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(Updated: Create A New IA Map and Assign It To A Specific Preset)
Line 527: Line 527:
==== You Have 3 Options:  ====
==== You Have 3 Options:  ====
===== Create A New IA Map and Assign It To A Specific Preset =====
===== Create A New IA Map and Assign It To A Specific Preset =====
* Go to the IA Maps tab
* Copy IA-Map Default IA Map001 and then Paste it to an IA Map you don't use like IA Map002
* Copy IA-Map Default IA Map001 and then Paste it to an IA Map you don't use like IA Map002
* Rename IA Map002's Full Name to: IAMapPreset002 and Nick Name to: IAMPr002
* Rename IA Map002's Full Name to: IAMapPreset002 and Nick Name to: IAMPr002
** Arrange the IA Slot Mapping the way you want them but make sure to not change the IA Slots that are being used for Main Page001
** Arrange the IA Slot Mapping the way you want them but make sure to not change the IA Slots that are being used for Main Page001
*** There are 2 ways to move IA Slots around in IA Maps
***# Click the Magnifier Glass icon on an IA Slot you want to change and then double click the IA Slot you want to replace it with
***# Click on the Drag & Drop Icon in the upper left. It's under the open button.
***#* Now you can move the IA Slots around
***#* Click Save to close the Drag & Drop window or click Close to cancel your changes
** Make sure to not move the IA Slots that are being used for Main Page001, Example: Scenes, Tuner
** Only move IA Slots that are being used for your FX Page002, Example: Pitch, X/Y, Drive, Delay...
* Go to Preset002
* Go to Preset002
** Under Preset Parameter > IA-Slot Map: Select (002) IAMapPreset002
** Under Preset Parameter > IA-Slot Map: Select (002) IAMapPreset002

Revision as of 18:10, 15 October 2015

Jr 12 Pro Plus Mini.png

FAMC Liquid Foot+ tutorial

  • Forum member GotMetalBoy created a tutorial about using the Liquid Foot+ MIDI controller with the Axe-Fx II. It explains how to configure the LF+ to make it sync in real-time, similar to the way TotalSync works with the MFC-101.
  • Open the tutorial.
  • If you're new to programming a LF+, make sure to do all programming in the LF+ Editor and don't even attempt to program it from the unit. The 2 things that will help you understand the concept a little better are:
    1. The Foot Switches are called Buttons.
    2. You select what each button does by editing the Functions on the Page tab in the LF+ Editor.
  • This tutorial is being discussed in this thread.


FAMC Music Liquid Foot+ (LF+) and Fractal Audio Systems (FAS) Axe-Fx II Tutorial

This tutorial will walk you through configuring a FAMC LF+ MIDI Foot Controller, so it will control a FAS Axe-Fx II and sync IA's and Preset Names in real-time similar to how the FAS MFC-101 and Axe-Fx II sync.

This document is a work in progress and has a coming soon section that lists what I plan to add.


Please contact me with any questions, corrections or suggestions. I can be contacted on the FAMC Forum or FAS Forum User Name: GotMetalBoy

Updates and Downloads


  • LFC = Any of the LF+ series MIDI Foot Controllers
  • LFE = LF+ Editor
  • AF2 = Axe-Fx II
  • FB = Fractal-Bot
  • IA = Instant Access

Gear I Used For This Tutorial

  • FAMC LF+ Pro+ v4.20 Set To Factory Defaults
  • FAMC LF+ Editor v4.22
  • Fractal Audio Systems Axe-Fx II Mark I v19.00 Set To Factory Defaults
  • Fractal Audio Systems Axe-Fx II v18 Factory Presets
  • Fractal Audio Systems MFC-101 Mark 1 v3.08 (Sold on 2015.05.07)
  • Fractal Audio Systems USB Driver Setup for Windows v2014.06.06
  • Fractal Audio Systems Fractal-Bot v2.0.8
  • Fractal Audio Systems Axe-Edit v3.2.0
  • Hosa 15ft 5 pin MIDI cable
  • Laptop with 2GB Memory, 2.8GHz Intel CPU, Windows 7 Pro 32bit
  • Desktop with 8GB Memory, 3.4GHz Intel CPU, Windows 10 Pro 64bit
  • Microsoft Office Word 2013
  • Microsoft Expressions Web v4.0.4160.0
  • Notepad++ v6.8
  • LibreOffice v4.4.2.2
  • GIMP v2.8.14 - The GNU Image Manipulation Program


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If you're new to programming a LF+, I recommend reading this Information section 3 times because everything interplays and will make more sense.


Phantom Power more than 1A (1000ma) is not recommended to be connected to the Axe-Fx II to run through a 7 pin MIDI cable. I recommend purchasing a FAMC Phantom Power Box. Here is the link:


These are the physical Buttons on the LFC and can be assigned Functions on the Pages tab in the LFE like Presets, IA's, Bank Changes, Modes.


These are the virtual Footswitches that can be assigned Functions on the Pages tab in the LFE and can be assigned to the physical Footswitches on the LFC.


These are where you organize what each Button does and which ones you want assigned to the physical Buttons. You can edit different Pages for different layouts of your physical Buttons. You can select different IA Maps per Page and each IA Map contains 60 IA Slots.

