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[ Public Beta 8.00 is out now]

Revision as of 16:33, 15 April 2024


Public Beta 8.00 is out now



  • Version 7 Introduces Dyna-Cab™ cabinet modeling.
  • The Cabinet block now has two modes of operation: Legacy and Dyna-Cab. Legacy is the previous style of operation.
  • Dyna-Cab cabinet modeling allows freely positioning the microphone. We took an approach of quality-over-quantity:
  • Dyna-Cab IRs are 1024 samples.
  • Mic positions are sampled at a fine spatial resolution.
  • Four mic choices are available: Condenser, Ribbon and two Dynamic types.
  • All IRs are time-aligned with each other. They have been processed using a new algorithm that ensures alignment without destroying phase information. You can mix-and-match IRs from different cabs/mics and they'll always be perfectly aligned.
  • The Amp block now features “Auto Dyna-Cab Impedance”. When set to ON the speaker impedance curve of the Amp block will follow the Cabinet Type in the first mixer slot of the associated Cabinet block. I.e., if the Cab Type in the first mixer slot of Cabinet is, say, 4x12 5153 and the Mode is Dyna-Cab then Amp’s speaker impedance will automatically be set to 4x12 5153.
  • Added Speaker Impedance Curves for “2x12 Class-A 30W Silver”, “2x10 Heart Key” and “4x12 1960BV”.
  • Added “Treble Shift” control to Tone page of USA IIC+ models. This is an alias of the “Fat” control found on the Preamp page and performs the same function.
  • Added “4 Band JMPRE-1” type to Graphic EQ block. Note that the upper two bands of this type have more boost/cut range than the version in the Amp block.
  • Added “Revv Gen” amp models based on a Revv Generator 120. There are three models for each of the Purple, Red and Green channels corresponding to the three levels of the “Aggression” switch.
  • Improved Amp block channel switching speed.


  • Fixed audio drop from the Compressor block when Ratio is set to 1.0.
  • Fixed System Settings being reset after reboot under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a filter issue affecting the Wah block.
  • Fixed system lockup under certain conditions.
  • Fixed Klon model making low level white noise when bias is exactly zero.
  • Fixed side-chain filters not working in Gate block.
  • FC: Edit Setlist page on the front panel will now refresh properly when inserting/deleting songs.



  • New LARGE FONTS display mode for the main Presets/Scenes page of the Home menu makes the FM3 easier to read from a standing position. Turn Knob B (“Zoom”) to switch between small and large modes.
    • In Large mode:
      • Turn the VALUE knob and then press ENTER to change the preset.
      • Presets are shown in “preview” as dim text until you press ENTER.
      • While previewing presets, NAV left/right = -1/+1 preset; down/up = -10/+10.)
      • Once any preset is loaded, use NAV keys to change scenes.
  • Added “OD-One Overdrive” Drive model based on a Boss OD-1.
  • Added new Optical Sustainer, Analog Sustainer, and JFET Sustainer types to the Compressor block.
  • Improved Noise Gate in Input block:
    • Improved performance based on new algorithm developed for Gate block.
    • A Mode selection has been added allowing the user to select between “Easy” and “Advanced”. In Easy mode the number of parameters is reduced simplifying the adjustment procedure for those who are unfamiliar with the finer details of gates/expanders for guitar noise reduction applications.
  • Improved Gate block:
    • Improved Downward Expander type. The “Hold Time” was removed as it is no longer needed. This type is now named “Classic Expander” as it based on classic analog downward expanders.
    • Added “Modern Expander” type. This uses a novel approach to the envelope detector resulting in improved ballistics compared to traditional analog expanders. A new “Knee Type” parameter allows selecting between hard-knee expansion and varying degrees of soft-knee expansion.
  • Improved Tuner:
    • Changed strobe tuner so that indicator rotation frequency is constant vs. error as a fraction of desired frequency, and improved the tuner’s internal tracking filter.
  • Added zoom feature to Cab IR graph.
  • Adjusted the bypass design for blocks whose mix is “hard-coded” at 100%, (e.g. wah, EQ, etc.) The new feature smooths the transition when the effect is turned on or off.
  • Added “Oxbow Loadbox” and “Double Notes Loadbox” speaker impedance curves based on a Universal Audio Ox and Two Notes Torpedo, respectively.
  • Added “Spread” control to Dual Delay and Tape types in Delay block as a modifiable master pan.
  • Added assignable third LFO to Delay block. This can be assigned to Level, Pan or Spread.
  • Improved Speaker Thump algorithm in Amp block.


  • Fixed FC: When editing switches from the front panel, the 'Mini-Display Label' setting of 'Custom' now allows access to the 'Custom Label' setting for all switch categories.
  • Fixed FC: Removed some erroneous parameter options from some switch configurations when viewed from the front panel, such as for Effect->Chan Inc/Dec.
  • Fixed Incorrect Bypass setting on Delay block when changing presets.



  • Added 59 Bassguy RI Jumped Amp model.
  • Added Paragon type to the Wah block based on a Tycobrahe Parapedal.
  • Added Bosom Boost type to Drive block.
  • Updated Compressor block so that times display actual value for the various pedal types.
  • Improved the speed of preset changes depending on the Global Spillover setting. The speed improvement will be highest when Global Spillover is set to “Off”.


  • Fixed corrupt audio as a result of attaching a modifier to a Drive block parameter when the type is Klone Chiron.
  • Fixed tone generated from USA Rhythm 1 Amp type without input.
  • Fixed Delay block delay lines being cleared when Spillover is set to “All”.
  • Fixed pops when changing channels on the Drive block.


FM3-Edit version 1.05.11 is required for this firmware.


