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RJM Mastermind MIDI foot controller

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RJM Mastermind GT: what is it?

  • The MMGT is a powerful MIDI controller with a dedicated display for each switch.
  • More information

RJM Mastermind GT: MIDI cable and power

  • To provide phantom power to the MMGT, you need the separate RJM phantom power box. The box connects to the MMGT with a 7-pin MIDI cable, and to the Axe-Fx with a 5-pin MIDI cable. Do not connect the MMGT's power supply to the phantom power input at the rear of the Axe-Fx, connnect it to the phantom power box.
  • In the MMGT's MIDI menu, set MIDI to "Bidirectional".

RJM Mastermind GT: SP1-RJM expression pedal from Mission Engineering

  • Mission Engineering makes an expression pedal specifically for the MMGT. Its LED is always sync'd and powered by the MMGT. One TRS cable connects to an expression pedal input on the MMGT. Another TRS cable connects the switch on the pedal to an external switch input on the MMGT.

RJM Mastermind GT: additional external switches

  • RJM sells external dual footswitches, which behave just like onboard switches (without the display). You can program these "System > External Switches". For example, you assign these to X/Y switching, or Scene Increment of Decrement.

RJM Mastermind GT: firmware updates, saving and loading

  • The MMGT's USB drive makes it easy to update the firmware, and to save and load settings.

RJM Mastermind GT: Axe-Fx II setup

  • The MMGT is very flexible. Here's a walkthrough to program it, as an example. Many other possibilities exist. Use the software editor!
  • Add the Axe-Fx as a device in "System Functions > Edit Devices". Make sure to select the right model!
  • Verify the "MIDI Channel" (default: 1).
  • If you use "Display Offset" on the Axe-Fx, set "Preset Offset" to 1 on the MMGT.
  • Executed "Set Default Buttons". This assigns the preset buttons on the MMGT to the Axe-Fx Program Changes numbers, and Scene buttons too, saving loads of programming.
  • Execute "Get Preset Names". The Axe-Fx will scroll through the presets in the specified range and sync the names. Takes a couple of minutes with the hundreds of presets on the Axe-Fx II XL. Note: current MMGT firmware also supports syncing names dynamically, when switching presets.
    • If "Get Preset Names" doesn't work and you have a XL, make sure you added the "Axe-Fx II XL" and not the "Axe-Fx II" as device.
    • If "Preset-to-Scene mapping" is enabled on the Axe-Fx (I/O > MIDI > Mapping Mode = Custom), the process will fail.
    • If the process stall/freezes somewhere during the process, check the Axe-Fx for a corrupt preset.
    • When changing just a single preset title on the Axe-Fx, there's no need to import all 640 preset names again to sync the names on the GT. Just adjust the Starting and End points in "Get Preset Names".
  • By default the device parameters below show the following values:
    • Send CCs on preset change: OFF.
    • Send PCs: On.
    • Send redundant PCs: OFF.
    • Ignore incoming PC: ON.
    • Ignore incoming CC: OFF.
    • Sync names: ON.
  • No need to change this, unless:
    • If you want be able to "reset" the current preset by pressing a preset button a 2nd time, to undo changed IA states, turn on "Send redundant PCs" on the MMGT. Make sure that "IgnoreRedundantPC" on the Axe-Fx is turned ON, to prevent audio gaps. Note that the IA buttons on the MMGT are not updated after "resetting" a preset this way.
    • If you switch presets on the Axe-Fx and want to have the GT to change accordingly, turn off "Ignore incoming PC".
    • If you're using buttons to control external controllers on the Axe-Fx, turn on "Send CCs on preset change" to keep them sync'd.
  • Select "Bold On" in "Display Settings" for larger text.
  • Configuring expression pedals:
    • To set up a single expression pedal: disable the other pedal entries in "System > Expression Pedals" (set CCs to None). Calibrated Pedal 1 and assign it to the desired external controller's CC on the Axe-Fx (CC16 for External 1). You can assign a 2nd CC to the same pedal. You can also program specific actions, depending on the position of the pedal and the switch state.
  • To make a single pedal do double duty, within a single Axe-Fx preset: configure Pedal 2 (same as Pedal 1, use the CC of another external controller), and use "Pedal Grouping". This enables switching pedal functionality within the same preset.). You can then asign an IA switch to switch the pedal between two duties.
  • Set "Max Pages"to the desired number of pages.": 2 (default). Suffices for me.
  • "Preset 2nd" lets you instruct the MMGT what to when pressing the current preset switch a 2nd time. Like nothing, or select the "Global Preset".
  • Use "Hold mSec" to set the desired "hold switch" time, i.e. "500".
  • Scenes: the MMGT offers native support for Axe-Fx preset scenes. Switch to IA Mode to see them in the same position as the preset buttons. When assigning scenes to IA switches yourself, you may need to turn on "IA Link" in each scene button, and make sure they are "grouped". The default settings in "Setup > Edit Groups" ("SndOffMsg"=ON and "Allow Off"=OFF) are fine.
  • If you want faster Bank Up/Down, set "First Repeat" to 600.
  • Assign "Preset Menu" to a switch to see a convenient menu of presets.
  • Quicky recall a specific preset by using "Preset Numbering" (enter the digits).
  • Assign a preset to an IA switch by selecting "IA" > System > Preset. All options are OFF except for "UpdOnPrst".
  • Assign "Previous" to a switch quickly recall the previous preset.
  • The button HOLD feature is particularly effective to switch Axe-Fx effects between X and Y states. Or to switch an effect between two speeds. I shortened the HOLD time in "Setup" to 500 ms (Setup > Next Page).
  • Some effects need adjustable rates. Like Tremolo. I use the button's HOLD function to switch between slow and fast rates. This requires assigning an external controller to the effect's "Rate" parameter on the Axe-Fx, and specifying Min and Max values. On the GT I assigned the HOLD function to the external controller's CC. Note that buttons assigned to external controllers on the Axe-Fx require "CCOnPRST" in System to be ON, and "SndOnPrst" and "UpdOnPrst" must also be ON for those buttons to function correctly and stay sync'd to the Axe-Fx.
  • To program a Tempo button: set "Tempo" to ON and assign the button to the Tempo CC (#14). Other OFF/ON button parameters are OFF.
  • To program a Tuner button: set the IA to "Tuner" ("Button Action > IA > System > Tuner"), and assign the Tuner CC. All ON/OFF fields are OFF except UpdOnPrst = ON. The tuner display on the GT works very well.
  • Page: use pages on the GT for more control. You can can assign buttons on pages 2 and up to functionality that doesn't need to be on the first page.
  • IA Mode is the same as Reveal on the MFC-101. It turns all switchs into IA switches for more control. For example, you ue this to make scene buttons available.
  • Preset buttons: UpdOnPrst should be tuned on and the switches should be grouped.
  • You can name scenes and configure switches per preset by using local pages on the GT, insteed of a global page layout.
  • Groups: a group links a number of buttons together, so that only one of them can be engaged. Examples: grouping is handy when switching between two Amp blocks, sp pressing one of the assigned Amp buttons automatically bypasses the other.
  • IA Cycle: lets you use a single button to step between 4 effect settings, or switch multiple effects in 4 steps, etc. You can use it to enable a Delay (step 1) and switch it between X and Y (step 2) and bypass it (step 3).