Pages are what sets the LF+ apart from other MIDI foot controllers and what had me really confused when I first tried to program it because most MIDI foot controllers use Presets in consecutive order which are assigned to physical Footswitches.


These are where you configure commands to control an attached device through MIDI. These are usually used to send Program Changes to load Presets on the connected device. You can use Presets to send CC's too. You can name Presets or have them sync the name from the AF2. Presets don't have to have Program Changes go in consecutive order. Preset 003 can be programmed to call up the AF2 109 Preset. LFC Presets are very flexible like AF2 Presets, so you can configure them in many different ways.

IA Slots

IA (Instant Access) Buttons are usually used to enable or disable FX within Presets. They can also be used to change other items within the LFC like Pages and accessing Page Buttons above your physical Buttons. They can be assigned different switch types like Stomp(Latched) or Momentary. You can assign the same CC# to different IA Slots but use a different switch type, so one can use Stomp and the other use Momentary. I do this for Drive FX bc sometimes I want the Drive enabled for a whole song or just want it for a short section of a song to get feedback.

NOTE: There are 180 IA Slots but you can only use IA Slots that are assigned to an IA Map and you can only assign 60 IA Slots per IA Map. You should make sure that all IA's that you want to real-time sync with an AF2 are in Slots 1-60. All non-syncing IA's should be in Slots 61-180, like for controlling other MIDI devices or controlling a parameter like the depth of a Chorus.

IA Maps

You probably will only use the IA-Map Default 001 unless you need to use more than 60 IA Slots. The first 60 IA Slots automatically get assigned to IA-Map Default 001 and it can't be changed. If you want to use IA Slots 61-180, you can assign them to a different IA Map and you can assign IA Slots 1-180 in any order.


The paraphrase below is from FAMC Forum Member Dutch and I think is one of the best explanations of how the LF+ works.

Here is the URL to the original post:

Re: New to Liquid Foot Help!!

Post by Dutch - Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:36 am EST

It can be quite a learning curve. It took me a while too to get my head around it.

Basically it's like this:

IA Slots:

The bricks in the building. Those are the single commands that tell your other units what to do. Preset changes are not IAs. Those are governed directly in Presets and Pages.


The mortar that builds the bricks into a wall. Basically a number of applicable IA Slots and PC commands stuck together.


The rooms in the building. The virtual representations of the actual switches on the LF surface and which Button exactly does what. You can arrange Presets, IA Slots and Functions (stuff like Bank Up/Down, Page select, Menu access) in any way you like. There's 60 Buttons on every Page, yet only 12 switches on the 12+ for instance, see Page Display Start below for more info. This is the least you need to have programmed to make the LF+ work with anything. There are no Banks as such, the Banks in the LF are determined by the number of Bank Preset commands on the Page you are using. Different Pages can have different Bank sizes.


Basically a list of Presets. Building the rooms into a house. You can make lists of the Presets used in a Song or make a list of several Presets that perform similar or vastly different things. Basically anything you want in a list. I have one Song that is my soundcheck list. Going from clean to heavy with the most important sounds. If those check well I'm good. That's the first Song in my Set Lists.

Set Lists:

Building houses into streets. A list of several Songs. Actually I found a video of the basic mode editor for the RJM Mastermind GT very informative because it works much in the same way, only the LF is vastly more intricate. I think the RJM editor now does have a more detailed expert mode, but it wasn't available yet when I looked at it. Until now it's been pretty basic.

IA Maps:

This can rearrange the furniture in the room (see Pages) and change some of the furniture as well. You always have to have the default IA Map programmed because that is the basic listing of the IA Slots, it fits 60 IAs. If you leave it at that you have somewhat the same functionality as the RJM explained in that video. To get access to more of the 180 IAs you will need to program those in alternate IA Maps.The fun in this however is you can alter the order in the IA Map and have the same Page display different IA's without needing to program a different Page. It does add to the administration of it all, keeping tabs on what Pages are using which maps... Add to that the IA Map is selectable per Preset so you also need to keep track of which Preset is using which map in which Page.I haven't delved very deep into the IA Maps thing yet. I currently have two. The second one is placing a phaser and tremolo IA Slot where the chorus and vibe usually reside. I needed those and now I didn't need to use a different Page.

Page Display Start:

On a given LF you can only see part of the room. Every Page has 60 virtual Buttons. Yet the 12+ only has 12 on its surface. That means Buttons 13 to 60 are inaccessible. There's a solution so you can see a different part of the room. The function that allows you to program one Button with a Page Display Start command. That Button let's you choose where on the Page the LF+ will start its actual display of Buttons. I have Button 12 on my 12+ programmed with two functions, one to start at 13 and the second to start at 25. Button 24's functions point to 1 and 25, Button 36 points to 1 and 13. This lets me have 1-Button access to 3 zones in a Page.

Dual Function Buttons:

Every Button on a Page can have two functions. Accessible by short/long press or double press. Buttons can swap those functions depending on what blocks are present in the Axe-Fx II or you can swap them yourself or not have them swap at all.