  • Optimizations to reduce CPU. This will vary depending on blocks used and settings.
  • Added Klone Chiron model to the Drive block.
  • Added Griddle Cake model based on Crowther Hot Cake to the Drive block. The “XLF” switch on the pedal can be replicated by turning the Bass Response knob fully CW.
  • Added the following new Amp models:
    • PVH 6160 Block Crunch
    • Diamante Fire based on a Diamond Del Fuego
    • Brit Studio 20 Amp model based on a Marshall SV20H
    • Plexi 50W 6CA7 Jumped
  • New “Cygnus X-2” amp modeling:
    • Improved Amp block output transformer algorithm. New algorithm more accurately models B-H curve resulting in a clearer low end. New algorithm now also accounts for effect of speaker impedance on transformer response.
    • Improved power tube modeling. This yields better dynamics, improved low frequency accuracy and more accurate interaction with output transformer.
    • Improved cathode follower algorithm. Provides more accurate “cleanup” when volume is rolled off.
    • Improved triode algorithm more accurately models plate bypass capacitors.
    • Many amp models have been updated as a result of the aforementioned improvements.
    • Various other improvements.
  • Improved modeling accuracy for following Amp models:
    • Plexi 50W Jumped
    • Plexi 100W Jumped
    • Brit JM45 Jumped
    • 1987X Jumped
    • 1959SLP Jumped
    • Plexi 100W 1970
    • Deluxe Tweed Jumped
    • Two Stone J35 and J35 PAB
    • Fox ODS and ODS Deep
    • Nuclear Tone
    • All Solo 88, 99 and 100 models
    • All Bogfish models
    • All Spawn Q-Rod models
    • All Spawn Nitrous models
    • All Vibrato Verb models
    • All Deluxe Verb models
    • All Double Verb models
    • All Brit 800 models
    • All Brit JVM models
    • All Friedman BE/HBE V2 and V3
    • Friedman Small Box
    • Cornfed M50
  • Drive block improvements. Drive block now incorporates the “Chase Transform Technique” for converting analog networks to equivalent digital filters. This improves accuracy in the high frequency region.
  • New “Block Mixer” algorithm results in faster/quieter scene and channel changes.
  • New Speaker Drive algorithm in Amp block. This new algorithm more accurately models the frequency dependent distortion of guitar loudspeakers. The default value (upon resetting the block) is 2.0 which gives roughly 1 dB of compression. Setting the value to 0.0 defeats the speaker drive modeling. Higher values give a smoother and more focused sound, rounding off the “sharp edges” and yielding greater compression.
  • Added Speaker Thump to Amp block. This models the dynamic, nonlinear behavior of a guitar speaker. A value of 5.0 roughly corresponds to an amp running into a speaker rated at the same power as the amplifier, i.e., a 100W amplifier running into a 100W speaker. The reset value is a conservative 2.5 which represents, i.e., a 50W amp running into a 100W speaker. Note that the majority of the response is in the subsonic region and the effect is primarily tactile. Existing presets are not affected and the value will be zero.
  • Improved Amp block output transformer modeling. This requires updated Transformer LF/HF values for the amp models. Existing presets are automatically updated to the new values upon recall.
  • Changed “Drive” to “Gain” for Amp block preamp gain as this is more consistent with naming in real amps.
  • Added “Overdrive Volume” parameter to Dumble-type amp models (ODS-100, Two Stone, etc.). This is sometimes labeled “Ratio” or “Lead Master”. As the Master Volume on these amps often has a bright capacitor the Overdrive Volume control allows setting the Master Volume higher to counteract the bright cap and then lowering the power amp drive with the Volume.
  • Added “Plate Suppressor Diodes” parameter. This value is set automatically when the amp model is chosen but the user can override the default setting. Most amps do not have suppressor diodes but some do (e.g., Trainwreck Express). These diodes (also called “snubber” or “flyback” diodes) prevent undershoot on the power tube plates due to inductive kick and reduce upper harmonics thereby reducing “fizz”.
  • Improved speaker impedance curve fitting algorithm. This results in more accurate and more “colorful” modeling as the previous algorithm tended to damp box resonances somewhat. All the speaker impedance curves have been updated using the new routine.
  • Added speaker impedance curves:
    • 4x12 Lerxst Omega
    • 1x12 Deluxe Oxford
    • 4x12 Hipower Pete T
    • 4x12 Hipower Lindsey B
    • 4x12 USA Semi-Open
  • v 2x12 Dizzy RV
  • v 4x12 London Town Tall
    • G12T-75
    • 2x12 Class-A Greenback
    • 2x12 Two Stone 1265
  • Added cross feedback parameters to Quad Parallel type in Multitap Delay block.
  • Increased the range of the Level parameters in Multitap Delay to -100% to +100%.
  • SPDIF output level will no longer be dependent on the volume knob.


  • Added new Setlists/Songs feature, which can be used with the onboard switches and/or an FC Controller to access presets and scenes in custom order during live performance. A new Setup menu area provides full access from the front panel, with a corresponding new area of FM3-Edit which offering import/export and more. For additional details, please see the Setlists & Songs Mini-Manual, located at:


  • Fixed wrong coupling capacitor value in 1959SLP Treble, 1959SLP Jumped and 1987x Treble amp models.
  • Fixed wrong resistor value in tone stack of Solo 88 Rhythm and Lead models. Probably not audible though.
  • Fixed low frequency behavior of Recto2 models due to loss of precision.
  • Fixed wrong treble pot taper in CA3+ models.
  • Fixed wrong capacitor value in Friedman HBE V1 Fat model.
  • Fixed wrong resistor value in AC-20 12AX7 models.
  • Fixed wrong Depth knob taper in Archean models.
  • Fixed scale not being set when first attaching a modifier to a LOG parameter.
  • Fixed Bypass grayed out on Reverb EQ page.
  • FC: Layout Link will no longer unduly trigger when exiting the Tuner.
  • FC: Preset: Select in Bank switches now stop flashing when the preset is changed by any means other than an FC footswitch (editor, front panel, etc.)
  • FC: Preset: Select in Bank switches now flash consistently when used with Bank: Select switches.
  • FC: Preset: Toggle in Bank now consistently and correctly loads "Primary" preset after changing the bank.
  • FC: Effect: Channel functions will now work correctly when Effect is set to Controllers.



