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|+ Axe-FX II Manual page numbers to Wiki article map
! scope="col" | Section heading
! scope="col" | Manual page
! scope="col" | Wiki article
|[[Foreword by Fractal]]
|Table of Contents
|<small>''(Not applicable)''</small>
|What’s New
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|1.1 What is the Axe FX II?
|1.2 The Inventory/Grid Concept
|[[Preset editing (working with the grid)]]
|1.3 Connectivity and More
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|1.3.1 My Head Hertz…
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|2 Overview
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|2.1 The Front Panel
|[[Front panel, controls and LEDs]]
|2.2 The Rear Panel
|[[Rear panel]]
|2.3 Computer Integration
|2.3.1 Minimum Requirements
|[[USB communication and audio]]
|2.3.2 Software Installation
|[[USB communication and audio]]
|2.3.3 Capabilities
|[[USB communication and audio]]
|3 Connections
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|3.1 SettingLevels
|[[Input: setting levels and parameters]]
|3.2 The PEDAL Jack
|[[Pedal jack]]
|3.3 System Parameters
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|3.4 Connection Diagrams
|3.4.1 Axe-Fx II into Self-Powered Full-Range Speakers
|[[Connecting the Axe-Fx II: FRFR amplification]]
|3.4.2 Axe-Fx II into Studio Monitors
|3.4.3 Axe-Fx II with Power Amp and Guitar Speakers
|3.4.4 Axe-Fx II Effects Loop
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|3.4.5 Axe-Fx II Digital Audio Interconnection
|3.4.6 Axe-Fx II Four Cable Method (“4CM”)
|3.4.7 Direct to FOH plus Real Amps on Stage
|3.4.8 Axe-Fx II as Effects Processor Only (with Guitar Amps)
|3.4.9 Axe-Fx II as a Computer Audio Interface
|[[USB communication and audio]]
|3.4.10 Axe-Fx II and MFC-101
|3.4.11 Axe-Fx II: One Possible “Big Rig”
|4 Basic Operation and Editing
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|4.1 Presets
|[[Preset loading]]
|4.2 The Grid
|[[Preset editing (working with the grid)]]
|4.2.1 Inserting and Removing Blocks
|[[Preset editing (working with the grid)]]
|4.2.2 Shunts
|[[Preset editing (working with the grid)]]
|4.2.3 Connector Cables
|[[Preset editing (working with the grid)]]
|4.2.4 Moving Blocks on the Grid
|[[Preset editing (working with the grid)]]
|4.2.5 Example Presets on the Grid
|[[Preset editing (working with the grid)]]
|4.3 Editing Sounds
|[[Effect blocks: editing]]
|4.3.1 Quick Control
|[[Quick Control knobs]]
|4.4 X/Y Switching
|[[X/Y switching and Quick Jump]]
|4.4.1 X/Y Quick Jump
|[[X/Y switching and Quick Jump]]
|4.5 Bypassing a Block
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|4.6 Loading Effects from another Preset
|[[Effect blocks: copy settings (Recall Effect)]]
|4.7 Saving Changes
|[[Preset creation, saving and naming]]
|4.7.1 Swapping the Locations of Two Presets
|[[Preset swapping]]
|5 Effects Guide
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|5.1 Amplifier [AMP]
|5.1.1 Basic Amp Parameters
|[[Amplifier (FX block): controls and parameters]]
|5.1.2 Advanced Amp Parameters
|[[Amplifier (FX block): controls and parameters]]
|5.2 Cabinet [CAB]
|5.3 Chorus [CHO]
|5.4 Compressor [CMP]
|5.5 Crossover [XVR]
|5.6 Delay [DLY]
|5.6.1 Mono Delay
|5.6.2 Stereo Delay
|5.6.3 Dual Delay
|5.6.4 Ping-Pong Delay
|5.6.5 Sweep Delay
|5.6.6 Reverse Delay
|5.6.7 Delay Common Parameters
|5.7 Drive [DRV]
|5.8 Effects Loop [FXL]
|[[Effects loop (FXL) (FX block)]]
|5.9 Enhancer [ENH]
|5.10 Feedback Send [SND] & Return [RTN]
|5.11 Filter [FLT]
|[[Filter (FX block)]]
|5.12 Flanger [FLG]
|[[Flanger (FX block)]]
|5.13 Formant [FRM]
|[[Formant (FX block)]]
|5.14 Gate/Expander [GTE]
|5.15 Graphic Equalizer [GEQ]
|5.16 Looper [LPR]
|[[Looper (FX block)]]
|5.17 Megatap Delay [MGT]
|5.18 Mixer [MIX]
|[[Mixer (FX block)]]
|5.19 Multiband Compressor [MBC]
|[[Multiband compressor (FX block)]]
|5.20 Multi Delay [MTD]
|5.20.1 Quad Tap Delay
|5.20.2 Plex Delay
|5.20.3 Plex Detune
|5.20.4 Plex Shift
|5.20.5 Band Delay
|5.20.6 Quad Series Delay
|5.20.7 Ten-Tap Delay
|5.20.8 Rhythm Tap Delay
|5.20.9 Diffusor
|5.21 Tremolo/Panner [PAN]
|[[Tremolo/Panner (FX block)]]
|5.22 Parametric EQ [PEQ]
|5.23 Phaser [PHA]
|5.24 Pitch Shifter [PIT]
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.1 Detune
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.2 Fixed Harmony
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.3 Intelligent Harmony
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.4 Classic Whammy
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.5 Octave Divider
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.6 Crystals
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.7 Advanced Whammy