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Backup Axe-Fx II and LF+ MIDI Foot Controller

  • I recommend always saving a backup before making any changes!
  • Power off AF2 and LFC and disconnect all cables

Axe-Fx II - Backup

  • Power off AF2 and disconnect all cables
  • Connect a USB 2.0 cable from the AF2 to the Computers USB 2.0 Port
  • Connect power cable to AF2
  • Power on the AF2
  • Go to Fractal Audio Systems Support:
    • Download and install the USB Driver Setup
      • Reboot Computer when finished
  • Go to Fractal Audio Systems Fractal-Bot:
    • Download Fractal-Bot and it's Manual
    • Install FB
    • Follow FB manual to backup the AF2 and backup:
      • Preset Bank A, B, C
      • System Settings
      • All User Cabs
  • Once backup is finished, verify the location of the files just in case you need to restore them
  • Close FB
  • Power Off the AF2 and disconnect all cables

LF+ MIDI Foot Controller - Backup

  • Power off LFC and disconnect all cables
  • Go to FAMC Support Downloads:
  • Download and install the LF+ Editor
  • Connect a USB 2.0 cable from the LFC USB Port to the Computers USB 2.0 Port
  • Connect the LFC power adapter to the LFC
  • Open LFE and it will retrieve all settings from the LFC
    • The LFC display should change to say it's in Editor Mode
  • The LFE has multiple ways to backup settings:
    • Click Backup button in upper left (This is what I use for full backup of all settings)
    • Click Save button in upper right (Same as #3 below)
    • Click File menu in upper right and Select Save as (Same as #2 above)
      • Option 2 and 3 have options to select what gets backed up
      • I use this to backup individual settings like all my IA-Slots or a specific Page or a range of Presets
  • Once backup is finished, verify the location of the files just in case you need to restore them
  • Close LFE
  • Disconnect LFC power adapter from LFC to power off and disconnect all cables

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How To Setup LF+ and Axe-Fx II Realtime Sync

Follow the process below, so the LFC will sync in real-time with the AF2. The LFC will sync the AF2 Preset names on the main display and Button/Footswitch displays, and the IA names will display on the Button displays.

NOTE: I suggest setting all the Optional settings, so it will make programming easier for this tutorial.

  • Power off AF2 and LFC and disconnect all cables
  • Connect Power cable to AF2
  • Power on AF2 and verify settings below:
    • Press I/O > Page Right to the MIDI page:
      • MIDI CHANNEL: 1
      • MIDI THRU: OFF
      • SCENE REVERT: ON Optional
      • DISPLAY OFFSET: 1 Optional
      • IGNORE REDUNDANT PC: ON Optional
      • SEND REALTIME SYSEX: NONE (This will be set back to ALL once finished with LFE programming)
  • Power Off AF2
  • Connect a USB 2.0 cable from the LFC USB Port to the Computers USB 2.0 Port
  • Connect a MIDI cable from the LFC MIDI OUT to the AF2 MIDI IN
    • A 5 pin or 7 pin cable can be used
      • If using a 5 pin, make sure all 5 pins are actually connected bc some only have 3 pins connected
        • Connect the LFC power adapter to the LFC
      • If using a 7 pin, DO NOT connect the LFC power adapter to the LFC or else serious damage will occur
        • Connect the LFC power adapter to the Coupler adapter and then connect to the back of the AF2 MIDI IN PHANTOM POWER
  • Power ON AF2
  • Open LFE and it will retrieve all settings from the LFC
    • The LFE needs to say Connected in the upper right
    • The LFC display needs to change to say it's in Editor Mode (SEL) to Exit
  • Verify LFE is in Pro Mode by Clicking Pro in the upper right, to the left of the FAMC Logo
  • In LFE, Click Utilities menu > WIZARD Programming: AXE-FX II > Click Yes > Click Ok when finished
    • Click IA Slots tab
      • Use the up and down arrows in the upper left to select an IA Slot
      • Verify that No IA Slots are assigned an External Dev Sync Function:
  • Click Settings tab > Main Global Settings
    • Under MIDI Channel Device Configuration, Enable +1 Optional
  • Click Settings tab > Global Features
    • Under External Device Sync Items
      • Enable Allow Ext Device Force Preset chg
      • Under TAP TEMPO > Button, Select Auto Detect
    • Under Hardware
      • Enable Force 2nd func ASAP
      • Select a Default Page On Startup depending on what LF+ model you have
        • 1 is for the LF+ 12+
        • 2 is for the LF+ JR+ and LF+ MINI
        • 3 is for the LF+ PRO+
  • Click Pages tab
    • In the upper Left, Select the Page that you selected previously for your Default Page On Startup
    • Below Function 2, Click 60 B VIEW
    • Now you can rearrange the Buttons/Footswitches by dragging and dropping them or right clicking and selecting Functions
  • I hope you backed up your LF+ and Axe-Fx II as recommended in the beginning of this tutorial bc the next step is going to overwrite everything in your LFC
    • If you didn't backup but want to now before it's too late, In the upper Left, Click the backup or save button to save everything we just did and verify the location of the file, so you can open it after you backed up your LFC and AF2
  • In the upper Right, Click Transfer All to LF+ and wait for it to finish
  • On AF2, Press I/O > Page Right to the MIDI page, Verify setting below:
  • Step on any LFC Button to take it out of Editor Mode
    • Now test all the Buttons to make sure they work the way you programmed them
      • NOTE: There may be some latency between Button presses due to the way the LF+ was just programmed but I will be adding a section in this tutorial to explain how to use External Device Sync to program the LFC, so it doesn't need to sync in real-time
    • If everything works correctly, I recommend clicking save in the upper left of the LFE and naming the file: LF+ AF2 Total Sync

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LF+ Editor

Below are some things in the LF+ Editor that aren't explained in the LF+ manual.