  • Added “Scene Ignore” to most blocks. When set to ON, Scene Ignore instructs the block to ignore scene changes. Scene Ignore is a per-channel parameter. This allows turning Scene Ignore to OFF on one or more channels which will then allow a scene change to set the block to a desired state if the block is on that channel.
  • Added frequency and cents text to Tuner display.
  • Improved Amp block transformer/speaker interaction modeling. The “Voice Coil Resistance” parameter has been repurposed/renamed “Speaker Impedance”. The various parameters work as follows:
    • Transformer Matching: Sets the impedance ratio (square of the turns ratio) of the output transformer.
    • Speaker Impedance: Sets the relative nominal impedance of the speaker. To simulate connecting, e.g., a 4-ohm speaker to an 8-ohm output you would set Speaker Impedance to 0.5. Conversely to simulate connecting a 16-ohm speaker you would set it to 2.0.
  • Update PI Bias Excursion parameters for many Amp models based on new measurement technique.
  • Reduce Speaker LF resonance modification to a max of ~6dB.


  • Fixed all 59 Bassguy Amp models audio drop when Normal Drive is set to zero and Bright Drive is adjusted rapidly.
  • Fixed crash in Plex Delay block when Master Time is zero.
  • Fixed crash in Parametric EQ block graph when modifier update rate set to Medium or Fast.
  • Per-Preset FC Settings pages will now scroll properly.
  • Fixed bypass states not being recalled correctly if the previous preset has Scene Ignore set.
  • Fixed incorrect audio levels across presets and scenes.
  • Fixed Amp and Delay block mix parameters not saving properly.
  • The STARTUP VIEW of the FM3 will now behave appropriately in all circumstances when an external FC-6 or FC-12 is present.
  • Tuner mute function mode OUTPUT will now correctly silence tails.



  • The Amp block now uses the latest CNFB amp modeling developed for Axe-Fx III providing improved accuracy, especially in the clipping and power supply sag behavior vs. frequency.
  • Added new “Dual Detune Delay” type to Pitch block.
  • Improvements to pitch detection algorithm to improve performance of Pitch, Synth, Ringmod, and Tuner.
  • Improved latency from analog inputs to analog outputs.
  • Added 59 Bassguy Normal, 5F8 Tweed Normal and 5F8 Tweed Jumped amp models.
  • Added JMPRE-1 Output EQ type to Amp block. This type replicates the active EQ used in the JMP-1 preamp (see below).
  • Added JMPre-1 Clean1/2 models. Note: The real amp has a fixed, passive tone stack with an active 4-band EQ. Therefore, the Bass/Mid/Treble controls when using Authentic Tone Controls are mapped to the Graphic EQ. The passive tone stack itself, however, is adjustable. With all controls at noon the tone stack is equivalent to the real amp’s fixed tone stack. You can access these controls using the Ideal Tone Controls or via FM3-Edit.
  • Updated JMPre-1 OD1/2 models. As with the Clean1/2 models the Bass/Mid/Treble controls now are mapped to the Graphic EQ when using Authentic Tone Controls.
  • Updated default cathode follower values for Matchbox D-30 model.
  • Rearranged order of pages in Amp block so that Input EQ and Output EQ are after Tone page.
  • Renamed Speaker Impedance to Voice Coil Resistance.


  • Fixed negative gain for LOWSHELF2 and HIGHSHELF2 types in the filter block.
  • Fixed Amp block headroom meter ballistics.
  • Fixed Amp block Transformer Match control not working properly.
  • Fixed Amp block low frequency digital distortion with some types.
  • Fixed Synth block tracking not working properly across all frequencies.
  • Fixed choppy behavior in Tuner.
  • Allow changing a block out if it will lower the CPU usage, even if the new total usage exceeds the limit.
  • Fixed Flanger block causing loud transient noise at startup in rare circumstances.
  • Fixed Bludojai Lead model missing resistor between last preamp stage and power amp.
  • Fixed some Amp models can NaN due to index out-of-bounds.
  • Fixed the prolonged black screen during bootup in certain circumstances.


  • Added 2nd Press to Preset: Select in Bank.
  • Combined “Smart Bypass” and “2nd Press = Previous Channel” into a single “2nd Press” parameter. The two choices are "Smart Bypass" which is a pre-existing feature, and "Previous Channel" which toggles to the previously selected channel instead.
  • Updated the switch ring LED to be dim instead of off for Function Effect: Select Channel when Smart Bypass is ON and the effect is in the preset but the effect is bypassed.
  • Added "Current" option to the display functions for Bank: Inc/Dec function.
  • Fixed stand-in switches not executing the tap function correctly when a hold function is assigned.
  • Fixed an issue when changing function to "Bypass" when the currently selected effect does not have a Bypass function (e.g., Mixer, Multiplex).
  • Fixed an issue when changing FC effect type from "MultiPlex" to an effect containing fewer channels.
  • Stand-in switches will now work correctly when assigned to a footswitch configured as a Per-Preset: Placeholder.
  • Per-preset pages will now draw correctly when testing footswitches.


Fixed lower audio output volume from the Amp block when Cathode Follower compression is greater than zero.


