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User:Manning/Manual to article map

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Axe-FX II Manual page numbers to Wiki article map
Section heading Manual page Wiki article
Foreword iii Foreword by Fractal
Table of Contents iv (Not applicable)
What’s New 11 Axe-Fx_II:_what's_new
Introduction 4 (No individual page)
1.1 What is the Axe FX II? 4 Axe-Fx_II:_what_is_it
1.2 The Inventory/Grid Concept 6 Preset editing (working with the grid)
1.3 Connectivity and More 7 (No individual page)
1.3.1 My Head Hertz… 7 (No individual page)
2 Overview 8 (No individual page)
2.1 The Front Panel 8 Front panel, controls and LEDs
2.2 The Rear Panel 10 Rear panel
2.3 Computer Integration 12 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_computer_audio_interface
2.3.1 Minimum Requirements 12 USB communication and audio
2.3.2 Software Installation 12 USB communication and audio
2.3.3 Capabilities 13 USB communication and audio
3 Connections 15 (No individual page)
3.1 SettingLevels 15 Input: setting levels and parameters
3.2 The PEDAL Jack 16 Pedal jack
3.3 System Parameters 16 (No individual page)
3.4 Connection Diagrams 17 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_connections_diagram
3.4.1 Axe-Fx II into Self-Powered Full-Range Speakers 18 Connecting the Axe-Fx II: FRFR amplification
3.4.2 Axe-Fx II into Studio Monitors 18 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_studio_monitors
3.4.3 Axe-Fx II with Power Amp and Guitar Speakers 19 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_power_amp_and_speaker_cabinet
3.4.4 Axe-Fx II Effects Loop 20 (No individual page)
3.4.5 Axe-Fx II Digital Audio Interconnection 20 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_digital_audio
3.4.6 Axe-Fx II Four Cable Method (“4CM”) 21 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_4CM_with_combo/preamp
3.4.7 Direct to FOH plus Real Amps on Stage 22 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_mixing_console_(opt:_with_real_amp)
3.4.8 Axe-Fx II as Effects Processor Only (with Guitar Amps) 23 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_as_an_effects_processor
3.4.9 Axe-Fx II as a Computer Audio Interface 24 USB communication and audio
3.4.10 Axe-Fx II and MFC-101 25 MFC-101
3.4.11 Axe-Fx II: One Possible “Big Rig” 26 Connecting_the_Axe-Fx_II:_example_of_one_big_rig
4 Basic Operation and Editing 27 (No individual page)
4.1 Presets 27 Preset loading
4.2 The Grid 28 Preset editing (working with the grid)
4.2.1 Inserting and Removing Blocks 28 Preset editing (working with the grid)
4.2.2 Shunts 29 Preset editing (working with the grid)
4.2.3 Connector Cables 30 Preset editing (working with the grid)
4.2.4 Moving Blocks on the Grid 32 Preset editing (working with the grid)
4.2.5 Example Presets on the Grid 33 Preset editing (working with the grid)
4.3 Editing Sounds 35 Effect blocks: editing
4.3.1 Quick Control 36 Quick Control knobs
4.4 X/Y Switching 36 X/Y switching and quick jumping
4.4.1 X/Y Quick Jump 37 X/Y switching and quick jumping
4.5 Bypassing a Block 37 (No individual page)
4.6 Loading Effects from another Preset 37 Effect blocks: copy settings (Recall Effect)
4.7 Saving Changes 38 Preset creation, saving and naming
4.7.1 Swapping the Locations of Two Presets 38 Preset swapping
5 Effects Guide 39 (No individual page)
5.1 Amplifier [AMP] 39 Amplifier_(FX_block)
5.1.1 Basic Amp Parameters 41 Amplifier (FX block): controls and parameters
5.1.2 Advanced Amp Parameters 43 Amplifier (FX block): controls and parameters
5.2 Cabinet [CAB] 46 Cabinet_(FX_block)
5.3 Chorus [CHO] 49 Chorus_(FX_block)
5.4 Compressor [CMP] 51 Compressor_(FX_block)
5.5 Crossover [XVR] 53 Crossover_(FX_block)
5.6 Delay [DLY] 54 Delay_(FX_block)
5.6.1 Mono Delay 55 Delay_(FX_block)#Mono_Delay
5.6.2 Stereo Delay 56 Delay_(FX_block)#Stereo_Delay