Drag / Drop Mode

In the upper left underneath the Open icon, there's an icon to open the Drag / Drop Mode where you can Pick, Sort, Drag/Drop and rearrange your IA Slots. When you hover over the button it says "Pick / Sort / Drag-Drop / Insert / Delete, etc..."

Below are the options you can select at the top of the Drag / Drop Mode window:

  • Close
  • Save
  • Revert
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste

Search/Selector Quick Pick System

In the upper left there's an ON/OFF button that will display the Search/Selector Quick Pick System on the left side of the window. When ON, you can select Songs, Set Lists, Sysex, IA Slots, IA Maps and Pages to rearrange. When you hover over the button it says "Exposes or Hides Search/Selector Quick Pick System"

You can also drag and drop items onto the Preset and IA Slot Command Programming windows, Song Preset Definitions, Song Preset Definitions for the Set-List and IA Slot Mapping.

NOTE: If you want to be able to see the Search/Selector Quick Pick System and the rest of the Editor, go to the Settings menu at the top on the window (NOT the Settings tab) and Select: Quick Search Scales Screen (Slower When ON)

Below are the options you can select when Right Clicking on an item in the Search/Selector Quick Pick System:

  • Exit
  • Paste rows after this Position (insert)
  • Paste rows after this Position (overwrite) NOTE: LF+ Editor v4.22 This has a bug and overwrites the selected item and DOES NOT Paste rows after this Position
  • Move rows before this Position (move locations)
  • Apply all Edits
  • Clear all Edits

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How To Use IA Slots 61-180

In this example I explain how to use IA Slot 99. You can only use IA Slots 1-60 in the selected IA Map. If you want to use 61-180, you have 4 options. I use Option 1 below:

  1. Go to IA Slot 099 and then click Copy at the top of the window. Go to an IA Slot between 1-60 that you don't mind overwriting like 019 Cab 1 and click Paste at the top of the window.
  2. There's an ON/OFF button to the left of the IA Slot # in the upper left, Click it so it turns ON the Quick Pick Menu on the left of the window. Click the IA Slots button on the Quick Pick. Scroll down to (099) and click on it once. Scroll up to where you want it between 001-060 and Right click on an IA Slot you don't mind overwriting like 019 Cab 1 and select "Paste rows after this Position (overwrite). Right click on the IA Slot again and select "Apply all Edits".
  3. In the upper left under the open button and above the ON/OFF button, click the icon to open the Drag Drop mode. Now you can drag and drop 099 to any IA Slot between 1-60 or use the buttons at the top to cut or copy and paste.
  4. You can use a different IA Map but that takes a lot of thinking and programming, so I stay away from them

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How To Name Scenes

  • Backup your LFC
    • Once backup is finished, verify the location of the files just in case you need to restore them
  • Click IA Slots tab
    • Select your SCENE 1 IA Slot
      • Under IA Slot Settings > Preset Label, Select: 1
      • Repeat the above step for SCENE 2-8 and assign them to Preset Label 2-8
  • Click Preset tab
    • Select a Preset that you want to name Scenes
    • On the far right under IA Labels > 1, Type the name you would like for your SCENE 1
      • Repeat the above step for SCENE 2-8
    • You can select another Preset and name the IA Labels the same or something totally different
      • If you leave an IA Label blank, the IA name will be displayed
  • NOTE: If you use the same AF2 Preset for different Songs but would like to name the Scenes differently for each Song, you can copy the LFC Preset and rename the IA Labels
  • In the upper Right, Click Transfer All to LF+ and wait for it to finish
    • Step on any LFC Button to take it out of Editor Mode
  • Now test all the Buttons assigned to Scenes to make sure they work the way you programmed them

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How To Toggle Scenes

I have my Scenes setup, so I can toggle Scene 1 back and forth between Scene 1 and 2 and Scenes 2 thru 4 toggle back to Scene 1. Scene 5 toggles back and forth between Scene 5 and 6 and Scenes 6 thru 8 toggle back to Scene 5. All the displays stay in sync too. There's many other creative setups you can do too.

NOTE: For this example I will be using Group ID 1 but make sure to select a different Group ID if it's already being used.

  • Backup your LFC
    • Once backup is finished, verify the location of the files just in case you need to restore them
  • Click Settings tab > Main Global Settings
    • Under Group IA config > #1, Select: Break, then Make

Program Scene 1 To Toggle Between Scene 1 and 2

  • Click IA Slots tab
    • Select your SCENE 1 IA Slot
      • In the lower left, Under Sync Device, Select: NONE
      • Under Group ID, Select: Group 1
      • In the upper right, Under BYPASS (OFF) Command Programming > Function, Select: IF Processing Trigger, Skip
        • NOTE: In the v4.10 Beta Manual, this Function is explained on page 27 and it's called IF TRIGGER SKIP
      • Then below IF Processing Trigger, Skip, Select: IA ON Trig, and then in the next field to the right Select your Scene 2 IA Slot