New and Improved FEATURES​

The front panel now has various double-tap functions:

  • Double-tapping EDIT edits the previous block.
  • Double-tapping HOME enters the layout grid.
  • Double-tapping STORE prompts immediately.

In the Home or Layout menus, double-tapping the A-E push-knobs does the following:

  • A enters the Amp 1 menu;
  • B enters the Drive 1 menu (think “Boost”)
  • C enters the Cab 1 menu.
  • D enters the Delay 1 menu.
  • E enters the Reverb 1 menu (think “rEverb”)

Improved Input block gate performance.

Integrated the newest “Cygnus X2” amp modeling from Axe-Fx III using the Chase Nonlinear Feedback (CNFB) technique for the solution of nonlinear ODEs. This provides improved accuracy, especially in the clipping and power supply sag behavior vs. frequency.

Improved CPU performance of the Reverb block.

New Amp model: “FAS Buttery”

New Drive Block Types: “Valve Screamer VS9” and "Maxoff 808" including a new diode SPICE model “1S1588T” This is the Toshiba version of the 1S1588 and is reportedly the diode used in the “best” TS-808s.

New “Types” within the Flanger, Plex Delay, and Multitap Delay blocks provide instant access to exciting effect settings without the need to adjust or understand advanced parameters. Special thanks to Leon Todd, Simeon Harris and Cooper Carter for some of the new effect type contributions.

New LFO in the filter section of the Plex Delay block allows creative modulation effects. See the Blocks Guide for details.

Push-knob functions in the Block Edit have been simplified to a single page.

New “Modern Gate” type in the Gate/Expander Block. This type is similar to the Classic Gate except the gate opens in a constant linear-in-dB manner. This naturally makes the attack slower as the gate first opens and can be used for both traditional gating and for special effects like audio swells.

New “S-Taper” option in the Volume Block allows new and improved “Auto-Swell” sounds.

New “Max Loop Time” parameter in the Looper block. This allows loop length to be set precisely in advance of recording.

New Diffuser Modulation in the Multitap Delay.

New 'MUTE' option for OUTPUT 1 MODE. This causes only processed audio to be muted. USB audio will still be routed to and heard, enabling certain applications when using a DAW with input monitoring.

Changed Looper behavior so that if recording and time reaches the maximum recording time the mode changes to that specified by Record 2nd Press (for the first pass of a new recording.)

Overhauled the Compressor Block in line with the latest Axe-Fx updates:

  • Improved Auto-Makeup gain behavior.
  • Added Input Level switch. When set to INSTRUMENT the detector is optimized for guitar-level signals, i.e., before an amp block. When set to LINE the detector is optimized for post-amp level signals.
  • The Pedal, Optical, Tube, Analog, JFET and Dynamicomp types have been completely redone resulting in improved performance. These types now inherently perform automatic makeup gain.
  • Auto Attack/Release has been removed from the Pedal and Dynamicomp types as it is no longer applicable.
  • Added Emphasis frequency to the sidechain.

Added global Speaker Impedance Curve parameter to global Config menu. When set to DEFAULT, the speaker impedance curve used when selecting an amp model is the default curve for that amp model, otherwise it uses the selected curve. NOTE: this does not affect existing presets. The curve only changes when selecting a new amp model.

Also added several new Impedance Curves; thank you to Dr. Bonkers Soundlab for these.

Added Damping control to Modifiers. The default, EXPONENTIAL, is the classic damping style where the modifier value has an exponential attack/decay. LINEAR selects a linear attack/decay.

Added Type control to ADSRs. The default, EXPONENTIAL, is an analog style where the ADSR has an exponential attack/decay. LINEAR selects a linear attack/decay.

Added High Mid control to the Drive block.

Added “RCB Boost” to Amp block Boost types.

Added Master Bias Excursion parameter to the amp block. See the Blocks Guide for details.

Improved accuracy of Master Volume in Amp block for low settings.

Improved Amp block cathode follower algorithm. Algorithm now uses higher order solution of nonlinear ODE for more accurate low frequency response.

New option “ALL” for “Spillover” in SETUP: Global Settings: Config. In addition to Delay and Reverb, this includes Plex Delay, Multitap-Delay, and Ten-Tap Delay blocks, allowing spillover when switching presets. See your Owner’s Manual for more on spillover.

Added “USB 3/4” to the input options of the Multiplexer block.

Added red indicator line to the “mini tuner.”

Improved “Tape” preamp types in Cabinet block.

Improved accuracy of Drive block Drive control at low settings.

Improved Stack/Hold in Delay block so that “texture” is applied to audio when Stack/Hold is on.

New options in the I/O: AUDIO menu features allow greater routing flexibility of USB audio. New “USB 1/2 Playback Destination” parameter allows computer audio from USB 1/2 to be sent to either Output 1 L+R (the default and previous behavior) or Output 2L+R. This allows for the easy separation of processed guitar to Out 1 and default computer system audio to Output 2. If you use only Output 2, you can now hear both processed guitar and USB audio by using the settings Output 2 Copy: OUTPUT 1 and USB 1/2 Playback Destination: OUTPUT 2. New “OUTPUT 1” option for “USB 3/4 Playback Destination” allows routing USB 3/4 to Out 1. (This gives FM3 the same “USB Output mapping” capabilities as Axe-Fx III and FM9.)

Foot controller changes​

Added “Bank Switch Limits” ENABLE/DISABLE to the FC Config menu. These allows the FM3 to ignore the limits set in bank switches, thereby allowing access to ALL BANKS by default.

Added “Scene Level + Save” to the “Utilities” functions.

Added a “Mini-LCD Invert Mode” option under the APPEARANCE section of the FC Controllers’ Config page.