5.6.3 Dual Delay 57 Delay_(FX_block)#Dual_Delay
5.6.4 Ping-Pong Delay 58 Delay_(FX_block)#Ping-Pong_Delay
5.6.5 Sweep Delay 58 Delay_(FX_block)#Sweep_Delay
5.6.6 Reverse Delay 58 Delay_(FX_block)#Reverse_Delay
5.6.7 Delay Common Parameters 59 Delay_(FX_block)#Delay_Common_Parameters
5.7 Drive [DRV] 60 Drive_(FX_block)
5.8 Effects Loop [FXL] 63 Effects_loop_(FX_block)
5.9 Enhancer [ENH] 64 Enhancer_(FX_block)
5.10 Feedback Send [SND] & Return [RTN] 64 Feedback_Send/Return_(FX_block)
5.11 Filter [FLT] 65 Filter (FX block)
5.12 Flanger [FLG] 66 Flanger (FX block)
5.13 Formant [FRM] 68 Formant (FX block)
5.14 Gate/Expander [GTE] 69 Gate/Expander_(FX_block)
5.15 Graphic Equalizer [GEQ] 70 Graphic_equalizer_(FX_block)
5.16 Looper [LPR] 70 Looper (FX block)
5.17 Megatap Delay [MGT] 71 Megatap_Delay_(FX_block)
5.18 Mixer [MIX] 72 Mixer (FX block)
5.19 Multiband Compressor [MBC] 73 Multiband compressor (FX block)
5.20 Multi Delay [MTD] 74 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.1 Quad Tap Delay 75 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.2 Plex Delay 76 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.3 Plex Detune 77 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.4 Plex Shift 78 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.5 Band Delay 78 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.6 Quad Series Delay 79 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.7 Ten-Tap Delay 79 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.8 Rhythm Tap Delay 80 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.20.9 Diffusor 81 Multi_Delay_(FX_block)
5.21 Tremolo/Panner [PAN] 82 Tremolo/Panner (FX block)
5.22 Parametric EQ [PEQ] 83 Parametric_EQ_(FX_block)
5.23 Phaser [PHA] 84 Phaser_(FX_block)
5.24 Pitch Shifter [PIT] 86 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.1 Detune 88 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.2 Fixed Harmony 89 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.3 Intelligent Harmony 89 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.4 Classic Whammy 92 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.5 Octave Divider 92 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.6 Crystals 93 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.7 Advanced Whammy 94 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.8 Arpeggiator 95 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.24.9 Custom Shifter 96 Pitch shifter (FX block)
5.25 Quad Chorus [QCH] 97 Quad_Chorus_(FX_block)
5.26 Resonator [RES] 99 Resonator_(FX_block)
5.27 Reverb [REV] 100 Reverb_(FX_block)
5.28 Ring Modulator [RNG] 103 Ring Modulator (FX block)
5.29 Rotary Speaker [ROT] 104 Rotary_speaker_(FX_block)
5.30 Synth [SYN] 105 Synth (FX block)
5.31 Vocoder [VOC] 106 Vocoder (FX block)
5.32 Volume/Pan [VOL] 107 Vol/Pan (FX block)
5.33 Wahwah [WAH] 108 Wahwah (FX block)
5.34 Input Noise Gate 109 Noise gate
5.34.1 Input Impedance 109 Input impedance
5.35 Output Mixer 110 Preset output mixer
5.36 Common Mix Parameters 111 Effect blocks: Level, Mix and Bypass
6 Global Blocks 113 Global Blocks
6.1 Introduction 113 Global Blocks
6.2 Using Global Blocks 113 Global Blocks
6.2.1 Saving to a Global Block 114 Global Blocks
6.2.2 Loading and Linking a Global Block 115 Global Blocks
6.2.3 Loading Global Blocks without Linking 116 Global Blocks
6.2.4 Unlinking Preset and Global Blocks 116 Global Blocks