Program Scenes To Toggle Back To Scene 1

  • Click IA Slots tab
    • Select your SCENE 2 IA Slot
      • In the lower left, Under Sync Device, Select: NONE
      • Under Group ID, Select: Group 1
      • In the upper right, Under BYPASS (OFF) Command Programming > Function, Select: IF Processing Trigger, Skip
        • NOTE: In the v4.10 Beta Manual, this Function is explained on page 27 and it's called IF TRIGGER SKIP
      • Then below IF Processing Trigger, Skip, Select: IA ON Trig, and then in the next field to the right, Select your Scene 1 IA Slot
    • Select your next SCENE # IA Slot that you want to toggle back to Scene 1 and follow the same programming.
    • Whatever IA Slot you choose for the IA ON Trig Function is the IA Slot you will be able toggle back and forth to

Program Scene 5 To Toggle Between Scene 5 and 6

  • Click IA Slots tab
    • Select your SCENE 5 IA Slot
      • In the lower left, Under Sync Device, Select: NONE
      • Under Group ID, Select: Group 1
      • In the upper right, Under BYPASS (OFF) Command Programming > Function, Select: IF Processing Trigger, Skip
        • NOTE: In the v4.10 Beta Manual, this Function is explained on page 27 and it's called IF TRIGGER SKIP
      • Then below IF Processing Trigger, Skip, Select: IA ON Trig, and then in the next field to the right Select your Scene 6 IA Slot

Program Scenes to toggle back to Scene 5

  • Click IA Slots tab
    • Select your SCENE 6 IA Slot
      • In the lower left, Under Sync Device, Select: NONE
      • Under Group ID, Select: Group 1
      • In the upper right, Under BYPASS (OFF) Command Programming > Function, Select: IF Processing Trigger, Skip
        • NOTE: In the v4.10 Beta Manual, this Function is explained on page 27 and it's called IF TRIGGER SKIP
      • Then below IF Processing Trigger, Skip, Select: IA ON Trig, and then in the next field to the right, Select your Scene 5 IA Slot
    • Select your next SCENE # IA Slot that you want to toggle back to Scene 5 and follow the same programming.
    • Whatever IA Slot you choose for the IA ON Trig Function is the IA Slot you will be able toggle back and forth to

Screenshots: Toggle Scenes

File:Toggle Scenes IA Slot Settings.pngFile:Toggle Scenes On Command.pngFile:Toggle Scenes Off Command.png

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How To Program A 2 Function On/Off X/Y Button

For this example I'm going to explain how to program a Page Button that will be able to switch the Drive 1 On, Off, X and Y.

To enable/disable X, press the Button. To switch to Y, hold the Button and then to enable/disable the Y, press the Button. To switch back to X, hold the Button.

This process can be used to setup other FX too. For a list of CC#'s, Reference: List Of Axe-Fx II CC#'s

NOTE: Make sure your AF2 Preset has the X state selected and not Y for the FX you want to control. For this example I will be using Group ID 3 but make sure to select a different Group ID if it's already being used.

  • Click IA Slots tab
  • Select IA Slot 25 for Drive 1
    • Write down the On and BYPASS (OFF) Command Programming
      • On:
        • CC#: 49
        • Data: 127
      • BYPASS (OFF):
        • CC#: 49
        • Data: 0
  • Select IA Slot 55 for Drive 1 X/Y
    • Write down the On and BYPASS (OFF) Command Programming
      • On: CC# 108 Data 127
      • BYPASS (OFF): CC# 108 Data 0
  • Select IA Slot 25 for Drive 1
    • On the left, half way down under Group ID, Select: Group 3
    • In the lower left Verify:
      • Sync Device: AXE-FX Ultra/II
      • Sync Effect: Drive 1
      • Sync Effect Type: Sync w/ the Effect
      • NOTE: If a window pops up that says "Auto-Program the ON/Bypass and Names for this effect?" or "Want editor to program ON/OFF messages for this effect?", Select No
    • Under On Command Programming, use the info you wrote down above to enable Drive 1 and Select X:
      • Function: MIDI Command
        • CC#: 49
        • Data: 127
      • Function: MIDI Command
        • CC#: 108
        • Data: 127
    • Under BYPASS (OFF) Command Programming, use the info you wrote down above to bypass Drive 1:
      • Function: IF Processing Trigger, Skip
      • Function: MIDI Command
        • CC#: 49
        • Data: 0
  • Select IA Slot 55 for Drive 1 X/Y
    • On the left, half way down under Group ID, Select: Group 3
    • In the lower left Verify:
      • Sync Device: AXE-FX Ultra/II
      • Sync Effect: Drive 1
      • Sync Effect Type: Sync w/ the Effect
      • NOTE: If a window pops up that says "Auto-Program the ON/Bypass and Names for this effect?" or "Want editor to program ON/OFF messages for this effect?", Select No
    • Under On Command Programming, use the info you wrote down above to enable Drive 1 and Select Y:
      • Function: MIDI Command
        • CC#: 49
        • Data: 127
      • Function: MIDI Command
        • CC#: 108
        • Data: 0
    • Under BYPASS (OFF) Command Programming, use the info you wrote down above to bypass Drive 1:
      • Function: IF Processing Trigger, Skip
      • Function: MIDI Command
        • CC#: 49
        • Data: 0
  • Click Pages tab
  • Select Button 6 or a Button you want to use
  • Function 1 > IA Switch > (025) > process scroll event: Red
  • Function 2 > IA Switch > (055) > process scroll event: Red