Added a “STARTUP VIEW” for the FM3 and external FCs to the FC Controllers’ Device page.

Added an option for “2nd Press = Previous Bank” to Bank: Select function.

Added an option for “2nd Press = Previous Preset” to Preset: Select function.

Added an option for “2nd Press = Previous Channel” to Effect: Select Channel function.

Added a “Current Channel” Mini-Display Label option to Effect: Chan Inc/Dec.

Added a 1.5 second delay to functions that trigger a save of the preset to allow multiple actions before a single save.

Fixed the mini-LCD display when “2nd Press = Previous Scene” is “ON.”

Fixed Bank limit calculations in some circumstances.

Updated the switch ring LED to be dim instead of off for Function Effect: Select Channel when Smart Bypass is ON and the effect is in the preset but the effect is bypass.


Fixed the fan ‘chirping’ demonstrated on some units.

Other small fixes based on those made on the Axe-Fx III.

Fixed a crash when editing Bank and Effect Inc/Dec functions in certain circumstances.

Fixed a potential crash in the Multitap block time is set very low.

Fixed modifiers not working properly for some parameters (e.g., Plex Delay Rate parameter).

Fixed KVB not being updated correctly.

Fixed certain graphs disappearing after a banner display.

Fixed Amp Band-Commander squeal at default settings.

Fixed Compressor block auto-gain not working properly.

Fixed Compressor block distorted audio on certain settings.

Fixed Amp FAS Buttery crash.

Fixed GUI not being redrawn when switching between a knob menu and a list menu.

Fixed Blackglass 7K model as reference pedal was defective. Added “Grunt” and “Attack” knobs to GUI (Grunt switch on pedal is a selectable low cut so knob duplicates Low Cut control).

Fixed Drive block can crash under rare circumstances when switching between certain models (from Blackglass 7K to diode-based model).

(FM3) "The pitch block was updated in 5.xx. The pitch detector still isn't up to Axe-Fx III standards but it still works well. There simply isn't enough horsepower to run the Axe-Fx III pitch detector without sacrificing the number of simultaneous effects. [1]


  • Added Poweramp On/Off parameter to the Amp block. This removes Power Amp control from the “Supply Sag” parameter and makes it a separate independent control.
  • Added “Indicate Edited on Scene Change” to in Setup: General Settings: Config page. This determines whether or not Scene changes cause the “EDITED” LED to light.
  • Added Compander parameters to Delay block.
  • Added Compander type to Compressor block. The Transients control adjusts the transient modification. Values less than zero soften the attack, value greater than zero emphasize the attack.
  • Added “Presets” Utilities page to upgrade Presets stored in flash to the currently installed firmware version. When executed, all presets stored in flash with an older version of the firmware will be upgraded to the currently installed firmware version and automatically re-saved to flash. This process can take up to 20 minutes but will speed up preset changes.
  • Improved Rotary block “Drive”.
  • Updated Multiband Compressor block with changes made on AxeFx-III.
  • The Global Performance Controls from Amp 1 have a new layout with Drive, Master, and Level in one row. To see this change, you would need to perform Reset System Parameters (NOTE: This action resets all system parameters and will also initialize Footswitch Layouts.)
  • Greatly reduced CPU requirements of the White and Pink noise oscillators in the Synth block.
  • Improved behavior of Synth block Shift control when attached to a modifier.
  • Increased gain range of Filter block and input EQ in Amp block to +/-20 dB.
  • Fixed FAS Brootalz model inadvertently referencing the Angle Severe presence network.
  • Fixed pop when switching channels on Input block when using different gate types.
  • Fixed Master Time not working in Plex block for Plex Detune and Plex Shift types.
  • Fixed NaN in Stereo Tri-Chorus if Delay Time and Rate are set to minimum.
  • FC Fixed: Built-in OMG15 corrections.
  • FC Fixed: The FC layout displayed above Home: Knob E will now update correctly.
  • FC Fixed: Mini-LCD displays will now display the correct information for Preset, Select in Bank functions when Display Offset is set to “1”.
  • FC: Changed how Bank Switch Limits work. In the previous firmware version, a setting was added to enable whether or not bank limits are enforced or ignored. This required making a change to every switch in every layout when you wanted to turn limits on or off. This feature has been REMOVED and REPLACED with a new Global option found in Setup: FC…: Config. “Bank Switch Limits” can now be globally enabled or disabled via this new parameter.



Firmware 4.0 brings Cygnus Amp Modeling from the Axe-Fx III to the FM3. Cygnus uses new SpectrumTrack™ Technology to improve the response of amp models from clean to high gain, ensuring that the frequency response of the model matches the real amp at all levels of input excitation. It delivers truer and more dynamic voicing—especially for models with cascaded gain stages—plus exceptionally satisfying "chugs."​

A new set of FM3 factory preset banks is now available on our web site. These are completely dialed in to showcase the latest and greatest features of the FM3 and Cygnus Amp Modeling. With these new banks installed, you won't need to worry about reset existing factory presets — simply install and enjoy. Please see the ReadMe file included with those presets for installation instructions.​

To update your own presets for use with Cygnus, it is recommended that you reset the amp block for best results. The information contained in the following forum post may be helpful:​


