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Chorus block

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Revision as of 17:38, 15 August 2012 by Yek (talk | contribs)
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Template:5.3 Chorus (CHO)

User contributions

What is a chorus effect

Position of the Chorus block

  • Its a matter of personal preference where you want to put the Chorus block: before or after the Amp block. When placed before the Amp block, make sure the Chorus is set to mono (default).

Mono or stereo

  • Chorus is a stereo effect, but defaults to mono to prevent phase problems when placed before an AMP block. To make it stereo: set LFO Phase to 90 or 180.

Number of chorus voices

  • Selecting more than 2 voices is useful only when LFO Phase is not zero. More information

Chorus types

  • The Axe-Fx II Chorus block lets you choose between various predefined types.
  • See the manual for tips on obtaining a Dimension D-type chorus. And read this thread.

Firmware 7.00

  • Firmware 7.00 release notes: "Added “Vintage Tape” type to Chorus block. This type uses the tape delay algorithm used in the Delay block as the basis for the chorus effect. Note that this type sums the left and right block inputs into mono so use caution as stereo cancellation may occur."

Simulating other chorus devices