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Factory presets

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Revision as of 08:06, 12 July 2011 by Yek (talk | contribs)
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Forum member Alec Lee documented the factory presets in the Axe-Fx II. Source

On this page you'll find all factory presets, categorized by amp typ and/or main effect type

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The unit comes with a lot of factory presets. Some people like them, some hate them, some think they are useless and delete them, some use them to build their own presets upon.

There are no separate locations for factory presets and user presets on the Ultra; if you want to save your own presets on the Ultra, you have to overwrite factory presets (you can’t delete a preset, you must overwrite one). No worries, you can always reload the factory presets via the Utility menu. The banks are burned into the backup flash. Source


From old Wiki:

Cliff on the factory presets in the Axe-Fx STandard/Ultra: "The presets were created using studio monitors. Event 20/20 to be exact. They're very neutral. Guitars were a strat copy and a PRS." And: "The presets are meant as demonstrations of the capabilities. Also they are designed to evoke the "wow" response. As such they tend to be overprocessed. Think of them as a starting point."


  • If possible, use a stereo system to try the factory presets. It makes a lot of difference
  • Preset output levels vary from preset to preset
  • Presets are not been optimized for the latest firmware. And amp sims and effects that were introduced in recent firmware upgrades do not appear in factory presets yet
  • Some presets include a noise gate, set to a threshold that may not work well with your guitar. Turn the threshold to zero to switch the gate off (Layout > Gate)
  • Some presets contain an ENH block (Stereo Enhancer) which is for stereo use only. If you're running in mono and audio output is set to “Sum L+R”, this effect will make the tone hollow, thin and glassy ("phase cancellation")
  • Some presets include a Delay block with Phase Rev (Advanced page of the Delay block) switched on. This is a stereo-only feature. If you're running in mono and audio output mode is set to “Sum L+R”, you may not hear any delay trails because of phase cancellation. Example; the 2290 factory presets. Switch off Phase Rev or select output mode “Copy L>R” instead
  • When using output mode "Copy L>R" you'll lose signals that are hardwired to the right channel, such as the right channel of the Ping-Pong delay