Screenshots: 2 Function On/Off X/Y Button


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Expression Pedals and Switches

Setup Expression Pedals and Switches

  • Open the LFE
  • Click the Settings tab > Main Global Settings
  • Expression Pedal 1-4 settings are at the bottom of the screen
  • Select from the Type Pull down menu in the upper left and select the type of expression pedal port you want to setup. Example: Continuous, Page Button Press or 2 Page Button
  • Select the MIDI Channel from the Chan pull down menu
  • Select the MIDI Continuous Controller Number from the CC# pull down menu

Expression Pedal Screenshot

File:Expression Pedal Screenshot.jpg

Single Switch Screenshot

File:Single Switch Screenshot.jpg

Dual Switch Screenshot

File:Dual Switch Screenshot.jpg

Calibrate Expression Pedals and Switches

NOTE: I manually calibrate and don't recommend using Auto Calibrate but if you want to use Auto Calibrate, Reference v4.10 Beta Manual page 81

Manual calibration can't be done from the LFE and must be done from the LFC. For more info on the steps below, Reference v4.10 Beta Manual pages 19-22, 87-89.

  • Press Button 2 and 3 at the same time to enter the Menu
  • Press Button 3 (Menu Right) until you get to Global
  • Press Button 4 (Select)
  • Press Button 3 (Menu Right) until you get to Select EXP Pedal
  • The second line on the Main LCD will show 01 which is the selected Expression Pedal Port
  • Press Button 5 (Param Up) or Button 1 (Param Down) to select one of the four Expression Pedal Ports you want to calibrate
  • Press Button 7 (Param Right) until you get to EXP Calibrate
  • Move the Expression Pedal from TOP to BOTTOM 3 times or If a properly wired Switch or Switches are connected, press each Switch 3 times
    • NOTE: If you have 2 Switches connected to 1 Expression Port, press Switch 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2
  • The second line on the Main LCD will show a status bar that moves to confirm the Expression Pedal or Switch is working
  • Press Button 4 (SAVE)
  • If you have other Expression Pedals or Switches you need to calibrate, Press Button 6 (Param Left) until you get back to Select EXP Pedal and then repeat the steps above
  • When you're done, Press Button 8 (Exit) twice

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How To Assign Different Pages and/or IA Maps Per Preset

A forum member asked me the question below:


I have my Preset001. It uses my Main Page001 which has Scenes, Preset Up/Down, Tuner and Toggles between Main Page001 and FX1 Page002. My FX1 Page002 has IA Slots for FX that are in my Axe-Fx II Preset001. All works great.

When I move up to the next Preset002, I use my Main Page001 but when I go to my FX1 Page002, how do I change it, so it will have different IA Slots for FX that are in my Axe-Fx II Preset002 that aren't in my Axe-Fx II Preset001?

I tried programming it like I normally would but it also changes the Main Preset001's FX1 Page002? I think I must be missing something. I pretty much want the FX Pages to be different for my two presets. Thanks!


NOTE: Make sure to backup your programming before making any changes.

For this example we'll assume IA-Map Default IA Maps001 was being used for all Presets

You Have 3 Options:

Create A New IA Map and Assign It To A Specific Preset
  • Go to the IA Maps tab
  • Copy IA-Map Default IA Map001 and then Paste it to an IA Map you don't use like IA Map002
  • Rename IA Map002's Full Name to: IAMapPreset002 and Nick Name to: IAMPr002
    • Arrange the IA Slot Mapping the way you want them but make sure to not change the IA Slots that are being used for Main Page001
      • There are 2 ways to move IA Slots around in IA Maps
        1. Click the Magnifier Glass icon on an IA Slot you want to change and then double click the IA Slot you want to replace it with
        2. Click on the Drag & Drop Icon in the upper left. It's under the open button.
          • Now you can move the IA Slots around
          • Click Save to close the Drag & Drop window or click Close to cancel your changes
    • Make sure to not move the IA Slots that are being used for Main Page001, Example: Scenes, Tuner
    • Only move IA Slots that are being used for your FX Page002, Example: Pitch, X/Y, Drive, Delay...
  • Go to Preset002
    • Under Preset Parameter > IA-Slot Map: Select (002) IAMapPreset002
  • Click Transfer All To LF+
  • Now when you select Preset002, Hold down the Button that is used to Toggle between Main Page001 and FX1 Page002 to Select FX1 Page002 and it will have the correct FX for your Axe-Fx II Preset002

Create A New Page and Assign It To A Button
  • Copy FX1 Page002 and then Paste it to a Page you don't use like Page003
  • Rename Page003's Full Name and Nick Name to: FX2
    • Arrange the Buttons the way you want them but make sure to not change the Button that is used to Toggle between Main Page001 and FX1 Page002, so you can get back to Main Page001
  • Go to Main Page001
    • Select a Button that doesn't have a 2nd Function like Button 4
    • Under Page Button Definitions > Button Pressed Trigger Type: Select Trigger Only
    • Assign Function 2:
      • Page Select
      • (04) EFX 2
  • Click Transfer All To LF+
  • Now when you select Preset002, Hold down Button 4 to Select Page 004 EFX 2

