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This setting is in the I/O menu.
This setting is in the I/O menu.
[[category:Effect blocks]]
[[category:Presets and effects]]
[[category:Controllers and modifiers]]
[[category:Controllers and modifiers]]

Revision as of 09:06, 13 July 2011


Template:0 Disclaimer

Template:7 Modifiers and Controllers

Template:7.2 Creating a Modifier

Template:7.2.1 Transformations

Template:7.2.2 Damping

Template:7.2.3 Auto Engage

Template:7.2.4 Program Change Reset

Template:7.3 Control Sources

Template:7.3.1 LFO1 and LFO2

Template:7.3.2 ADSR1 and 2

Template:7.3.3 Sequencer

Template:7.3.4 Envelope Follower

Template:7.3.5 Pitch Detector

Template:7.3.6 Manual Knobs

Template:7.3.7 External Controllers

Template:7.3.8 Modifier Power

Template:9.4 Control Parameters

User contributions

About controllers and modifiers

A controller is a source that generates control data. An expression pedal for example is a controller because it outputs control data. And it’s an external controller, because the data is generated from outside the Axe-Fx II. The same goes for an on/off switch and a MIDI floor controller, when connected to the Axe-Fx II.

External controllers often operate on the basis of user input (by moving the pedal for example).

Eternal controllers can be connected to the Axe-Fx II directly using the Pedal jack input at the rear, or via MIDI IN or via a floor controller. In I/O > Ctrl you tell the Axe-Fx II which external controllers you’ll be using.

The Axe-Fx also has internal controllers, which output control data as well. These are: Tempo, LFO, ADSR, Sequencer, Envelope and Pitch. Push the Control button at the front to adjust settings. Adjusting settings always changes the current preset, not all presets.

And then there are modifiers. A modifier sits between a controllers and the parameters that the controller controls. Still with me? The controller sends control data, which is then being modified by a modifier, and then changes a parameter. Actually, it’s far easier to work with than it is to explain.

Example: the Wahwah effect. Go into Edit mode and you’ll see a block under the FREQ parameter. This means that the frequency parameter can be controlled by a controller. If it is, the block is filled. Go to FREQ and press Enter. You’re now in the Modifier menu. Under Source you can select the internal or external controller you wish to attach, or select “None” to detach a controller. Start, End, Slope, Damping etc. are other modifier parameters. If you’d choose an internal controller like Envelope, you need to go to the Control menu (front panel button) to configure it.

Setting the initial state of an external controller

You may want to configure the initial state of an external controller when selecting a preset (regardless of the preset setting). This makes sure, for example, that a volume pedal is never muted at startup. This setting is in the I/O menu.