  • Added: UltraRes IR support and corresponding “IR Length” parameter in the Cab block.​
  • Added: New Drive block modeling and types. This block is now in sync with Axe-Fx III.​
  • Added: Output 2 now has both “Unity Gain” and “Line Level” modes, each with their own sub parameters. A short guide follows after these release notes.​
  • Added: “USB Buffer Size” parameter. The USB buffer size determines the number of samples and thereby the latency between the FM3 and USB host. Lower settings result in better latency (recording and playback) but smaller sizes may not work well with all hosts. A good rule of thumb is to set the buffer to the smallest possible size, increasing if you encounter any USB audio performance issues. Find USB Buffer Size in the Digital I/O Configuration section of SETUP: I/O: Audio.​
  • Added: Latest changes to the Reverb block from Axe-Fx III.​
  • Added: Latest changes from the PEQ from the Axe-Fx III.​
  • Added: Low and High Cut Slope parameters in the Cab block “Preamp” now extend to 24 dB.​
  • FC Added: “Bank Access” parameter for Bank Inc/Dec footswitch functions. When set to “ALL” the settings for Bank Lower Limit and Bank Upper Limit are IGNORED. ALL is the new default, so if you wish to enable these limits for bank switches, you must set “Bank Access” to “LIMITED”.​
  • FC Added: FM3 + FC-12 (“OMG15”) layouts are now built-in and loadable from the Reset page in FC Controllers/Onboard Switches.​
  • Fixed: USB has been reworked to reduce issues experienced by some customers.​
  • Fixed: Holding special troubleshooting keys (Home, Enter, etc.) now works correctly.​
  • Fixed: Output 2 EQ only working when Output 2 block is in the grid.​
  • Fixed: The PRESETS menu page now correctly displays the active preset.​
  • Fixed: Pedal calibration will now work correctly for pedals set as “Tuner on Heel Down.”​
  • Fixed: Inserting Pitch block into a high CPU grid will not hang up the GUI.​
  • Fixed: Vintage Tape Chorus Delay Time parameter can now exceed 19.85.​
  • Fixed: Drive Low Cut parameter is now functional.​
  • Fixed: Aligned Pitch block “Type” names with Axe-Fx III.​
  • Fixed: Speaker LF response if LF Resonance and Q are set to low values.​
  • Fixed: IRs in Cabinet picker page now displayed in correct color.​
  • FC Fixed: Disconnected FCs stand-in switches will no longer trigger during start-up.​
  • FC Fixed: Footswitches are now resistant to an issue that was causing freezing.​
  • FC Fixed: Mini-LCDs issues experienced by some customers have been eliminated.​
  • FC Fixed: Default FC Layouts are now loaded correctly by “Reset System Parameters”.​
  • FC Fixed: Footswitch preset functions will now honor the global “Default Scene” setting.​

Output 2 of the FM3 is now able to provide your choice of either unity gain' or line level output. The following short guide will help you to make the required settings for either use case.​

To use FM3 Out 2 in unity gain applications, such as when connecting to a tube amp or certain pedals, confirm the following settings in the "Output 2 Configuration" section under SETUP: I/O: Audio​

  • Output Type: Unity Gain​
  • Boost/Pad: This optional setting may be increased to lower the noise floor. This can be useful, for example, when connecting to a "gainy" tube amp. Be careful however, as higher settings can cause clipping in the FM3. Watch the Status LEDs and reduce preset levels or turn this setting down if needed.​
  • Output 2 Copy: Typically, "None", but there are also applications for copying "IN 1" to OUT 2, such as when recording an analog DI at unity gain via Out 2 while also recording the processed signal via Out 1. Remember though that placing an OUT2 block on the grid will override any Output 2 Copy setting, passing instead whatever audio is sent to the block. Other settings such as Level, Boost/Pad, etc. are not affected by the presence of the OUT2 grid block.​
  • Set Out 2 Mode and Phase as desired. See the FM3 Owner's Manual for additional details.​

For Unity Gain applications, set the Out 2 top panel knob fully clockwise to the highest setting.​

To use FM3 Out 2 for Line Level applications — such as when connecting to FRFR guitar speakers, studio monitors, mixers, etc., confirm the following settings in the "Output 2 Configuration" section under SETUP: I/O: Audio​

  • Output Type: Line Level​
  • Output Level: -10dBV or +4dBu (most pro devices operate at +4)​
  • Output 2 Copy: As desired: "None”, or "Out 1" if you want Out 2 to reproduce the signal at Out 1 without needing an OUT2 grid block. You could use this, for example, when connecting to personal monitors via Out 2 while Out 1 is connected to a house PA. Remember though that placing an OUT 2 block on the grid will override the COPY OUT 2 setting, passing instead whatever audio is sent to the grid block. Other settings such as Output 2 Level (+4/-10) are not affected by the presence of the Out 2 block.​
  • Set Out 2 Mode and Phase as desired. See the FM3 Owner's Manual for additional details.​

For Line Level applications, set the Out 2 top panel knob as desired, starting fully counterclockwise and then increasing gradually until the desired output level is achieved.​

3.03 Public Beta

NOTE: This is a beta release because there have been some heavy changes. This beta does not introduce any new known bugs. Please give it a test at your convenience and we will move it to release as soon as possible.

Added: Cab Block UltraRes support.

Added new Drive block modeling and types. This block is now in sync with Axe-Fx III.

Added: “Bank Access” parameter to the Bank Inc/Dec footswitch functions. When set to ALL, the settings for Bank Lower Limit and Bank Upper Limit are IGNORED by default. If you wish to enable these limits, you must set “Bank Access” to “LIMITED” for all Bank Inc and Bank Dec switches in your layouts.

Fixed: Power on holding the HOME key will now prevent the startup preset from loading.

Fixed: Power on holding the EDIT key will now prevent system parameters from loading.

Fixed: OUT2 volume issues.

Fixed: Footswitches are now resistant to an issue that was causing freezing.

Fixed: Default FC Layouts are now loaded correctly when you use “Reset System Parameters”.

Fixed: The PRESETS menu page now correctly displays the active preset.

Fixed: Pedal calibration will now work correctly for pedals set as “Tuner on Heel Down.”

Fixed: Inserting Pitch block into a high CPU grid will not hang up the GUI.