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.8 Arpeggiator
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.24.9 Custom Shifter
|[[Pitch shifter (FX block)]]
|5.25 Quad Chorus [QCH]
|5.26 Resonator [RES]
|5.27 Reverb [REV]
|5.28 Ring Modulator [RNG]
|[[Ring Modulator (FX block)]]
|5.29 Rotary Speaker [ROT]
|5.30 Synth [SYN]
|[[Synth (FX block)]]
|5.31 Vocoder [VOC]
|[[Vocoder (FX block)]]
|5.32 Volume/Pan [VOL]
|[[Vol/Pan (FX block)]]
|5.33 Wahwah [WAH]
|[[Wahwah (FX block)]]
|5.34 Input Noise Gate
|[[Noise gate]]
|5.34.1 Input Impedance
|[[Input impedance]]
|5.35 Output Mixer
|[[Preset output mixer]]
|5.36 Common Mix Parameters
|[[Effect blocks: Level, Mix and Bypass]]
|6 Global Blocks
|[[Global Blocks]]
|6.1 Introduction
|[[Global Blocks]]
|6.2 Using Global Blocks
|[[Global Blocks]]
|6.2.1 Saving to a Global Block
|[[Global Blocks]]
|6.2.2 Loading and Linking a Global Block
|[[Global Blocks]]
|6.2.3 Loading Global Blocks without Linking
|[[Global Blocks]]
|6.2.4 Unlinking Preset and Global Blocks
|[[Global Blocks]]
|7 Modifiers & Controllers
|7.1 Introduction
|7.2 Creating a Modifier
|7.2.1 Transformations
|7.2.2 Damping
|7.2.3 Auto Engage
|7.2.4 Program Change Reset
|7.3 Control Sources
|7.3.1 LFO1 & 2
|7.3.2 ADSR 1 & 2
|7.3.3 Sequencer
|7.3.4 Envelope Follower
|7.3.5 Pitch Detector
|7.3.6 Manual Knobs
|7.3.7 External Controllers
|7.3.8 Modifier Power!
|8 Global Parameters
|8.1 Configuration Parameters
|8.2 Output Parameters
|8.3 Custom Scales
|9 Input/Output Parameters
|[[I/O menu parameters]]
|9.1 Input Parameters
|[[I/O menu parameters]]
|9.2 Audio Parameters
|[[I/O menu parameters]]
|9.3 MIDI Parameters
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|9.4 Control Parameters
This needs to be corrected, in wrong location
|9.5 Pedal Parameters
|[[Pedal jack]]
|9.6 X/Y Quick-Jump Assign
|[[X/Y switching and quick jumping]]
|10 Utilities
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|10.1 LCD Contrast
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|10.2 Preset Utilities
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|10.3 Status Meters
|[[Status meters]]
|10.4 Reset System
|[[Resetting the Axe-Fx II]]
|10.5 Firmware
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|11 Tuner
|12 Tempo
|12.1 Setting the Tempo
|12.2 Synchronizing Sound Parameters
|12.3 Tempo to Use
|12.4 Auto Delay
|13 Backing Up and Restoring
|[[Backing up and restoring]]
|13.1 MIDI/SysEx Backup and Restore
|[[Backing up and restoring]]
|13.1.1 Dumping to a computer
|[[Backing up and restoring]]
|13.1.2 Restoring from a Computer
|[[Backing up and restoring]]
|13.2 Onboard ROM Backup and Restore
|[[Backing up and restoring]]
|13.3 Machine-to-Machine Transfers
|[[Backing up and restoring]]
|14 Firmware Updates
|[[Firmware and updates]]
|14.1 Firmware
|[[Firmware and updates]]
|15 Troubleshooting
|[[Troubleshooting, bugs]]
|16 Appendix
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|16.1 Shortcuts Overview
|[[Editing shortcuts]]
|16.2 60-Second Edit Guide
|[[60-Second Edit Guide]]
|16.3 Understanding Preset Size Limits
|[[CPU utilization]]
|16.4 Signal Flow, Global, and I/O Parameters
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|16.5 LFO Waveforms, Duty, and Phase
|16.5.1 LFO Phase
|16.6 Tempo Cross Reference
|[[Tempo cross reference]]
|16.7 Mono and Stereo
|[[Output: mono/stereo configuration]]
|16.8 Mixology
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
|16.9 Humbuster™ Technology
|[[Output: Humbuster cabling]]
|16.10 Setting up a Wah Pedal
|[[Wahwah (FX block)]]
|16.10.1 Using the Onboard Pedal Jack
|[[Wahwah (FX block)]]
|16.10.2 Using an Expression Pedal on an MFC-101
|[[Wahwah (FX block)]]
|16.11 Setting Up Spillover
|[[Spillover of reverb/delay]]
|16.11.1 Within a Single Preset
|[[Spillover of reverb/delay]]
|16.11.2 Across Different Presets
|[[Spillover of reverb/delay]]
|16.12 Using Send and Return
|[[Feedback Send/Return (FX block)]]
|16.12.1 Creating Feedback Loops
|[[Feedback Send/Return (FX block)]]
|16.12.2 Extending the Length of Effect Chains
|[[Feedback Send/Return (FX block)]]
|16.13 Loading User Cab IRs
|[[Cabinet (FX block)]]
|16.14 Glossary & Resources
|[[Glossary and resources]]
|16.15 Axe-Fx II Bank & Preset Numbers Table
|[[MIDI menu parameters and communication]]
|16.16 Factory Default Settings
|[[Factory default settings]]
|17 Specifications
|17.1 Midi Implementation Chart
|[[MIDI menu parameters and communication]]
|<small>''(No individual page)''</small>
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|Image:MIDIRoutingParameters.png (800px)
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|Image:USBFeatures.png (800px)
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Latest revision as of 07:30, 23 February 2012