7 Modifiers & Controllers 118 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.1 Introduction 118 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.2 Creating a Modifier 118 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.2.1 Transformations 120 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.2.2 Damping 121 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.2.3 Auto Engage 122 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.2.4 Program Change Reset 122 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3 Control Sources 123 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3.1 LFO1 & 2 123 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3.2 ADSR 1 & 2 124 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3.3 Sequencer 124 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3.4 Envelope Follower 125 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3.5 Pitch Detector 125 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3.6 Manual Knobs 125 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3.7 External Controllers 126 Controllers_and_modifiers
7.3.8 Modifier Power! 126 Controllers_and_modifiers
8 Global Parameters 127 Global_menu_parameters
8.1 Configuration Parameters 127 Global_menu_parameters
8.2 Output Parameters 128 Global_menu_parameters
8.3 Custom Scales 128 Global_menu_parameters
9 Input/Output Parameters 129 I/O menu parameters
9.1 Input Parameters 129 I/O menu parameters
9.2 Audio Parameters 129 I/O menu parameters
9.3 MIDI Parameters 131 (No individual page)
9.4 Control Parameters 133 Controllers_and_modifiers#Control_Parameters

This needs to be corrected, in wrong location

9.5 Pedal Parameters 135 Pedal jack
9.6 X/Y Quick-Jump Assign 135 X/Y switching and quick jumping
10 Utilities 136 (No individual page)
10.1 LCD Contrast 136 (No individual page)
10.2 Preset Utilities 136 (No individual page)
10.3 Status Meters 136 Status meters
10.4 Reset System 136 Resetting the Axe-Fx II
10.5 Firmware 137 (No individual page)
11 Tuner 138 Tuner
12 Tempo 139 Tempo
12.1 Setting the Tempo 139 Tempo
12.2 Synchronizing Sound Parameters 139 Tempo
12.3 Tempo to Use 140 Tempo
12.4 Auto Delay 140 Tempo
13 Backing Up and Restoring 141 Backing up and restoring
13.1 MIDI/SysEx Backup and Restore 141 Backing up and restoring
13.1.1 Dumping to a computer 141 Backing up and restoring
13.1.2 Restoring from a Computer 142 Backing up and restoring
13.2 Onboard ROM Backup and Restore 142 Backing up and restoring
13.3 Machine-to-Machine Transfers 143 Backing up and restoring
14 Firmware Updates 144 Firmware and updates
14.1 Firmware 144 Firmware and updates
15 Troubleshooting 145 Troubleshooting
16 Appendix 147 (No individual page)
16.1 Shortcuts Overview 147 Editing shortcuts
16.2 60-Second Edit Guide 148 60-Second Edit Guide
16.3 Understanding Preset Size Limits 149 CPU utilization
16.4 Signal Flow, Global, and I/O Parameters 149 (No individual page)
16.5 LFO Waveforms, Duty, and Phase 150 Waveforms
16.5.1 LFO Phase 150 Waveforms
16.6 Tempo Cross Reference 151 Tempo cross reference
16.7 Mono and Stereo 152 Output: mono/stereo configuration
16.8 Mixology 153 (No individual page)
16.9 Humbuster™ Technology 154 Output: Humbuster cabling
16.10 Setting up a Wah Pedal 155 Wahwah (FX block)
16.10.1 Using the Onboard Pedal Jack 155 Wahwah (FX block)
16.10.2 Using an Expression Pedal on an MFC-101 156 Wahwah (FX block)
16.11 Setting Up Spillover 157 Spillover of reverb/delay
16.11.1 Within a Single Preset 157 Spillover of reverb/delay
16.11.2 Across Different Presets 157 Spillover of reverb/delay
16.12 Using Send and Return 158 Feedback Send/Return (FX block)
16.12.1 Creating Feedback Loops 158 Feedback Send/Return (FX block)
16.12.2 Extending the Length of Effect Chains 158 Feedback Send/Return (FX block)
16.13 Loading User Cab IRs 159 Cabinet (FX block)
16.14 Glossary & Resources 160 Glossary and resources
16.15 Axe-Fx II Bank & Preset Numbers Table 163 MIDI menu parameters and communication
16.16 Factory Default Settings 164 Factory default settings
17 Specifications 166 Specifications
17.1 Midi Implementation Chart 167 MIDI menu parameters and communication
Warranty 168 (No individual page)
Image:IOHardware.png (800px) Back pages (No individual page)
Image:MIDIRoutingParameters.png (800px) Back pages (No individual page)
Image:USBFeatures.png (800px) Back pages (No individual page)