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Difference between revisions of "Gate/Expander block"

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=User contributions=
=User contributions=
==More information==
* [ Wikipedia]
==CPU utilization==
==CPU utilization==

Revision as of 10:10, 14 July 2011


Template:0 Disclaimer

Template:5.34 Input Noise Gate

User contributions

More information

CPU utilization

The Noise Gate needs CPU power, so switch it off if you have no need for it in a preset.

Gate/Expander block

The Axe-Fx II has additional noise gate blocks (Gate/Expander block).

Vol block as a noise gate

This thread offers a different approach to keeping the noise low. It's a Vol block with the volume parameter tied to the Envelope controller. As long as you don't hit the strings, the (input) signal is off.