channels (or X/Y) on your presets may not be polled. Fractool cablist.png

Once finished (it could take few minutes to poll all your presets, depending on their complexity and on the number of presets your fasDevice supports), you'll have 2 options :

  • See each preset, and the cab(s) it references :

Fractool cablist presets.png

  • See each cab, and the preset(s) referencing it :

Fractool cablist cabs.png

Comparing how different amps sound, with exact same settings

This is a fun serendipity tool, allowing you to compare the actual preset on your fasDevice. First select the amp compare tab. You'll see the actual preset on your fasDevice. Only its actual amp model is displayed, and its master volume. You can change the current preset with the plus/minus buttons, and select which amp block if the the preset has more than one amp block.

Fractool amps compare.png

Browsing AxeChange for presets and cabs

You can browse the AxeChange presets and cabs, even for presets not matching your actually connected fasDevice. Just hit the AxeChange tab, it can take few minutes to browse the whole axechange, be patient ;)

Fractool axechange.png

Then click on a preset/cab to audition it on your current preset. Nothing is saved on your fasDevice until you hit store on the frontpanel.

Batch setting / batch functions on presets

You can use Fractool's batch setter to do numerous things.

First select batch setter tab : 
Fractool batch setter.png

Be sure to backup your presets first ! Then click the "Apply" button ! Be sure to backup your presets first !

Resetting amp block but keeping some parameters untouched

This tool can be useful when a new modeling algorithm is released (in firmware 25.00 beta by example) and you just want the new modeling defaults to be applied on your amp block without touching some parameters. Select the "amp resetter" tab, then check the parameters you want to keep untouched.

Be sure to backup your presets first ! Fractool amp resetter.png Be sure to backup your presets first !

Sniffing tool for gen3

The gen3 sysex protocole beeing complex, Fractool proposes a sniffer tool Fractool sniffer.png

Of course, it's only activated if you deserve it ;)


  • Auto-updates itself
  • Supports ZIP-files

Check the forum thread for an actual list of features

FracTool can convert FM3/Axe-Fx II/XL/XL+ presets and AX8 and FX8 presets, to make them load in the Axe-Fx III/FM9, however parameters and values may not transfer correctly. Backwards conversion is not supported.

FracTool supports the FX8. There are limitations because of differences in the architecture of the FX8:

  • Parallel paths are not processed when converting to Axe-Fx and AX8
  • Only the first 8 blocks of Axe-Fx and AX8 presets are processed when converting to FX8