Create 2 New Pages and Assign Specific Pages To Presets
  • Go to Main Page001
    • Rename Full Name and Nick Name to: Main1
  • Copy Main1 Page001 and then Paste it to a Page you don't use like Page003
    • Rename Page003's Full Name and Nick Name to: Main2
    • Arrange the Buttons the way you want them
      • Make sure to change the Button that is used to Toggle between Main1 Page001 and FX1 Page002 to Main2 Page003 and FX2 Page004
  • Copy FX1 Page002 and then Paste it to a Page you don't use like Page004
    • Rename Page004's Full Name and Nick Name to: FX2
    • Arrange the Buttons the way you want them
      • Make sure to change the Button that is used to Toggle between Main1 Page001 and FX1 Page002 to Main2 Page003 and FX2 Page004
  • Go to Preset001
    • Under Preset Parameters > Default Page > Select: (01) Main1
  • Go to Preset002
    • Under Preset Parameters > Default Page > Select: (03) Main2
  • Click Transfer All To LF+
  • Now when you select Preset002, Hold down the Button that is used to Toggle between Main2 Page003 and FX2 Page004 to Select FX2 Page004 and it will have the correct FX for your Axe-Fx II Preset002

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How To Make Scenes Revert Back To Their Inital States and Not Remember IA On/Off States

A forum member asked me the question below:


When I'm on my Main1 Page001, which are my Scenes and then go to my FX1 Page002 which has my IA's for my Preset001, I hit my IA for Octave effect or could be any IA effect, then say I want to go back to my Scenes on Main1 Page001. Now the Octave effect is still active.

Can I have it turn off when I leave the FX1 Page002 OR say hit one of the Scenes buttons and return everything to its first state of no effects? I was at a gig and can't remember what I did but it remembered I had a few effects on at once, like phaser and octave and when I hit a Scene, it triggered these and I dont think it was saved in the Axe-Fx II Preset this way? Thanks for your help.


Set Axe-Fx II Scene Revert to On

  • On the Axe-Fx II
  • Press I/O > Page Right to the MIDI page:

For More Info About Scene Revert:

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How To Install LF+ Editor On Windows 7, 8.1 and 10

The LFE installs unsigned drivers which won't always install correctly on 64bit OS's like Windows 7, 8.1 or 10. The LFE won't be able to connect to the LFC if the drivers aren't installed. When I install the LFE on Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit it doesn't give me an error or any notification that the drivers weren't installed.

Windows 8.1 and 10

Windows 7

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List Of Axe-Fx II CC#'s (Firmware 19.00)