Fixed: Footswitch preset functions will now honor the global “Default Scene” setting.

USB has been reworked to reduce issues experienced by some customers.


Added Per-Preset and Global Performance Pages. These provide a new means of intuitive hands-on control of FM3 sound parameters with no menu delving required. (A PDF overview is included with the zip file containing this firmware release.)

Added “Downtune” and “Display Mode” parameters to the Tuner, and added the option “All” to Tuner Input Source so it can track both input 1 and/or input 2.

Added Setup: Global: Config “Output 1 EQ Type” and “Output 2 EQ Type” options for graphic or parametric, including the option to turn each EQ off.

Added “Footswitch Tuner Mode” (Setup: FC Controllers: Config) which uses the onboard LED rings on the FM3 to help you tune visually.

Added “Detector Type” (RMS or Peak) to the downward expander effect (Gate Block).

Added Diffusion Amount and Time parameters to Crystal Echoes effect (Pitch block).

Added Multitap Master Chorus rate and depth parameters.

Added LFO High Cut parameter and markers to ADSR graphs.

External Controller “Initial Values” can now be set to any value from 0 to 100%.

Improved the rate of communication with a connected FC controller (especially FC-12).

Improved how the FM3 remains connected to FM3-Edit after certain USB “sleep” activity.

The UI is now more responsive when a high CPU preset is loaded.

FC: Preset/Select in Bank switches will now flash after a bank change until you make a selection. This will not happen if your Bank switch is set to automatically load the FIRST or CURRENT preset in the new bank.

FC: You can now install the “OMG9” FC settings directly from the SETUP: FC Controllers: Reset page of the FM3, with no download required. The OMG9 Owner’s Manual can be found at:

FC Added: “2nd Press = Previous Scene” option to the Scene/Select function. When set to “ON” this allows you to press the footswitch for the current scene to return to the previous one.

Fixed: Overlapping text when “Prompt on Edited Preset Change” is enabled.

Fixed: Global Input and Output volumes now initialize correctly when an expression pedal is used. (These parameters are located on the “Setup: MIDI/Remote: Other” page.)

Fixed: UI now updates when you disable Tuner “Use Offsets” in FM3-Edit while tuning.

Fixed: “COPY SCENE” and “SWAP SCENE” now correctly copy or swap scene data in the Scene MIDI block and Control Switch “Per Scene” settings.

Fixed zippering that occurred in some circumstances when using an external MIDI modifier.

Fixed: Setting “Output 2 Copy” to anything other than “NONE” no longer overwrites the regular OUT2 signal.

Fixed: Auto-engage now works consistently with modifiers on the amp and delay blocks.

FC Fixed: the main LCD on a remote FC should now update correctly in all circumstances.

Fixed: Activating the tuner with “hold” on a TEMPO switch will no longer affect the tempo.

Fixed: the MIDI block UI now consistently displays the current scene.

Fixed: Multiband Compressor now works as expected.

Fixed: Global parameters under Midi/Remote now reset correctly to default values.

Fixed: User Cab should no longer be able to accidentally overwrite Factory Cab 1.

Fixed: Metronome OUT2 level should be correct in all cases.


Fixed amp block’s Cathode Follower Compression value not loading correctly for patches saved under firmware prior to version 2.0.

Added “59 Bassguy Jump” Amp type.

Fixed Scales menu in Global Settings not synchronizing with FM3-Edit.

Fixed audio artifact when changing channels and viewing the Tone page on the amp block in some circumstances.


Amp modeling updated to match Axe-Fx III firmware 15.01.

  • Improved Power Amp Modeling. The new algorithm yields accurate dynamic frequency response which results in clearer bass and extended highs. More “chug”, “thump” and “chime”. NOTE: Existing presets should be auditioned. While the overall tone isn’t significantly changed, the transient frequency response is enhanced which may alter the tonal perception.​
  • Improved output transformer modeling in Amp block. For typical values of Transformer Drive the difference is subtle but mathematically more accurate adding a pleasing low-end growl and improving “tightness” _in high-gain sounds. For high values of Transformer Drive the difference is more pronounced. If you have increased Transformer Drive on your presets above the default value then you should audition your presets.​

Fixed Depth control not working on some amp models.

Fixed erratic flashing of Tempo LED.

Fixed random flashing of front panel LEDs.

Added “Tuner on Heel Down” to MIDI/Remote/Other. When the value of the specified controller goes below 5%, the tuner will be displayed automatically. Typically you would set this to the same CC# or pedal used for volume control so the tuner will come on automatically when the volume pedal is pulled back.

Fixed issue with modifiers on the Amp block causing audio artifacts and drop outs.

Fixed imported Tone Matches not working correctly.

Fixed crashing with some imported Axe-Fx III presets.

Fixed issue causing audio drop out when changing the input gate type.

FC: Fixed an issue causing “CFG ERR” to be displayed in some footswitch configurations.


