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Global blocks

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Revision as of 11:27, 21 June 2012 by Yek (talk | contribs)
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Template:0 Disclaimer

Template:6 Global Blocks

User contributions

Wicked Wiki

Global Blocks are discussed in this Wicked Wiki thread.

Exporting or backing up presets with Global Blocks

Remember that when backing up a preset with global blocks, you also always need to backup the System too, to maintain the linked information.

Modifier parameters and controller settings not stored in Global Blocks

Modifier settings are not saved within Global Blocks. The same goes for controllers settings. You can use Effect Recall to copy controller settings from one preset to another.

MIDI support for Global Blocks

Firmware 3.03 (and up) enables Axe-Edit to dump Global Blocks to MIDI.

Saving On/Off state

As of firmware 6.00 the state (On/Off) of a Global block is saved per preset. This means you can set Global Block #1 Off in one preset, and On in another. Before 6.x the On/Off state was shared by all presets.

Video tutorial

Want to see how it works? Check out this video By Katsu Kuri Media.