Alphabetical order


Numerical Order

Amp 1 Bypass 37 Input Volume 10
Amp 1 X/Y 100 Out 1 Volume 11
Amp 2 Bypass 38 Out 2 Volume 12
Amp 2 X/Y 101 Bypass 13
Bypass 13 Tempo 14
Cab 1 Bypass 39 Tuner 15
Cab 1 X/Y 102 External Control 1 16
Cab 2 Bypass 40 External Control 2 17
Cab 2 X/Y 103 External Control 3 18
Chorus 1 Bypass 41 External Control 4 19
Chorus 1 X/Y 104 External Control 5 20
Chorus 2 Bypass 42 External Control 6 21
Chorus 2 X/Y 105 External Control 7 22
Compressor 1 Bypass 43 External Control 8 23
Compressor 2 Bypass 44 External Control 9 24
Crossover 1 Bypass 45 External Control 10 25
Crossover 2 Bypass 46 External Control 11 26
Delay 1 Bypass 47 External Control 12 27
Delay 1 X/Y 106 Looper Record 28
Delay 2 Bypass 48 Looper Play 29
Delay 2 X/Y 107 Looper Once 30
Drive 1 Bypass 49 Looper Dub 31
Drive 1 X/Y 108 Looper Rev 32
Drive 2 Bypass 50 Looper Bypass 33
Drive 2 X/Y 109 Scene Select 34
Enhancer Bypass 51 Volume Increment 35
External Control 01 16 Volume Decrement 36
External Control 02 17 Amp 1 Bypass 37
External Control 03 18 Amp 2 Bypass 38
External Control 04 19 Cab 1 Bypass 39
External Control 05 20 Cab 2 Bypass 40
External Control 06 21 Chorus 1 Bypass 41
External Control 07 22 Chorus 2 Bypass 42
External Control 08 23 Compressor 1 Bypass 43
External Control 09 24 Compressor 2 Bypass 44
External Control 10 25 Crossover 1 Bypass 45
External Control 11 26 Crossover 2 Bypass 46
External Control 12 27 Delay 1 Bypass 47
Filter 1 Bypass 52 Delay 2 Bypass 48
Filter 2 Bypass 53 Drive 1 Bypass 49
Filter 3 Bypass 54 Drive 2 Bypass 50
Filter 4 Bypass 55 Enhancer Bypass 51
Flanger 1 Bypass 56 Filter 1 Bypass 52
Flanger 1 X/Y 110 Filter 2 Bypass 53
Flanger 2 Bypass 57 Filter 3 Bypass 54
Flanger 2 X/Y 111 Filter 4 Bypass 55
Formant 1 Bypass 58 Flanger 1 Bypass 56
FX Loop Bypass 59 Flanger 2 Bypass 57
Gate/Expander 1 Bypass 60 Formant 1 Bypass 58
Gate/Expander 2 Bypass 61 FX Loop Bypass 59
Graphic EQ 1 Bypass 62 Gate/Expander 1 Bypass 60
Graphic EQ 2 Bypass 63 Gate/Expander 2 Bypass 61
Graphic EQ 3 Bypass 64 Graphic EQ 1 Bypass 62
Graphic EQ 4 Bypass 65 Graphic EQ 2 Bypass 63
Input Volume 10 Graphic EQ 3 Bypass 64
Looper Bypass 33 Graphic EQ 4 Bypass 65
Looper Dub 31 Megatap Delay Bypass 66
Looper Half 120 Multiband Comp 1 Bypass 67
Looper Once 30 Multiband Comp 2 Bypass 68
Looper Play 29 Multi-Delay 2 Bypass 69
Looper Record 28 Multi-Delay 2 Bypass 70
Looper Rev 32 Parametric EQ 1 Bypass 71
Looper Undo 121 Parametric EQ 2 Bypass 72
Megatap Delay Bypass 66 Parametric EQ 3 Bypass 73
Metronome 122 Parametric EQ 4 Bypass 74
Multiband Comp 1 Bypass 67 Phaser 1 Bypass 75
Multiband Comp 2 Bypass 68 Phaser 2 Bypass 76
Multi-Delay 2 Bypass 69 Pitch Shifter 1 Bypass 77
Multi-Delay 2 Bypass 70 Pitch Shifter 2 Bypass 78
Out 1 Volume 11 Quad Chorus 1 Bypass 79
Out 2 Volume 12 Quad Chorus 2 Bypass 80
Parametric EQ 1 Bypass 71 Resonator 1 Bypass 81
Parametric EQ 2 Bypass 72 Resonator 2 Bypass 82
Parametric EQ 3 Bypass 73 Reverb 1 Bypass 83
Parametric EQ 4 Bypass 74 Reverb 2 Bypass 84
Phaser 1 Bypass 75 Ring Modulator Bypass 85
Phaser 1 X/Y 112 Rotary 1 Bypass 86
Phaser 2 Bypass 76 Rotary 2 Bypass 87
Phaser 2 X/Y 113 Synth 1 Bypass 88
Pitch 1 X/Y 114 Synth 2 Bypass 89
Pitch 2 X/Y 115 Tremolo 1 Bypass 90
Pitch Shifter 1 Bypass 77 Tremolo 2 Bypass 91
Pitch Shifter 2 Bypass 78 Vocoder Bypass 92
Quad Chorus 1 Bypass 79 Volume/Pan 1 Bypass 93
Quad Chorus 2 Bypass 80 Volume/Pan 2 Bypass 94
Resonator 1 Bypass 81 Volume/Pan 3 Bypass 95
Resonator 2 Bypass 82 Volume/Pan 4 Bypass 96
Reverb 1 Bypass 83 Wahwah 1 Bypass 97
Reverb 1 X/Y 116 Wahwah 2 Bypass 98
Reverb 2 Bypass 84 Tone Matching 99
Reverb 2 X/Y 117 Amp 1 X/Y 100
Ring Modulator Bypass 85 Amp 2 X/Y 101
Rotary 1 Bypass 86 Cab 1 X/Y 102
Rotary 1 X/Y 125 Cab 2 X/Y 103
Rotary 2 Bypass 87 Chorus 1 X/Y 104
Rotary 2 X/Y 126 Chorus 2 X/Y 105
Scene Decrement 124 Delay 1 X/Y 106
Scene Increment 123 Delay 2 X/Y 107
Scene Select 34 Drive 1 X/Y 108
Synth 1 Bypass 88 Drive 2 X/Y 109
Synth 2 Bypass 89 Flanger 1 X/Y 110
Tempo 14 Flanger 2 X/Y 111
Tone Matching 99 Phaser 1 X/Y 112
Tremolo 1 Bypass 90 Phaser 2 X/Y 113
Tremolo 2 Bypass 91 Pitch 1 X/Y 114
Tuner 15 Pitch 2 X/Y 115
Vocoder Bypass 92 Reverb 1 X/Y 116
Volume Decrement 36 Reverb 2 X/Y 117
Volume Increment 35 Wahwah 1 X/Y 118
Volume/Pan 1 Bypass 93 Wahwah 2 X/Y 119
Volume/Pan 2 Bypass 94 Looper Half 120
Volume/Pan 3 Bypass 95 Looper Undo 121
Volume/Pan 4 Bypass 96 Metronome 122
Wahwah 1 Bypass 97 Scene Increment 123
Wahwah 1 X/Y 118 Scene Decrement 124
Wahwah 2 Bypass 98 Rotary 1 X/Y 125
Wahwah 2 X/Y 119 Rotary 2 X/Y 126

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Coming Soon...

I will be adding the items below as time permits:

  • Screenshots: I may add them to this document or provide a link to them
  • Resolve Latency issues
    • Import all Axe-Fx II Preset names
  • Song Mode
  • Sending Tempos
  • Set List Mode
  • Song and Set List Programming Examples
  • How To Reset All Page Button's Function 2 back to Function 1 When Changing Presets

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