Read the Owners Manual first!

Plex Delay block

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Plex Delay block.png

Available on which products

  • Axe-Fx III: 2 blocks
  • FM3: 1 block
  • Axe-Fx II: no
  • AX8: no
  • FX8: no

Channels or X/Y switching

  • Axe-Fx III and FM3: 4 channels

What is the Plex Delay

The Plex Delay is a dedicated effect block on the Axe-Fx III and FM3. The Plex Delay block provides up to 8 delay lines in a feedback arrangement for ethereal “shimmer” effects.

On the Axe-Fx II, AX8 and FX8, its functionality is part of the Multi Delay block.

More information in the Owner's Manual


Plex Delay provides these types:

  • Plex Delay — delays
  • Plex Detune — detuned delays
  • Plex Shift — pitch-shifted delays
  • Plex Verb — large, ethereal reverb sounds. This type is also simple to use with no time, tempo, level or pan parameters required. For best results turn the Diffusion Mix up when using this type.
  • Shimmer Verb — shimmer effect.

More information in the Owner's Manual

Camilo Velandia's demonstrates the Plex Delay


Parameters table

Parameter Axe-Fx III / FM3
Input Select yes
Type yes
Config - Number of Delays yes
Config - Decay Time yes
Config - Diffusion yes
Config - Low Cut, High Cut yes
Masters - Input Gain yes
Masters - Master Time yes
Masters - Master Level yes
Masters - Master Pan yes
Delay Time 1-8 yes
Tempo 1-8 yes
Level 1-8 yes
Pan 1-8 yes
Envelope - Threshold, Attack, Release yes
Plex Detune - Granule Length (prev. named Crossfade) yes
Plex Detune - Detune 1-8 yes
Plex Detune - Master Detune yes
Plex Shift - Direction yes
Plex Shift - Shift 1-8 yes
Ducker Attenuation yes
Ducker Threshold yes
Ducker Release Time yes
Input Diffusion, Diffusion Time yes
LFO Depth, LFO Rate yes
LFO Tempo yes
Spread yes
Pre Delay yes
Stack/Hold (firmware Ares 12 and later) yes


Diffusion Mix in firmware Ares is the same as Input Diffusion on the Axe-Fx II.


Added adjustable filter to Plex block wet signal. Filter can be any of the standard types (all types except comb filter types). Frequency, Q and Gain are modifiable.

Envelope follower

The Plex Delay has its own envelope follower, allowing volume swells.

The Owner's Manual recommends these settings: Threshold -70, Attack 400, Release 15.


Firmware Ares 12 and later.

When Hold is activated, the wet input to the block is muted and feedback is set to infinity. This can be used to achieve pad sounds and drone notes/chords.

When set to STACK incoming audio is stacked on existing audio and held.

Hold/Stack can be controlled with an external controller. When attaching a pedal to Off/Stack/Hold, Heel is Off, Stack is middle and Toe is Hold.


Values beyond +/-100% increase the apparent image beyond the stereo field.

Low Cut, High Cut

"When using the Plex Verb the Low Cut and High Cut are very powerful controls. For pad-like sounds try Low Cut around 250 and High Cut around 2K. Experiment with different values to create different textures." source