Always consult the official Owners Manuals first

Mixer block

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Available on which products

  • Axe-Fx III: 4 blocks
  • FM3: 4 blocks
  • FM9: 4 blocks
  • Axe-Fx II: 2 blocks
  • AX8: no
  • FX8: no

Channels or X/Y

  • Axe-Fx III and FM9 and FM3: 4 channels
  • Axe-Fx II XL and XL+: X/Y
  • Axe-Fx II Mk I and II: no

Mixer block

The standalone Mixer block(s) can be used to mix and route signals on the grid.

The block can't be bypassed and doesn't support Global blocks.

For routing purposes, attach an external controller (switch) to the Mixer.

Example: operating the pedal or switch can enable one row (effect) and bypass another. This lets you use a single pedal to operate as a Wah (Wah block) or a Whammy (Pitch block), or crossfade between Amp blocks, similar to the Multiplexer block. Crossfading is something that the Mixer can accomplish and Channels cannot.

Unlike the Multiplexer block, the Mixer can handle multiple inputs simultaneously.

Read this:

Mixer in the Output block

Each preset has one or more Output blocks. Each Output block has Mix controls which let you set the overall output level of the preset and the relative levels of the grid rows. The output level can be different for each preset scene. The MIDI-controlled commands VOL INCR and VOL DECR adjust this level.

More information in the Owner's Manual.