Fixed USB audio issues that were affecting some customers.​

Updated Amp block, now in sync with Axe-Fx III v14 (282 models including new “Archean”).​

Updated Chorus and Compressor blocks, now in sync with Axe-Fx III v14.​

"Swap Scenes" is now available on the Tools page of the Layout menu.​

Reduced the overall latency of all analog I/O.​

FC Pedals can now be selected for global Input/Output Volumes (in Setup:MIDI/Remote:Other).​

Output "Volume Increment" functions now work as specified.​

FC: The first FC will now display the tuner when the FM3 is in the Tuner menu.​

Display brightness is now applied correctly on power up.​

Fixed incorrect default scene on Patch recall from FM3-Edit.​

Fixed an occasional crash caused by an “illegal” modifier.​

Fixed crashes related to importing Axe-Fx III presets via FM3-Edit.​

Fixed Bypass button issue in hardware GUI and FM3-Edit.​

Fixed bugs reported during public beta.​


Fixed Pitch block Mix overriding custom settings.​

Fixed Pitch block Custom Scale number not displaying correctly.​

Fixes and improvements related to USB audio artifacts and buffering.​

Third party MIDI “STATUS DUMP” command will now return the correct data.​

Fixed some Presets freezing on startup.​

Corrected default Negative Feedback for Deluxe Verb models.​

Fixed PC Mapping not always loading designated scene.​

MIDI Looper CC commands will now function properly after a power cycle.​

Fix Contour parameter not working in Drive block for Shred Distortion type.​

Align Plex block with Axe-Fx III.​

Input 1 Source setting will no longer affect Input 2.​

Improved modifier performance for external controllers (Wah “zippering”).​

Improved performance of modifiers attached to Amp and Delay blocks.​

FC: FC-6 and FM3 will now wrap Views correctly within Layout 9 (the “Master Layout Menu”).​

Scene Revert will now take effect for scene changes via MIDI CC messages.​

Removed “Diffusion” parameters from the Delay blocks due to CPU constraints.​


Minor Amp block optimizations.​

Improved how Amp block and Delay block values are synchronized with FM3-Edit.​

Fixed Pitch block mix overriding custom settings.​

Eliminated scenes/presets “blip” while FM3-Edit is open (requires FM3-Edit 1.01.05 rc2).​

Improved fan control relies on actual CPU temperature vs. ambient temperature.​

Preset 000 will no longer occasionally be blank on startup.​

Default Scene will now be loaded correctly on preset change.​

MIDI clock synchronization with DAWs should now result in a consistent tempo.​

Fixed stability issues when 5-pin MIDI communications are active.​

MIDI/Remote channel changes should now operate as expected using CC messages.​

FC: Prevent stand-in switch from switching the view when Hold Function Mode is SWITCH UP.​

Additional improvements related to stability and performance.​


CPU Performance improvements across all presets.

Added new amp types: Matchbox D-30 EF86, FAS Express, Triple Crest 2, Triple Crest 3, PVH 6160+ Crunch Bright, PVH 6160+ Clean Bright.

Block Updates (Find details in the Fractal Audio Systems Block Guide): Gate: Improved Downward Expander; Tremolo: Added Optical type; PEQ: Added Slope controls; Plex Delay: Added Stack/Hold, Reverb: Added Dispersion.

Improved FM3-Edit preset switching time when certain blocks are present.

Improved USB audio performance and stability, reduced recording latency.

Clarified polarity options under I/O: Pedal: Switch Settings.

Improved how the position of pedals is detected after startup.

Fixed “banner messages” on the Tools page of the layout menu.

Parameter values now update when changed via a modifier.

FM3-Edit now honors the global setting for “Default Scene”.

Fixed “Astable” LFO type.

Fixed audio drop in Shred Distortion type.

Fixed MIDI clock sync issues.

Scratchpads now properly initialize on boot.

Added “OUTPUT 2” as an option for “USB 3,4 Record Source”.

LEDs and Display will no longer flicker when FM3 is powered off with USB connected.

Fixed Copy/Paste Block and Channel errors for the Amp and Delay blocks.

Added ECONOMY mode to the Reverb (from Axe-Fx III v12.08). Pre-existing presets will default to this new setting, which produces excellent results at considerably reduced CPU.

FC: LED rings for Looper functions will now be OFF if the Looper is not in the preset.

FC: “LOOPER BLOCK NOT FOUND IN THIS PRESET” message now shown when appropriate.

FC: The “Advanced” switch page is no longer blank after the FC banner has been displayed.

FC: The Tuner now exits in all cases after using “Reveal Hold”.

FC: Loading Factory Default Layouts now correctly initializes Layout Link Views.

FC: Fixed stand in switches sometimes not responding to the first press.

FC: Fixed the Tuner display when activated from an FM3 footswitch.

FC: Stand in switches now honor the Hold Function Mode “SWITCH UP” setting.


Fixed an issue that was causing instability in some cases.


Added support for FM3-Edit Scene Manager.

Fix interaction of Global Scales with the FM3-Edit.

USB “DI” recording levels corrected.

Looper “Undo” now works as it does on the Axe-Fx III.

Preset storing is now faster.

Knob D on the HOME screen now changes the “FC View” within the current layout of the FM3.

When Tuner is assigned as a hold function, you can now exit the Tuner with a single tap.

The following blocks have been updated with changes from their counterparts on the Axe-Fx-III: Chorus, Compressor, Drive, Enhancer, Filter, Flanger, Formant, Gate, Graphic EQ, Input, Send, Return, Looper, Megatap, Phaser. The features and CPU usage of these blocks may have changed, and any presets that contain them should be checked.

Output2 Global EQ feature added to SETUP: Global Settings.

When using the “Output 2 Copy” feature (in SETUP: I/O) the options “INPUT 1” and “OUTPUT 1” now produce increased level at Out 2 to better match the level at Out 1 without.

FC: Stand-in switches now help prevent false triggering if no switch is plugged in.

FC: Display now shows looper “Record 2nd Press” function (OVERDUB, PLAY, or STOP).

FC: Tap tempo now works across all Views.

FC: “View” functions are now available when creating per-preset switches.

FC: Tap tempo now works when using a stand-in switch.

FC: “View Inc” and “View Dec” mini-LCD now works when when "Destination #" is selected.

FC: The MLM and certain View functions now work as intended on a connected FC-6.

FC: The main LCD will now display the correct first preset in the bank if the Global Setting for "Display Offset" is set to '1.'


Small changes to some amp types.


Initial firmware release on the first shipped units.

No release notes.